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CYMA Sport AR-47 SR-47 Airsoft AEG Rifle (Model: 10" Quad Rail)

27 Customer Reviews

by Lucas C. on 11/05/2021
"This is a great airsoft replica and I love it. The reason that it doesn't have five stars is that some of the parts are kinda flimsy, like the mock suppressor. Over all this gun is great. It has all of the customizition of an m4 but takes those Ak mags that I love. Also if you like to mod your gun I would suggest the Evike custom challenge kit for the sr-47. (sr-47 is the actual gun's designation) Great mid tier starter gun and great for mods. Would suggest this!
by Menoua E. on 10/20/2021
"Look the gun feels great, fires great, and feels amazing. The only bad thing about it is the suppressor version of this gun. Stay away from it because the end is plastic and it can break off. If you really want to put a suppressor on it go with the non suppressor versions. Both of those should last you a long time and it's great. If you want to remove the orange tip, I drilled mine off. I've owned both versions of the gun and trust me to get the nonsuppressor one. Other than that this gun is fairly average and it's great for beginners.
by kayevillion e. on 10/16/2021
"It does not have a small Tamiya connector. it has a standard deans, so I bought the wrong battery but other than that the gun is fine. the only thing I would have to say is the standard mag it comes with sometimes doesn't lock in so u have to wiggle it. and it´s not a Tamiya connector it´s a standard deans
by John S. on 06/01/2021
"I just bought this rifle and I had a extra motor laying around so I took the old one out out the new one in and it just beeped so I put the old one back in it and it still beeps and I don’t know the problem
by Andrew B. on 04/19/2021
"Amazing. Shoots a laser of freedom. Full Auto, in my case, flung all over the place but semi was consistent. Great weight, easy to use, and really sturdy. Has a MOSFET built in but it does not give a low battery alert.

Now for the bad stuff. The suppressor version... The suppressor is cheap Chinese plastic. The rest of the gun is polymer and is great. can take impact fairly well. The suppressor though, after about 1000 rounds on my end, the inner suppressor plastic couldn't take it anymore and began to crack. I had pieces of the suppressor fly out the end of the gun, and because the inner barrel sits on this not shattered inner suppressor plastic, it is now wildly inaccurate. None of my attempts to find out how to remove the suppressor have worked as it is attached to the outer barrel; thus I'm just replacing it.

Very good gun for the price, but full auto isn't reliable and the suppressor is an embarrassment.
by cuinn g. on 10/14/2020
"I recently got the 10" quad rail with suppressor. I bought a 35 dollar red sight and a 12 dollar vertical 3 finger grip. It looks fantastic, it shoots fantastic. It fits all my cyma mags once i have kinda jammed them in. The only downside is that it is thankfully a stronger plastic, however it is still plastic. It makes a good back up with 350 fps out of the box. Hoping to run 400 fps soon.
by Justin M. on 08/13/2020
Great price for a person looking to get into Airsoft or looking for a gun to get into assault rifle gameplay.
Gun feels rather solid, metal and polymer construction.
The quad rail system is great for a variety of attachments.

My mock suppressor internals broke and I had to fix it, which means I had to cut, glue and rig the gun up so it was usable again.
In the video they said you can quick change the spring for indoor/outdoor gameplay. The nut on the buffer tube is on so tight that you can’t get it off without a special tool or without possibly damaging your investment.
You need a crane/ butterfly style batter to use this gun, not the brick type they showed in the video. (Don’t waste your money to be frustrated like myself)
by Jacob H. on 08/05/2020
"This gun is a great gun for the price you get it for. It is full Metal where it is important and we'll constructed polymer everywhere else. The gun has high rof and fps out of the box (using 9.6v battery) and has decent range. However my only problems with this gun is the motor began to heat up very quickly (using 9.6v battery) and the hop up is polymer instead of full Metal. I forsee myself buying a new motor and hop up for this gun in the near future. Still for the price, this is an overall good gun.
by Quinten M. on 08/04/2020
"Had this gun for 3 months now and it works great. Trigger response is good and feeding is good. Just a side note dont rapod fire it as you can do on a hpa gun or a gun that can with stand fast firing on semi. Last one I had the microswitch killed itself and it was stuck on full auto and had to return it for a replacement which is this one that I have now for 3 months. Other than that the gun decent fir the price.
by Ryan C. on 02/17/2021
"The gun fires at a nice FPS and accuracy, but with a 9.6v butterfly it has some choppy firerate on full auto. The worst part about the gun has to be its mag release, which is a little complicated due to the AK magazine feeding into an M4 well, and the mag release can come off really easily which can result in the loss of the spring and tiny, black metal bar contained within, which leads to the loss of the ability to load a magazine.
by Andrew M. on 12/18/2023
"Definitely got a lemon but not surprised with it being a sportline and cyma's real money is with the platinums. That being said my sr47 was the 13 inch came with a bum hop-up. It was drenched in automotive gasket seal and warped, could barely hold its c-clip in. At the time evike didn't have any spare units. So I thought I'd stick it out and go for an upgrade and got evikes challenge kit cause it came with a metal hop up. Got a tech to put it together with the same furniture and it still under performed but that's only because the hop up in these style guns can be tough. It's picky with mags but mine came with the zues mosfet 18:1 gears and a half metal rack and atleast an m120 spring. That being said it shot too hot out of the box (425 w/ .2s). Shortly after had issues with the mosfet which is a very common problem with cyma

Pros: Quick change spring, cool externals that are of decent quality.

Cons: Hop up design, picky with mags. Zues mosfet didn't last me 3k rounds. Ended up a bad investment and a project that got juggled for awhile and couldn't get the hop-up to shoot great.

If you end up getting a cyma sr47, I'd save and atleast get the platinum, the metal mag well will be so much more satisfying. I had the best luck with mid cap pmags that came with the gun. I had a decent time the lonex flash. I'm sure if you got a hop-up tech to address the issue (if you have any) it'd be able to shoot lasers and feed great.
by John J. on 01/24/2021
"I got to fire 5 rounds before it stopped