Our company is seven years old and is one of the originators of the ratchet belt in the USA. We didnt invent the ratchet system, we re-engineered it and made it better. The technology has been around for 25 years and is very popular in Asia. And thats where one of the founders of Nexbelt, Eddie discovered it. He brought it back to his business partner Tom and discussed what could be done better. The first thing we did was to upgrade the leather – something most companies dont do today. We utilized the existing mechanism but designed a buckle to resemble a pin buckle – and a golf buckle that had a hidden ball marker behind the face - which we received US patents for.
One significant difference between our company and others is that we design and build our own tools & molds. We dont take a pre-existing mold and slap our logo on it. Weve made the time and money to design and engineer something that is unique and better – that represents our design and engineering philosophy. We strive to be different to be the best.