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Press Releases

Evike Europe is LIVE

June 3, 2022 - Alhambra, California, USA USA, the retailer and distributor, is pleased to announce As a team at Evike, we are grateful and excited to have partners with the same vision and goals as us taking on the challenge of Evike Europe, bringing our innovative products and passion for Airsoft to fans in Europe!

For over 20 years we have developed many products we love to use ourselves as Airsofters. However, we have seen the struggle to obtain these products outside of the US. For this reason, we have partnered with a European team to resolve this issue, providing faster shipping and a better understanding of local rules and regulations. With this common goal and vision, this partnership was established so that our fans could enjoy top-notch service, and the best shopping experience! Thank you for your support.

"This is an exciting project, and I am personally excited for the end users who will enjoy our product lines. Having a partner that understands the local laws and regulations will enable fans of our products to have access to them like never before." - George Melahn, Marketing Manager, USA

Press Contacts:
Evike Europe
[email protected]

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