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CYMA Standard L96 Bolt Action High Power Airsoft Sniper Rifle (Color: OD Green / Add Scope)

55 Customer Reviews

by Caleb M. on 08/10/2024
"Firstly, this is an amazing gun.

I cannot express how great this gun is. Hefty and large. Bolt needs a little breaking in, though it's smooth as butter once greased. Relatively high FPS, high mag capacity of about ~20 rds. My only complaint is that the body of the rifle may rattle or creak.

-Metal barrel & bolt
-Smooth and natural bolt cycling
-High mag capacity
-High FPS
-Bipod compatible

-Body may rattle
by Hudson H. on 04/03/2021
"Very very satisfied. Really smooth and light bolt pull and insane range. Compatibility is as wide as the horizon.
by Zane A. on 03/15/2021
"So I bought one of these a while back, I have no complaints, except that it has a threaded barrel and I cannot find ANYWHERE where anyone has said what kind of threads they are
by Paul R. on 09/22/2020
"this was my first sniper rifle and its amazing. It's affordable and is very acurate.
magazine holds way more than 20 rounds
blot is easy to pull back
cheek riser is comfortable
feels good
not too heavy

if you put a sling on it its a little uncomfortable
trigger gets stuck every once in a while. easy fix just pull it back and let it go again.
by JACOB H. on 08/02/2020
"very nice! feeds wonderfully, have used it a few times but last time i couldn't use it cause dummy me forgot that the stock mag was only rated for 20 rounds and not 40 so it over fed into the chamber and would cycle. but taking it apart for a quick fix was very easy. all in all, works great and would get this again if i had too
by Adam L. on 05/13/2020
"I'm quite pleased with it, I bought the full package, bipod and scope. It shot quite consistently, able to hit a tin can at ~50 yards almost every time, with minimal wind granted. Once I got the scope sighted in, it was a dream to shoot.

For being polymer, it doesn't really have any kind of "weak" or flex-y-ness to it, quite sturdy all round.

Only two problems I found with it out-of-box:

One: little lose on the tolerances for the bolt group, can be wiggled more than preferable. However this does not effect accuracy, and is really only noticable when scrutinizing. This was completely removed upon adding some custom o-rings around the bolt.

Two: the glitch in the matrix being if you try to rack the bolt twice, it will feed two BBs into the chamber. Usually is fine, I actually use it sometimes to perform closer shots, as it effectively halves each BBs velocity, meaning that it won't hurt as much at close range. However do NOT try to do it more than twice as it is very likely to jam past two.

Solid weight, feels good in your hands, but not too heavy.

Bipod in package is telescopic, quite sturdy, great quality.

Optic in package is 3-9x40 with a "Fine Duplex Reticle". Great eye relief, crisp, no in-focus blurring.

For those who don't know, 3-9x40 means that it is variable zoom, 3-9 times normal. And the 40 is the diameter of the front most lense, in millimeters.
Also, if you see an optic that is something like this: 4x32 (which is an ACOG optic)
That means it's non variable, 4x zoom, with a 32mm front lense.
Bigger the lense, the more light will be let in. More is NOT always better. The higher the magnification the bigger the lense should be, 30-40mm is good for 4-10x, usually. Of greater than 10x zoom, look for 50mm. If under 4x, look for 20-30.
by Phoenix E. on 01/23/2020
"This was my first Airsoft sniper rifle and I love this thing!

- pulling back the bolt is easy to do
- amazing accuracy with .25
- the magazine that comes with the gun holds more than 20 rounds, I was able to put 85 bb’s in mine.
- it’s not to heavy
- easy to disassemble and reassemble
- comfortable stock
- super easy to adjust hop up
- a sturdy build, some of it is plastic but the barrel, bolt, and mags are metal
- powerful and clearly consistent FPS
- the speed loader that comes with it is very useful

- occasionally will jam if you pull the bolt back twice but is
easy to fix.
- it’s hard to aim with a full face mask on
by Mark P. on 12/09/2019
"UPDATE by Mark P. -

After some time, the seals on the L96 started to go -but that's to be expected. I took the opportunity to swap in new O-rings, re-lubricate the bolt carrier group (if it can be called that). And swapped in a NEW spring. Specifically the

Angel Custom PSS10 Mega-Up VSR-10 Power Up Spring - SP150, here on Evike
Product # AC-VSR-SP150

Get yourself some really stout angle cutters (pliers). I ended up cutting off 1-15/16" off the end that is pitched looser in order to get it to fit - rather tightly. Take off cuts progressively and get the custom fit to your liking.

The bolt IS rather stout to cycle. You will need to be stronger rather than weaker.

After all is said and done (with excellent seal) the platform is shooting .20s at an average 550+ (highest measured at 571, but the spring has been worn in a bit and is steady about 555).
by Isaac H. on 05/11/2019
"Great for sniping, fun to shoot, and very quiet. This gun won't disappoint you. Worth buying don't doubt this for a second.
by Noah S. on 01/25/2019
"Warning: if you buy this. You are buying a very reliable gun. I bought the tan version and it shipped in perfect condition but you might want to invest in some heavier bbs. it is a little big so before you buy it you should measure the size to your height
by Mark P. on 08/12/2018
"This gun is an excellent deal - maybe not the best, but will definitely give the larger portion of arms on the field a run for their money after a minor bit of work.

First - disassemble and shore up the barrel's length with foam baffles cut to (just barely larger than) the diameter of the outer barrel. I used 7 spaced evenly about 1" thick each. This will stabilize your barrel. Additionally, use teflon tape (pipe doping tape) at the muzzle end so there is not play between it and the outer barrel - as well as the base of the outer barrel that is threaded. Use electrical tape to aid in (air) sealing the breech end of the barrel that meets with the hop up unit.

Second - clean that barrel. lube the bolt/receiver system with silicon lubricant.

Third - sight the barrel, I find 30 yards to be a good medium. Try to make the trajectory (hop up) as flat and as accurate as possible - lobbying tennis balls in a game of catch is not what we're looking for and - like others have said - DO NOT RAISE THE GUN WHEN CYCLING THE BOLT. This may cause problems with the internal loading system which may require disassembly in order to dislodge stuck bullet. DO NOT FORCE THE BOLT forward - the feed ramp could get damaged and is not replaceable.

I use .25g BBs - as .20 (most AS fields) are a bit too light and veer off with the slightest gust of wind. Even .25g BBs are at the mercy of wind. I have found they are more accurate. On a day with minimal air disturbance I can confidently hit a man sized target at 50 yards. I can get in the area of a 4'x4' at a 100 yards on a day with minimal air disturbance.

I don't know why people complain about the stock- I've handled plenty of bona-fide firearms in my day from handguns, PDWs, rifles, shotguns, etc. Any firearm that uses a polymer receiver, forearm, stock, buttstock, etc - I find that "feel" may vary between manufacturers of the firearm or the weapon's body. This doesn't really feel remarkably different (toy-ish). Once picking it up, it was a more "okay that's what it feels like" and have had no concerns about the ruggedness of the stock or any "plastic-y" feel.

You will need to buy a sight to mount on the picatinny riser included. If you go with a scope, magnification is not really needed - anything above 3x is stupid. If you are a shooter of any kind - hitting a target at 200yards with irons is childs play. With airsoft guns, you won't ever get that kind of accuracy. Magnification won't help at that point!

Is this weapon heavy? Not compared to the real thing. Keep in mind though this is not an m4 or an assault platform - this platform is not meant to be run around in an engagement. Find a good spot, hunker down, support the platform, and take your kills when the opportunity presents itself. Move when needed to a new spot. Rinse and repeat.

I've had good success and plenty of good experiences with this rifle after putting a bit of work on it and taking care of it. It's a great platform. With the price - it's an excellent platform!
by Sam E. on 04/21/2018
"The gun is a very good gun, though there are a couple things that you need to know about it. First you need to know to never hold the gun pointed to the sky and cock the gun back. This will cause a bb to get stuck in the chamber and will not let you be able to shoot. This happened to me about 4 times before I figured out was was wrong with it. Other than that, I is the best sniper rifle I've used.
by Gavin B. on 04/15/2018
"Got this gun a few days ago and have to say that it is AWESOME! Pulled it right out of the box and it was shooting 530fps for me. Plus the scope was already zeroed in, strangely enough. You really can't go wrong with the price of the rifle. I highly recommend it.
by timothy h. on 03/17/2018
"The 500 fps spring is in the box and needs to be installed. The description is wrong.
by Kyle B. on 12/19/2017
"Very Good Gun it is a bit heavy but overall it is great. What I did was bought it with nothing and when I bought it i just went on parts and accessories and found the same exact one for cheaper. You have to get the scoop perfectly lined up with the barrel otherwise it will be of target.
Overall it is Great