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Golden Eagle M4 Tactical-System V.II Full Size Airsoft AEG Rifle (Color: Black - Basic Battery Package)

248 Customer Reviews

by Eric M. on 01/15/2009
"This is a great gun. The only problem i had with this gun was that the battery is a pain in the neck to put in the gun, but thats it.

Webmaster: Once you get used to the battery its not hard. A good solution is to get a PEQ2 box and there will be no more need to open the handguard. + you can fit a much larger 9.6V for higher rate of fire and smoother firing.
by johnnie p. on 01/12/2009
"This was my first gun must say it is vary versitile easy to upgrade vary dependable out the box 400fps rof was good never checked it does the job highly recommend
by Ryan F. on 01/05/2009
"i got this gun a week ago and i love it .it is so amazing i was aat a freinds house and i was shooting it and it reached their fence witch is about 250 feet away .and the accuracy on this gun is awsome .but it does has a few bad things about it gitting in the battery and it is little loud .but over all this is the best gun i have ever had .

good accuracy
good range
power full
looks like a sexy beast
no jams
can attach alot of things to it

a little loud
kinda heavy
hard to get in battery

so get this gun you wont be disapoited
by Tamara H. on 01/02/2009
"Amazing weapon love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great weight and feel. I defiantly recommend this gun.
by Mitchell M. on 12/31/2008
"i got this gun not to long ago and this things a beast, but always use high grade bullets so it doesnt jam ur gun :L
by Jim L. on 12/30/2008
"This gun is awesome its very accurate and well built
by Karl G. on 12/29/2008
"WOW this gun is not gona break on you or atleast the ris and sights arent they are made of like triple reinforced hardened steel do not get this gun if you cant handle carrying a saw! this thing is not for little people!
by dan g. on 12/22/2008
"I bought this gun and it rocks! I love it! It has a super high FPS for a JG and man, it sure is light! Its preeetty light for a metal gun (although not fullmetal) and it is very durable. Very high ROF and is a awesome airsoft gun! I reccomend it to anybody! :D
It is also the most accurate gun ever! (in my opinion)

high ROF
high FPS
flip up sights
dead accurate
metal and ABS plastic
its a m4! Alotta upgrades!

Mag that comes with it is ok, but only 300 rds. I suggest buying new one
battery...its great but I dont know how long to charge it, lol
umm....thats it! Ill update if theres anything else!
by Jacob S. on 12/22/2008
"This thing is beast!!! Overall fps i would say is at about 430-440. Front Assmebly is nice a firm. Not exactly Lipo ready though. When you buy the battery it doesnt fit so buy a PEQ box(matrix should do)

Burps the bbs out (easily 20rps)
Good fps
Dead accurate
Good construction

Front assembly bad for batteries(good for attachments though)

This is the newer version. I have the old one it was ok but this one is much better and only $5 more!
by payne k. on 12/20/2008
"i have a jg m4 s-system 2008 ver that has ver 3 gear box and stuff like new spring can i run a lipo battory in it or at least a 9.6

great gun

Webmaster: All M4 / S-System have Ver 2 gearbox. Don't be confused by reviews / descriptions from retailers that have no idea about tech. work. The gun can run a 9.6V up to a lipoly. A 9.6V will need to be in a PEQ box that goes on the RIS. A lipoly will fit. The gearbox is reliable. Lipo will cause higher rate of wear and tear, but the result tactical advantage / rate of fire is the trade-off.
by payne k. on 12/20/2008
"this is a awsome gun for the price i have had it for over 90 days and this thing is so good for the money i can reach out and hit people using g3 and m14 and after i put the tight bore on i hope to be able to snip with this thing
i dount know about lipo but if any one knows if you can use lipo batorys then let me know

buy this gun it is a awsome gun

Webmaster: The gun can run a 9.6V up to a lipoly. A 9.6V will need to be in a PEQ box that goes on the RIS. A lipoly will fit. The gearbox is reliable enough for lipo. Lipo will cause higher rate of wear and tear, but the result tactical advantage / rate of fire is the trade-off.
by dan g. on 12/13/2008
"This gun rocks! i just got it yesterday and all i hav 2 say is WOW! most of it is metal and the other stuff are very durable ABS plastic. i luv it!

gr8 ROF and FPS
lotta upgrades
Extremely Accurate!
pretty light for a metal gun!
very durable!
flip up sights
flash hider is removable

Pretty loud
hard to jam the battery in the battery thingy
thats all!

In conclusion
by Phyllis H. on 12/08/2008
"does any one know what lipoly battery this gun with the option on the bottom comes with?

Webmaster: 11.1V 1500mah.
by Victor H. on 12/03/2008
"Yes you can easily change the fps, just get a "velocity reducer" off this sight for $15 its a sweet deal especially for those guns that come with 400 fps that you want for CQB, so now you dont need to buy the $55 fps downgrade

You can just buy a velocity reducer and be able to reduce the velocity up to 0-47% so a 300 fps gun will drop to 159 fps on the maximum setting

Btw velocity reducers are like mock silencers, they usually don't have an orange tip and they screw onto a thread You will need a CCW thread or counterclock wise, the same thing

I ordered this gun and I will make a follow-up review when it arrives, and I will be using a Li-Poly
by Chris B. on 11/20/2008
"Can this gun be used with a Lipo battery? The desert tan one says it is, but is this one compatible.