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Double Eagle M3 3-Round Burst Multi-Shot Shell Loading Airsoft Shotgun (Model: Full Stock)

146 Customer Reviews

by Travis B. on 04/29/2009
"Mine was excellent while it was operational. The range was great and the fps was painful. However, overloading the shells can cause them to stop feeding. Mine eventually jammed up beyond repair and is sitting idle against my wall, but keep in mind I let many rookies use it.


solid construction
good range and fps
Interchangeable stock


shells can jam
difficult to disassemble
near impossible to unjam 2 of the 3 barrels
by Kyle B. on 10/13/2008
"OMG!!! 4 DAYS GROUND SHIPPING!!! wow that was fast. anyway i got the gun and these are my pros and cons:

tri-shot really hard to cock

shells only comes with 2 shells

good fps expensive

sturdy, good material

looks awesome

comes w/ speedloader & strap

overall this is a great buy. I was dissappointed to find that it REALLY takes some strength to cock. its hard, and on the field it will take longer. but this is one of the best shotgunz on the markiet because it can shoot 3 bbs at once. it has a cool /navy-seal/ type look, its heavy. im glad i got it. -hope this helped.....
by Taylor H. on 05/11/2008
"So, you want to try out a shotgun that actually scatters? And you don't want to blow $300 on it? Well my friend, I have the perfect gun for you:

Size & Build Quality:

This version has a very compact feel. It has a sturdy ABS plastic body, rubber pistol grip, rubber pump grip, metal shell door, metal barrel and pump construction, metal sling mounts, metal sights, metal trigger/saftey assembley. It has an extremely durable coat of paint, tough as nails build, and is a manageable sub-compact shotgun. The sights resemble that of a Glock handgun and help you zero in on moving targets. But a downside is that instead of trades you get a warning etching on the fake ejection port.


It has a though pump action that gets annoying after a while, but it's worth the price cut. Distance is great, this thing reaches out two around 100ft with 2g bbs and at that distance has about a 7.5ft spread at 25ft it has a 2.5ft spread and has a perfect spread rate, very easily controled and judged; Spread ratio: +bb weight=-spread and visa versa.


Magazine capacity is great for a shotgun, the shells are a nice addition compared to the almost to common occurance of bad mags of cheap single shot mid powered shot guns.

Pro's and Cons:

- Great Build
- Shells are cheap as dirt
- Scatter
- Very affordable
- Good sights
- Warning instead of trades
- Not a very clean look, they're are a few random levers that just get in the way, but that's Benneli's fault
- Hard pump

INSERT PICTURE of gun with accessories if you have them, or of where accessorie can/can't connect


I love this gun, even though the pump is annoying, the pros simply overload the cons. I feel that UTG has really done well, and I would be overjoyed to see more shotgun type weapons go into production from them. The UTG M3 shotgun blasts 8 scatterd bbs, out of 10.

8/10, Great buy for the price.
by Zac H. on 02/13/2021
"The gun itself is pretty awesome for the price, but I stupidly got the one with the retractable butt stock and it's very wobbly and the pistol grip is also kind of loose and feels like it could just fall off

Shoots well
Feels like the real deal
Good price
Good iron sights
Fairly accurate
Good power
Durable frame
Good weight (not too heavy and not too light)

Low quality pistol grip and retractable butt stock (get the full stock version)
No way to tighten the stock or handle
No way to just take the stock off completely
The owner's manual is very vague and doesn't say anything about how to use the hop up system
No tac rails/ not very customizable
by Josh V. on 11/21/2017
"For it's price this gun is a steal, especially for beginner airsofters who want to venture out into the shotgun realm of airsoft CQB. I would strongly advise against getting the retractable stock version, though, due to the inevitable tendency of the shotgun's stock to wobble uncontrollably. The only way to fix it is to either get a 6 inch Allen wrench or cut off the stock (which I did). Get either the fixed stock or the no stock option.

RATING- 3/5 for the retractable stock version, but 5/5 for the other options.
by Beth Dean M. on 07/18/2015
"I got this gun a little wile back. I really like the feel and look of it. Does not seem like it will break any time soon. But there are a few 'big' problems with it. The stock and pistol grip get loose really fast and is really hard to tighten. I would DEFINETLY recommend getting the full stock version. I wish I did more research and chosen that one. also on mine one bb only goes 15 feet. really messed up so now its a 2 shot. but over great gun shells feed nice and easy to reload. as for the pumping problem its not that hard to pump after a few times.
by Nicholas P. on 10/25/2013
the sights are nice
good fps
rail on top

retractable stock wobbles (fixable)
barrel is too long+the inner barrel does't even go to the end of it it stops like 5ins before the end of the outer barrel

over all i would not buy this gun again but I would buy the one with the shorter barrel and fixed stock.
by zachary m. on 02/08/2011
"I bought this gun from a sporting good store locally. it was really well made besides the weak shell cage to hold it in. the hinge was not up to par. the trigger pull was easy, and the cocky was TOUGH. I'm only into airsoft to spent time with younger family members who often play. And my 15 year old brother has trouble cocky it.

the 3 round shot is nice but only in cqb would this gun serve any battlefield purpose. Its very durable and actually loud when fired.

3 shot burst
ROF (slam fire mode)
great fell to the weapon
weight is significant

hard to cock
small mags
fragile mag cage hinge
delicate shell mags

final say: its fun to mess around with, i would not bring this to any match. Your better off getting a shot gun with a high cap magazine with a single barrel
not accurate over 40-50 feet
by michael c. on 10/27/2008
"I got this gun. It was only 55 dollars, and Evike has shipping. It is a wonderful gun,but I would go toSportsmen Warehouse and get it for 55 with no shipping and Handiling and would not have to wait for it to come. Now, about the GUN Itself. It is a high of 360 FPS, really fun to use, comes with 2 shells, each with 30 bb's (20 shots in all) and is very reliable. But the bad part is that you of course have to cock it back every time, and it is hard to cock back, but it gets easier. I would go to Sprotsmen Warhouse, but if they do not have it, or there is none in youre state, buy it from here. For the Price of Evkie: 3 stars.

Store: 4 stars.
by mason s. on 10/04/2008
"does the gun come with the hand too!!!!!
jk i hate when ppl write ?s in reviews
ive seen many of these in use shoots 3 at a time w/shotgun style shell mags,

range about the same as a stock echo 1,... not bad overall
by Janette C. on 10/26/2015
"We received this gun last week. My son shot about 3 shells and the pump stopped working. He used it for less than twenty minutes. I sent a message to technical support through the "contact us" link. I have not received any response yet. Is anyone else having issues with this gun. It appears to be well built and sturdy. I don't know what the issue is.