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West Coast Jiggers KB Knife Unrigged Fishing Jig (Color: UV Baitfish / 200g)

ID: 111959 (Jig-WCJ-KB-200-UVBAITFISH)
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West Coast JiggerzFISHING.EVIKE



  • Multi-facet design for improved sinking speed
  • Designed to fall quickly to desired depths
  • Reflective holographic surface finish to help catch the light and attract fish
  • Hard to resist life-like eyes built into the jig
  • Mimics live bait by swimming hirzontally in currents
The slender shape allows the jig to fall to "the ZONE" quickly. When the jig hits a current the jig swims horizontally which looks like live bait fleeing. The jig gets bit on the fall as well as on the retrieve using a pump and wind method.

Manufacturer: West Coast Jiggers / Fishing.Evike


Length: 7"
Weight: 200g

About West Coast Jiggerz

West Coast Jiggerz designs and manufactures custom fishing jigs


At, we believe that superior outdoor recreational products can create a better world. That is why we develop, innovate, and pioneer to bring you the perfect experience and innovate products. Here at fishing.evike we offer a wide selection of fishing gear that we would love to use ourselves as well as a selection of products we create with the Battle Angler mindset joining the best of tactical and the fishing world!

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