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The " SWAGG Pack" (Edition: 2022 April Edition)

541 Customer Reviews

by Nathan D. on 01/18/2018
"I got the mag, speedloader, hex patch and those pistol grip logo things. Honestly $10 well spent. I wish i got a better hex patch tho, i got a "lets watch nsrt" patch. Kinda gay
by April R. on 01/18/2018
"Very happy with mine, got a nice professional Tan mag, with a smoke-colored speed loader. Got a nice patch, as well as the Hi-Capa emblems, I have another package on the way, always happy with these packs!
by Isaiah J. on 01/16/2018
"To be extremely honest, the options were kinda bad compared to other packs. COUGH COUGH I got the G&P high RPS mid cap, speed loader, and the battle angler hex patch. The Evike emblem logo set are neat but I wont put them on anything.
by Collin F. on 01/14/2018
"Just ordered mine! Can't wait!
by Ryan H. on 08/02/2017
"Managed to get a Prototype EMG weapon, couldn't be happier.
by sergio j. on 07/24/2017
"My box is barley getting shipped but it says 2lbs so im really wondering because i think thats a little light even for the most basic prize but i could be wrong oh well ill find out when i get
by sam g. on 07/21/2017
"mine is 6.40 what could it be?
by Dylan L. on 07/20/2017
"I got the ammo can wit hall the bb's and stuff in it. This was my first "mystery box" from evike and it was pretty good. Unfortunately, I don't have any airsoft arena's nearby my house that allow your own bb's so rip.
by Conner A. on 07/19/2017
"Got the cm 303, not the best box but hey its a gamble. Always fun for the suprise. Worth it to me
by Jesse B. on 07/18/2017
"I got the CYMA Full Size M4 CQB Airsoft Spring Powered Airsoft Rifle + e-Light + 5 bottles of 0.20g Sampler BB + "Airsoft Sack" Safety Carrying Device. It is a nice gun for being a springer and the other things like the bbs and bad are nice. The flash light was surprisingly bright.
by April R. on 07/13/2017
"Got the CM.303, very happy with it i can't put it down.

The only problem was the confusion, it showed full auto, as well as single, but it was actually a springer.

Worth it, thinking of getting another.
by cindy m. on 07/13/2017
"I got the CYMA CM302 package and I'm absolutely pleased with it... even tho it shoots 250fps and its all plastic its a fun little spring gun. its got a nice shooting sound to it and sounds healthy. the little bottles of BBs will be great to use on the field for extra ammo. ill be using it around the house with my little cousins so it doesn't hurt them. cant go wrong with this purchase
by Matthew M. on 07/08/2017
"mine is about 10 pounds what could it be?
by Dylan L. on 06/30/2017
"I haven't gotten the package yet but I love waiting for them. When USPS gets them and gives you the weight I go through each item trying to find the weight and I stay up till 2 trying to figure out what it is. Mine is 7.6 pounds so I'm happy I didn't get the springers.
by Reed D. on 06/28/2017
"I really appreciate when Evike gives people the opportunity to win something great, but also win something fun! I got the BB ammo box and as a new player who really needed bb's (AND a place to store them!), I couldn't be more thrilled for the price I paid. I now have plenty of ammo to mess around with and I can't wait to burn through it.