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Shadow Op MB01 Type96 MK96 APS-2 Airsoft Bolt Action Sniper Rifle (Color: Desert Tan / Add Bipod)

240 Customer Reviews

by William L. on 09/22/2008
"To Krez and Brian, this sniper rifle does come with a tri rail mount. However, this sniper rifle does not come with a scope or a bipod (you will have to add it onto the package, but I recommend that you purchase a separate scope and bipod as the ones in the package might not be to your liking).
by Brian R. on 09/22/2008
"To Krez, this thing should have a tri rail mount that goes at the end of the hand guard under the barrel, the stock bipod sits there and theres enough space for a light laser or w/e you want on

This thing is as boss as they come!!!
by Michael B. on 09/22/2008
"this is one of the finest guns here. this gun is hard to cock for beginners I would only suggest this gun if you have been playing for around 3-4 years because if you do not yet understand the fine stature of a gun yet then why get it but if you are like me who goes out with his friends like every day and plays a little then this is a perfect gun for you dead on shot an awesome scope witch scopes SUCK with some guns a bipod if you buy it witch helps because its very heavy for an Airsoft gun and has amazing range the only real downside is the FPS or velocity 500 fps is a lot for a kid or any other younger players somebody will get hurt if you do not use the right padding if you go out with a tank top or a short sleeve shirt it will go into your skin about 3 cm. but if you are smart and go out in padding witch gives the affect of a real war no harm done just welts witch you get from every gun so all and all this gun rocks for players that have been playing for 3-4 years
by Krez F. on 09/22/2008
"Does anybody know if this can take a laser attachment?
by William L. on 09/20/2008
"I nice gun. Shoots far and hard. However, I do not recommend the scope and bipod that come with the sniper rifle, I recommend that you choose your own because depending on what you choose, it can actually end up cheaper and more customized. The rifle itself though is amazing. It could have been made more quiet though because right now it is a little too loud for my level of stealth.
by scott f. on 09/18/2008
"this gun is great shoots beautifully except for a few random 1s, but those but come that often. very comfertable(i know i cant spell so dont give me sh*t for it ) and highly accurate. im hitting 2'x2' peices of card board at 250 ft. great weight. very durable. great buy for the price. only bad thing is that the bipod RIS thing is pretty wobbly but its like that for all type 96's. all in all this is a great gun i give it 5 outta 5
by Esteban O. on 09/17/2008
"what are sniper rings and what is the distance this sniper fires its bullet acuratly?
by Billy E. on 09/17/2008
"oh and if you plan on "sniping" i would recommend getting the king arms harris style bipod. it comes in handy a lot. you will use it more than you think. it will help you get closer to the ground so you get a better shot and you will feel more comfortable. i mean if you got an extra 50 to 60 bucks to waste then id get it otherwise get the one under available options. its not a bad bipod, it gets the job done but if you plan on bein on hills or other elevated areas i would go with the harris bipod.. just somethin i thought you people should know
by Billy E. on 09/17/2008
"The scope that is listed under available options should get the job done. it is a nice solid scope that is easy to adjust and has a perfect zoom for this sniper. as for scope rings
;products_id=26602 those should fit. they run about 8 bucks so pretty cheap. those are the ones i have for mine and they work great and there real durable. just raise the cheek rest and it will be more comfortable. and for the guy who wants a new spring. i think if you go to AEG springs and go under other springs and it should be the second one. it will probably upgrade it to over 500 fps.. im not sure if it will work, i mean it says it will but im not 100% im thinkin about gettin an upgraded spring myself and im thinkin about that one so if i get it ill let you know. if you got any other questions i would be glad to answer
by AJ B. on 09/16/2008
"i really enjoy this gun. it is super accurate and shoots very efficiently. i cant find upgrade parts for it yet. if anyone knows where to find an upgrade spring, email me at [email protected]
by Robyn L. on 09/12/2008
"this gun is about 10 pounds with a scope and bipod and it shoots roughly it loud? not really...pull the trigger and its like a plump sound...about half as loud as an aeg maybe quieter

great gun though!! i love mine!!
250ft range ftw
by Michael J. on 09/04/2008
"The bipod is an option for $30, look at the end of the description, there is a drop down box. I would get both, the scope is great!
by Lucas H. on 08/15/2008
"It is a really good and heavy sniper rifle. i recommend it.
by Alec A. on 08/13/2008
"Very good sniper rifle very accurate and fast up to a certain point. With this rifle you have to use BB's .25 or higher. I was using .23 and they were curving mad to the left or up past 75ft. You put any hop-up on the BB and it soars upward. Inorder to get that very accurate shot i suggest the heaver BB other wise you won't be able to hit anything past 75ft. Otherwise at that distance i can hit targets the size of a tennis ball 4/5 times due to wind and the lighter BB's. Overall 5/5
by chris s. on 08/02/2008
"Great gun, i rarely give 5* ratings, and this truly deserves it
accurate up to 80ft on a light wind day, power is a little weak with anything over .28 but its still great, and it weighs MAYBE 3 lbs.