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Shadow Op MB01 Type96 MK96 APS-2 Airsoft Bolt Action Sniper Rifle (Color: Desert Tan / Add Bipod)

240 Customer Reviews

by martha v. on 07/29/2008
"my cousin got this and it is dead on accurate from at least 75 ft it has a hair trigger so the trigger will never get jammed like my AGM/JG APS2 type96 sniper (it is on the page) and the hairpin will never make it miss fire but if your going to get it make sure you have 50$ more for a scope that comes with it if you customize it its still good with out the scope but more accurate with it
by shawn p. on 07/28/2008
"This is a very nice gun. Very good grip, nice feal and weight to it. Very powerful. I just got this gun today and i sighted it in, in about 5min. this gun shoots far, fast, and accurate. I would suggest i t anyone wanting a very nice sniper rifle
by Enrique G. on 07/22/2008
"wow, I finaly took it to my first match!! it kicked ass. everyone was shocked that I only paid a little over 100 bucks. I uses really good .27 bbs I wouldn't recomend spending 400 dollars on a sniper cause realliticaly you will get lit up by AEG's, but snipers are still fun to play with. and its a good price to get as a second gun
by seth d. on 07/20/2008
"i just bought this gun it hadent arrived yet but i wanted to know every thing that i might also need for this sniper. or if theres any thing i must know so i can use at best performace possible. i want to know if there is a ris rail system on the bottom front. and what fps it shoots right out of the box becuse there is definitley a range inbetween fps on the cover.
by Enrique G. on 07/17/2008
"For the price this gun rocks, I got it with the scope upgrade, and I use .27 bbs. I let my friend use it, and he shot the top of my head form about 200ft aways, while I was behind cover, . pluse he broke the window of an old car that my friend was trying to hide behind. you can not get a better gun for the price. you would have to buy a 300 dollar TM and plus still have to upgrade it, to get it to shoot as well as this one.
by David K. on 07/17/2008
"The few reviews below seem to have mistaken this for the "BE model".

There is the "WELL" that is the same as UTG (The good one, this one).

Then there is the "BE" model that Evike discontinued. The Both elephant model is very fragile and often breaks off the box from reviews.

The UTG / Well model is very durable, mine shoots perfectly and from the construction of it it is very well built. Don't have to spend $500 to get a good sniper.
by chris m. on 07/16/2008
"this gun owns ive had for almost a month now and the first shot i took was great hit a target from about 120ft away and the next day I shot it and it a bottle from exactly 275ft away but the bipod is kinda cheap but scope is great bolt is kinda heavy and the gun it's is so heavy if your a runner do not by this gun i give this gun five stars oh and it hurts leaves huge welts and bruises!!!!!!!!! GET IT
by jordan l. on 07/15/2008
"dont listen to that evan guy, he just got a bad gun. This IS a good company, but they are also cheap and mass manufactured. Thus, there will always be 1 bad gun in a batch of 1000 good ones.
by Johnny S. on 07/13/2008
"Carl, why are you pissed off at evike? They are the retailer, not the manufacture. Due to the complex design of every airsoft gun, I don't think Evike can guarantee that your UTG Type96 is the best one out of the 2000 UTG Type96 evike sells. I would contact them if you believe your gun is a defective, but if it shoots good, but your friend's is more accurate, you might want to sight in your scope or change the bb weight to figure out what is altering your accuacy. The parts on these mass manufactured items are all the same parts.
by Carl C. on 07/11/2008
"I take what I said before back my friend just ordered one of these and now I'm a little pissed off at evike because I guess mine is a no good my friends is like an angle, it fires so smoothly and all it takes is a good marksman I rerate this gun up to 5 stars! This gun owns the house, and uh I hope evike will take my gun back.
by Peter S. on 07/10/2008
"Let me just say this gun is amazing. Im the sniper for our squad when we play other squads and i own a matrix one( its like the vsr1000 or whatever for 60 bucks read that review) my friend owns this sniper an di use it when my snipers range wont cut it. the only con there is for this gun is the magazine is a bit loose in its well and you have to press it in to reload. plus its a bit on the heavy/long side which i wouldnt reconmend for small p;layers but overall its an amazing gun, amazing price, i would say get this without a second thought
by Justin S. on 07/10/2008
"This rifle is drop-dead gorgeous, packs a powerful punch and is very inexpensive. When I showed this to my friends before a skirmish, they damn near crapped their pants :D. A must buy!!!
by Jarod R. on 07/07/2008
"Yeah I got one with a scope and bipod which are great by the way! This gun has turned every head that has laid eyes on it! Amazing rifle, extrememly enjoyable to play with. And leaves a nice welt to go along. If you are looking for a good Sniper then look no further! Just remember to adjust your sights every now and then.
by Jeff C. on 07/07/2008
"Simply don't put a 0.12g bb in this rifle ever. Its a high power gun, use 0.25g matrix on this one for best performance. 0.12g won't shatter in it due to airsoft guns are air pressure powered. But if the bb is not precise enough it will jam. Most 0.12g bb are not meant for high power guns like these.
by Jaroslaw O. on 07/03/2008
"What can i say............just perfect rifle!!!!!If you looking for something heavy you have to buy it.