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FN Herstal Licensed Full Metal SCAR-L Airsoft AEG Rifle by Cybergun (Color: Tan)

434 Customer Reviews

by Jason S. on 03/11/2016
"just crono'd 2 of them #1-455 fps #2-435 w/.20g. says 7mm bearing bushings .good stuff for me. rof was actually quite nice with just a 8.4. 9.6 was very good. it feels just like my ca. looks good too. comes with a better package deal than with most. it comes with the shorter inner barrel so you can have it nice and stubby from the start. also comes with the extension if you want to go long. two mags 300/450 hi cap. vert grip. id say this would make for a good outdoor skirmisher. for the money you couldn't dream of better stuff for this price range even just a few years ago. don't forget they are going to give us a 350 fps 7mm bushing p90 with 2 bullet mags for only 150 bucks??!! they rock as far as i am concerned.
by Aaron H. on 03/11/2016
"Okay to start off this gun is amazing! ive had this gun for just under a month and have shot around 10000 rounds through and it is still going strong. The rof with this gun on an 8.4v is average about 11 rps but once u hook up a 9.6 it boosts my rof up to 16-18rps.
fps(around 400 on .25g lil hot for cqb tho)
good rof
amazing range for a stock gun(around 200-225ft)
great for lefties and rightes
only 235 bucks with 2 mags battery charger and barrel extension

Cons:gearbox locked up(easy fix tho)
small battery space can fit a 9.6v nunchuck tho

Anyways this is a great buy for beginners or advanced players!
by Mauritz F. on 03/11/2016
"Very good gun! it worked right out of the box and nothing wrong with it at all! grip and battery was nice (never use the charger, it will cause Dam to your battery!!) and the rear sight was good, but a little small. sucks that you only fit a small type battery

no wooble
range is nice
battery and Grip is nice!

a little heavy for some people
charger sucks (but all chargers you get in the packages sucks)
can only fit a small type battery!

Very solid gun, good plastic and metal, and the sound it make is just so sexy!
by Dylan A. on 03/11/2016
"First off i just wanna say that this gun is a beast. I love this gun and it is well worth 235$. Very solid and i recommend getting .25 bbs for it. the .20 don't really get good range and they curve up after about 50ft with the hop up turned all the way down. Also an other reason this gun is great is because of its simple m4 design with better features than an m4, like charging handle, foldable stock and ambidextrous mag release and fire selector. the rail space is nice as well as the barrel extension, giving you the option to go cqb or that assault rifle look. overall this scar is awesome and a good buy if your a fan of the scar
by Jake B. on 03/11/2016
"I've had this gun for about 5 months now, and it is amazing. the only things i found bad about it is that the stock is abs plastic and it does get loose sometimes, and when you fold the stock to the side the battery wire is exposed and it may cause a problem if you like to crawl with the stock up. Another thing to note is that the flash hider threading is counter clockwise.

High rate of fire
Ampedextrious selector switch and mag release
Adjustible stock
Hop up system works like a charm

.30 bbs reccomend (depending on your batter, i have a 5000mAh so yeah)
Rate of fire could be to high for some
the high cap it comes with is gray and is really long
with .20s shoots 330-350 fps .12s shoots 400-450
the barrel extension it comes with is 14mm

I very highly recommend getting a large type batttery
by Shawn B. on 03/11/2016
"This is a great gun! I got it for my birthday and i've had no problems with it. The only bad thing was the grip that came with it, when i put it on it was loose. I tried to tighten it a little more and it broke. Get a better grip when you buy this gun. But overall its the best airsoft gun i've ever had.
by Jeremiah B. on 03/11/2016
"Been using this gun for about a year now and I've dropped about $300 in after market part and up grades to make sure its top of the line, and it doesn't fall short of excelent every time I take it out into the field. Its versitility and duribility allow for it to fit the hands of any player. This is a great starter gun if your just getting into the sport and as you become more advanced as a player its easy enough to upgrade your weapon to keep up with your evolving skill.

Light weight
Shoots hard and acurate
Rail systems for optics
Amadextris (can be used in right or left hand)

Selector switch sticks at first needs to worn in
Only a small peice of plastic holds the stock to the upper receiver when not colapsed (this breaks with enough force)
Doesn't come with that great of a battery

Overall, outstanding weapon great for all players, and a very reasonable price
by Andrea H. on 02/17/2016
"vary good gun I would recommend getting it if you are looking for a accurate scar
by Luke M. on 01/19/2016
"amazing gun through-and-through
-consistent fps
-realistic design/weight
-consistent accuracy (.25g bb's)
-could definitely apply lots of attachements
-feeds very well
-great for beginners and more experienced players

-stock is wobbly
-magazine is wobbly when loaded into gun
-cheek rest is a bit high, but that's just me
by Bryan W. on 01/14/2016
"This gun has a nice feel. It is very solid and shoot fast. Please note that this gun only fits 8.4 mini type batterys

Good fps, adjustable cheek rest, and accurate out of box

Takes some time to put battery in, mag is bad, and it is a little heavy gun
Note: This does not mean you should not buy this
by Cristian V. on 01/09/2016
by Wendy B. on 11/25/2015
"Great gun I highly recommend it. It has a surprisingly good ROF out of the box. The other reviews say you can't put a 9.6v in it but I managed to pretty easily using a tenergy butterfly type.

Good fps
Good ROF
Feels good in your hands
Very accurate

Maybe a little heavy so I bought a sling but nothing big
The stock is really cheap feeling but also doesn't feel like its gonna break either

Overall its the best and most accurate gun I've ever had
I am also going to get a monster motor to increase the ROF even more
by Adam G. on 10/14/2015
"This is my 1st real airsoft gun(the springers I had 10-15yrs ago don't even rate next to this), so I had both high hopes & expectations for it & I was not disappointed.
Even though it says battery not included it did come with a 8.4v on top of the two 9.6v's & smart charger I ordered for the gun so I am very happy about that. I tested the gun with the 8.4v just to see what the gun could do & stress test it.

Very accurate @ 75+ feet with little or no hopup, good ROF on semi double & triple taps made easy, feels solid in your hands. I put some 3000 rds out of it switching between semi & full in 15-20min the motor & battery got really hot as expected & preformed as well as I hoped until the battery got too low to keep up, it had passed my test...... then I put the 9.6v in & I saw what it really could do & had to pick my jaw up off the floor.
by Jonathan P. on 07/23/2015
"I've had this airsoft gun for about 3 years now, and it has exceeded all of my prior expectations for the gun. Shooting at around 350-385 fps, with a high ROF and a really cool look, you'll be intimidating on the airsoft field.
Granted, there are a couple problems, which I will list below.


Shoots Hard

High ROF


Feels great in your hands

It's sturdy. It won't break if you drop it

Looks awesome


The stock is a little loose. Nothing some tape can't fix

The fire selector gets loose as well

Trigger response isn't great

Will occasionally slip into full-auto while in semi

All and all, it't a fantastic beginner/intermediate gun, that is a lot of fun to use. The pros far outweigh the cons, and if you're looking for a reliable beginner gun, this is the one to pick.
by Kellen B. on 06/03/2015
"Amazing gun! if your looking for a midsized AEG i would get this, it shoots very nicely and cleanly, it has 2 flip up sights (one removable)

Stock Folds
stock is adjustable
comes with grip
Tons of battery space
Tons of rail space (its crazy)
Sling Mount
Not wobbly at all (except mag it comes with)
Ambidextrous mag release and fire selector
small trigger pull

not alot of metal
wobbly mag