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Shadow Op MB01 Type96 MK96 APS-2 Airsoft Bolt Action Sniper Rifle (Color: Desert Tan / Add Bipod)

240 Customer Reviews

by Rocco V. on 09/28/2008
"Ok, I have personally owned and tested bot the WELL/UTG and BE versions of this gun. First off the BE chronos at about 460 fps with .25's, but shoots barely 120 feet with any accuracy, after that the bb veers off to the right. By the time it reaches 170 ft it will be a good 7-10 feet to the right of the target and even that is inconsistent, mine broke it is a pos.

The UTG version is somewhat better, I owned one and have seen others in action. it is accurate to maybe 160 ft and will make it to close to 200 ft but will be 5 or more feet off from target. the other ones I have seen perform inconsistently, one could shoot as well the BE version, two were shooting in between the two, and the other two were about as good as mine.

I recommend getting an aeg over this unless you are a backyard player (in a very big back yard) because unless you are very good fieldcraft aeg's will rip you to shreds. My KWA M4 and CA m16 shoot further and more accurately, it doesn't make sense to get this over an aeg. Another problem is the distance you have to use it. Minimum engagement distance at most fields is 100 ft for a gun above 400 fps, this gun is close to 470 with a .25g bb, so you only have 20-50 feet to work with in order to make a shot with any accuracy. so on top of this you will have people laying down massive amounts of fire power in you direction with the same if not more range. Again, if you casually play on private property go for it, but if you skirmish at actual airsoft fields don't.

For $25 more you can buy a jg G36 or M4, just do that because this is a poor example of a sniper rifle (at least stock). If you want a decent sniper rifle get a jg Bar-10 and put in $400 worth of VSR-10 upgrades, you will have one of the cheapest possible effective sniper rifles.
by Chris M. on 09/18/2008
"For Esteban Ortega:

Sniper rings hold up the scope.
by Chris M. on 09/17/2008
"UTG APS2 Type96 Sniper Rifle (Black)

Can someone please suggest a a scope and scope rings for this gun. Please type the link for the items in your comment.
by Michael P. on 09/12/2008
"is it really heavy and does it really shoot 500 fps???would i need a strap because its sooo heavy?is it loud when you fire it or is it like a click??????????
by karen m. on 07/18/2008
"i got this sniper and it wasnt very good the bb always went straight then it went up. i tried to adjust the hopup but wen i had so there was no hop up it still wasnt very accurate. this cud probobly be resolved by useing a heavier BB but i havent tried it yet. but other wise it has a great finish and it is very sturdy. with an upgraded barrel and a little adjusting to the hopup this gun cud be very good
by Carl C. on 07/11/2008
"This is an okay rifle, performance and the looks are great but it jams a lot and I can't get a target from more than 120 ft away. If your a hardcore player I would say to keep looking. But evike is an exelent place to find anything you need, so I'm just saying if your looking for distance find something else.
by Matthew R. on 06/29/2018
"I shot 3 time and the trigger box broke ,i ordered an other triggert box right away no time to loose , this sniper is very light i could shoot whit one hand and i wont move, cannot say anything else for now until inreceive my trigger box
by Will A. on 06/18/2013
"Eh, an OK gun, I would not recommend it, but it shoots well. The plastic body and cheek pad broke very easily, and the under barrel is EXTREMELY wobbly. Hop up is the worst I've see. Ever.

Shoots well (accurate and powerful)
springy mag ejection
Bolt action is smooth

Hop up is difficult
Not very durable
Speed loader doesn't work very efficiently and doesn't connect with mag well. Expect A LOT of dropped bb's
says MADE IN CHINA in white letters across the body.
Came with a missing bolt. (Chinese manufacturing probably)
by Mike K. on 04/02/2009
"I had this gun, a different color, but after about 7 days the pin on the cocking handle, snapped out and couldnt be fixed. Before that though the gun shot great, had a curve to the right, migt of been the hop up. maybe it was just mine, but the fire power was really good.
by brett s. on 06/20/2008
"i used to have this gun but sold it. its exteemly fragile, i dropped it once on carpet and the barrel came off and i had to use duct tape to keep it on after that, its really big so you might have trouble walking around with it and it will slow u down alot, and its crzy innaccurate. if you just want it for the unlucky person that comes through your bedroom door then go ahead spend $100, if you're actual;ly bringing it to a war, spend your money on somethin else. oh and i had the black one i dont know exactly waht color this thing is
by Lucas S. on 12/11/2016
-Cheap (can be a con)
-Durable body
-Decent Accuracy

-Hop Up is horrible, broke before even being field used
-FPS is more around 420-450 FPS
-Returned this gun once for bent barrel, now returning second time for a refund because hop up broken
-Range isn't much farther if not at all then a good AEG
-Paint comes off INCREDIBLY easily
-Bolt very clunky
-Magazines can fall out or "pop" out of place and causes issues with feeding

Overall this gun may be good, but the two guns I've received have been terrible quality and nothing but trouble. I have returned for a refund and saving for a better stock quality such as a Marui and I recommend you do the same if you want a gun with great quality stock and has better longevity to save you from pain.
by Lucas S. on 12/11/2016
-Cheap (can be a con)
-Durable body
-Decent Accuracy

-Hop Up is horrible, broke before even being field used
-FPS is more around 420-450 FPS
-Returned this gun once for bent barrel, now returning second time for a refund because hop up broken
-Range isn't much farther if not at all then a good AEG
-Paint comes off INCREDIBLY easily
-Bolt very clunky
-Magazines can fall out or "pop" out of place and causes issues with feeding

Overall this gun may be good, but the two guns I've received have been terrible quality and nothing but trouble. I have returned for a refund and saving for a better stock quality such as a Marui and I recommend you do the same if you want a gun with great quality stock and has better longevity to save you from pain.
by barry s. on 11/29/2008
"this si to jarret h. get the scope for 30 bucks. a red dot is not for a sniper. i sniper needs a zoom scope.
by Henry B. on 11/27/2008
"barry s. i think you probably could put a silencer on it but you would probably need an adaptor
by evan m. on 07/15/2008
"this gun and all other rifles made by this brand suck ass at 50 feet i had horrible grouping and could not shoot through a cardboard box all in all it is a piece of shit and a waste of money the only way to get a good spring rifle is spend at least 500 dollars.