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Matrix Match Grade 6mm Airsoft BBs (Color: .28g / 1000 Rounds / White)

304 Customer Reviews

by Nick S. on 07/20/2008
"wow these are great! Ive used over 75000 of these BB's in my ICS mp5! Hardly ever jammed if ever! great quality for a cheap price!
by William L. on 07/18/2008
"These BBs are really nice. I've been using Matrix BBs ever since I started airsofting.
by refraef a. on 07/13/2008
"I have a question, what fps with .2 would i need to have to be at 340- 350 with .25
by Mathew D. on 07/04/2008
"GREAT BBs just one of the best out there. These and KSC are the best.
by David K. on 07/03/2008
"If you want to see your bb, you get the white ones. Black bbs are invisible and for that purpose its a five! A good trick is to mix half of these and half white. Matrix bbs are the highest quality bb I ever used and I am planning on sticking with these unless dont sell them anymore.
by Justin M. on 07/03/2008
"ya .23 are more accurate than .2 but slightly less powerful
by mike k. on 07/02/2008
"these bbs are the highest grade i have ever seen, and are actualy much cheaper then the uber-crappy bbs from walmart. the seam is invisible even under a magnifing glass. the black color is completely invisible when fired from any gun that cost more then this bag of bbs. even in my m249, the stream of bbs is completely invisible in the air, so noone can ever see them coming.
by mike k. on 07/02/2008
"these bbs are the highest grade i have ever seen, and are actualy much cheaper then the uber-crappy bbs from walmart. the seam is invisible even under a magnifing glass. the black color is completely invisible when fired from any gun that cost more then this bag of bbs. even in my m249, the stream of bbs is completely invisible in the air, so noone can ever see them coming.
by Mike K. on 07/01/2008
"these bbs are the highest grade i have ever seen, and are actualy much cheaper then the uber-crappy bbs from walmart. the seam is invisible even under a magnifing glass. the black color is completely invisible when fired from any gun that cost more then this bag of bbs. even in my m249, the stream of bbs is completely invisible in the air, so noone can ever see them coming.
by Alex ?. on 06/27/2008
"Great bbs to buy. Extremly cheap and accurate. I highly recommend
by zach s. on 06/27/2008
"I like matrix because there BB's are high quality i havnt had a single jam with these BB's yet and that with a DBC 6.01 tight bore barrel with my gun shooting 400 fps which shows you the quality of these BB's and there priced at a decent price to...this is why i prefer airsoft over paintball it costs 45 bucks for 2000 rounds of decent paintballs...i can spend 5 more dollars and get 10 times as many rounds that are higher quality.
by zach s. on 06/27/2008
"I like matrix because there BB's are high quality i havnt had a single jam with these BB's yet and that with a DBC 6.01 tight bore barrel with my gun shooting 400 fps which shows you the quality of these BB's and there priced at a decent price to...this is why i prefer airsoft over paintball it costs 45 bucks for 2000 rounds of decent paintballs...i can spend 5 more dollars and get 10 times as many rounds that are higher quality.
by Zach S. on 06/26/2008
"I like matrix because there BB's are high quality i havnt had a single jam with these BB's yet and that with a DBC 6.01 tight bore barrel with my gun shooting 400 fps which shows you the quality of these BB's and there priced at a decent price to...this is why i prefer airsoft over paintball it costs 45 bucks for 2000 rounds of decent paintballs...i can spend 5 more dollars and get 10 times as many rounds that are higher quality.
by Brendan M. on 06/22/2008
"Wow, these are simply the best BB's currently on the market and at an extremely low cost! High precision, high quality, and low cost. This is the 4th brand of BB i have tried. The other three have been KSC, ICS, and Pacific Rim (local store that makes their own BB's). Out of them all, these Matrix BB's have had the highest accuracy and no matter what gun i use them in, i always hit my mark. When i used other brands on my GBB M9, the BB would either go left, right, or up (my M9 like most doesnt have hop i was suprised) but with Matrix, they stay on a straight line for about 100 ft with my pistol before even starting to drop. With my Echo 1 AK 47, they continue to about 150-175 ft with ease. If you want good high precision BB's at low cost these are the ones to get! The best part is, Evike offers 60 lb rice bags of these BB's! Best BB's on the market!
by Bernard G. on 06/17/2008
"Amazing BBs! These BBs are of amazing quality, each one is perfectly round and smoother and they have a nice coating on them (I think silicone oil?). I personally use them in my GBB, springers and AEGs but they're great for all types of guns. Not too expensive either.