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APS XTP Shark Full Automatic Select-Fire Full Metal Co2 Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol (Color: Two Tone Grey / Standard Grip / Green Gas)

50 Customer Reviews

by Daniel A. on 10/29/2017
"Great pistol gives a really nice kick very high rate of fire only thing is wish they had extended mags for this gun
by Adrian C. on 08/29/2016
"Let me just say this pistol is amazing. I have had it for about two months now and I love it. It is an extremely sturdy pistol and had a very crisp blowback action, even when the mag is super cold. I have found you can get about 2 mag dumps of BBs per gas charge.

Accurate( will hop a bb for a mile)
strong blowback action
Mid weight
loud (may be a con)
by Ivan P. on 01/11/2016
"I absolutely love this gun to say. If you are thinking of buying it, do it. It is worth it. I love how light weight it is and how it feels in my hands.

The shooting is accurate and the trigger pull is crisp and clean. Same for shooting the gun it felt crisp and clean.
by Ella C. on 01/07/2016
"I have had this gun for a few months now and it has been performing well. There are a few things to take note of though.

- Paint on slide easily scratches off (but this can be a pro for those looking for a war-torn finish)

- Decent blowback
- FPS is perfect
- Gas efficient
by Victor N. on 03/23/2013

-accurate out the box (seriously)
-more range than claims. (about 150+ft)
-easy to break down and maintain.
-100+ bb's in 1 mag fill. (warm day)
-good looking
-upgradable (barrel wise)
-they make a 50rd mag ($45ish)
-mags are not as expensive as other gbb mags.

anyway, if you want a killer out of the box gab head turner to make your friends jealous, look no further. this thing rooks!
by zack K. on 04/07/2023
"Things I know now: The inner threads are 12mm-13mm? Not sure exactly but they are NOT 11mm.

If you receive a orange tipped barrel it's NOT glued on and can be un-threaded. No need in buying another barrel.

So far I love the Shark, the only thing that kinda bothers me is the mag release which doesn't feel or sound like the mag is seated in place.
by Hendrix B. on 06/27/2022
"I've had this gun for a few months now.

The gun has a nice weight and feel
It shoots well on semi auto
The range is consistent and accurate with .20s
Recoil is snappy
Sights are good
It came in a nice case
It has sort of a hair trigger which makes you be able to have quick follow up shots

This gun jams frequently on full auto
It uses up Co2 like none other on full auto
Safety can be disengaged way too easily

I'm not sure if I'm just using bad Co2, but the mag seems to leak sometimes.

I personally am not a big fan of this gun, but it gets the job done. For a semi-auto pistol, it's good, but for a full-auto, there are much better options.
by Hendrix B. on 03/31/2022
"Pretty average gbb

Pros: An easy to use safety, hair trigger, has a full auto capability, 26 round mag, has a picatinny rail on the bottom of the gun, high quality construction

Cons: Pretty bad Co2 usage especially on full auto. It can only fire 2 mags in full auto before the cartridge needs to be replaced. Changing the Co2 is a slow process.
by Cougar B. on 04/14/2021
"Its a great gun but I've got a few gripes that I hope they fix in the future.
One, the mags are a huge pain in the ass, some co2 cartridges won't fit so you'll have to shop a bit for a preferred cartridge.
Two, the mag release is KINDA ambi and part of it swivels independently and will eject mags when you're playing and won't let them stay in. I had to poly mold the problem but now they mags will only eject from one side(which doesn't bother me)
Three, I don't know if my model was weird or what but the slide was super tight to the outer barrel and would hang up. It took over 500 shots for it to fix that problem.

All in all though, great recoil, great Rod, great looks and lots of fun so a solid 4/5.
by Ethan S. on 09/28/2020
"Great gun but the mags like to jam.
by Evan D. on 09/05/2020
"This pistol is great, shoots decently accurate, but you might want to get a new bucking and barrel if you want more. good quality polymer on the frame and nice sturdy slide. blowback has a nice kick and full auto is AWESOME.

However, there are some issues

the whole thing is pretty rattly. you shake it and you will have a quite expensive maraca. this is easily fixed by some electrical tape on the outer barrel, and a few layers of it on the back of the magazines

my second issue is the ambi mag release. it SUCKS so sorry lefties :/ im a righty so i took it out and superglue ambi part in place so it doesn't work anymore. mi sure with a little dedication you could fix the issue. also not sure if i got a lemon with the catch.

overall a good gun

one other thing- the magazines are fine, you just have to get used to them and dont over tighten the screws.
by Gabriel M. on 06/04/2020
"Have had this gun for over a year and its still perfect. The magazines on the other hand suck
by Everett C. on 03/14/2020
"The gun is awesome I changed the barrel to a 6.01 n made it mabie a inch longer and it's a entirely new monster no complaints on the gun but the magazines are absolutely trash man I hate them so much on the 48 Rd mag I'm having so many problems the gun itself and the mag that came with it is fine I had to change a o ring but once I did I've never had a problem ever since but I really hate the extended mag it's leaking from the valve I think I can hear air leaking from the top the slide that feeds the bbs broke it freezes after it seems like about 10 shots I wasted 40 bucks whatever just buy the regular 25 Rd I haven't had any problems expect for running out of ammo when I go full auto
by Griffin C. on 02/18/2020
"The actual gun itself is great. It's very accurate, the paint job mine came in (Multicam) is the authentic pattern, and the fire selection option is unbeatable, and highly accurate.

The only downside, AND BE WARNED! The CO2 mags are highly receptive to breaking. This is because when tightening the bolt that loads and holds the CO2 cartridge in place, the bolt that you rotate clockwise and counter clockwise to load/unload becomes stuck very easily when tightening too much. When this happens the copper material chips away when applying pressure to rotate the CO2 cartridge well. I ordered a total of 3 mags when initially buying the gun and they all broke within 2 separate days of play because of this.

My advice is to you is to make sure you do not overly tighten the CO2 well within the mags. When securing the CO2, tighten just enough so you can get a seal, and leave it be! Also, handle the copper on the bottom of the mags like a baby or it will get chipped away and the mag's CO2 well will be inaccessible FOREVER!

Besides that the gun is 10/10 and I highly recommend it to players who can treat the magazines with care.
by Frank E. on 07/14/2019
"This is my first gbb and i have to say its not disappointing. I love the everything about the gun from the grip to the blowback. I have to say that the gas efficiency is good for me. I can get around 70-85 shots before the fps drops. I can shoot 75+ feet and be accurate to about 50. The only thing i didnt like about this gun is my full-auto. I know my gun is messed up but I dont know what specifically. When firing in full auto it will stop cycling after about 10 shots then leak gas out the barrel. I am working on getting repaired or replaced with evike. Overall other than my defect I would highly recommend this gun