Basic Charging Tips
Charging a LiPo battery is straightforward but requires certain precautions to ensure safety and optimal performance. For your average airsoft LiPo battery, we recommend a charger that solely connects through the white balance plug, leaving the main output plug untethered. More advanced chargers might also connect through the main output plug as well, but still must connect through the balance plug simultaneously. Chargers that solely connect to the main plug are incapable of charging each LiPo cell with balance and will damage the battery. We highly recommend considering an intelligent charger that cuts off charging based on cell voltage and battery capacity.
When charging your LiPo battery packs, always charge them on a non-flammable surface with ample space around the battery. A cluttered charging area can be hazardous on the off chance something goes wrong. Stay near the battery while charging to monitor progress and disconnect if needed. We also recommend charging batteries in a LiPo charging bag, also known as a "LiPo sack." Modern LiPo batteries are stable and safe, but a LiPo charging bag can contain potential cell failures and prevent small fires.
Higher end chargers might allow you to set the charge rate. Most airsoft LiPo packs are best charged at a rate of 1C or higher. "1C" refers to a charge rate matching your LiPo pack's capacity in mAh. For example, a 2000mAh battery should be charged at 2 Amps to achieve a 1C charge rate. Manufacturer guidelines on maximum charge rates can vary, with some recommending up to 1C and others up to 6C, particularly for higher performance batteries. Always consult your manufacturer's recommendations.
Discharging and Storage Tips
The ideal storage charge for a LiPo is between 50-70% charge. Lithium batteries will slowly deplete their charge over time in storage. If they reach 0% charge, they may not be able to become recharged again. It is important to keep this in mind when using an airsoft rifle as well. If your AEG feels as if it’s responsiveness is becoming sluggish, unplug your battery and put it on a charger right away. Always use a LiPo bag when storing your batteries, and consider placing them in a sealed container for added safety. Accidental drops or impacts can rupture LiPo cells, leading to fires. An ammo box is an inexpensive and secure option for storing LiPo packs. "Made in USA" Molded Polypropylene Stackable Ammo Can by Plano (Size: 11.63" x 5.13" x 7.13")

Avoid over-discharging your LiPo batteries, as this can cause "puffing" or complete failure, which can lead to fires. This can happen in inefficient rifles that demand more energy than your battery can give. If you have a smart electronic trigger system, ensure your airsoft gun's minimum voltage cutoff setting is on. If your battery shows signs of severe puffing or damage, retire it and seek assistance from your local hobby shop for proper disposal.
Breaking-In and Cycling LiPo Packs
Breaking in new LiPo packs is generally covered by manufacturers. If not, follow the general rule of fully charging the battery before first use and taking it slow on the trigger for the first few charge cycles. Avoid running the battery too low initially, and ensure it is fully charged before each subsequent use. After a few cycles, the battery should be ready for regular use.
Cycling a LiPo battery, which involves charging, discharging, and recharging, is beneficial for batteries that have been idle. Doing so is eased by more advanced chargers. This practice helps reduce internal resistance (IR) and maintains cell health.
Understanding proper LiPo battery charging, discharging, and storage techniques is crucial for maintaining your airsoft LiPo battery packs. Too often do I see batteries fizzle out early on due to improper treatment. Follow these tips to ensure a long and successful use of your LiPo batteries. More batteries means more charge, and more charge means more BBs shot down range. Keep those batteries safe, airsofter!