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EMG Licensed Rifle Dynamics AK Airsoft AEG Rifle by CYMA (Model: RD-701)

22 Customer Reviews

by Angela C. on 02/20/2024
"Absolutely gorgeous gun.
Would recommend
by Greg C. on 02/04/2024
"I ordered this gun after getting the EMG Daniel Defense. Love this gun. Feels heavy just like the real thing. The stock is very solid no wobble at all. Perfect for CQC/PDW use. You can play smooth even with the stock folded.
Overall: Great gun! Highly recommend it. Great for a High end gun with a very good price. Gotta love fielding AK's when everyone else is fielding AR or M4 style weapons.
by Alex H. on 01/03/2024
"Let me just start off by saying...I absolutely love this rifle!
I have had this Ak for about 5 weeks.

I recommend this Ak to anyone who loves Ak and or Rifle Dynamics!
by Xavier M. on 08/18/2023

I LOVE IT!!!!!!

The flash hider shown is separate

Thank you EVIKE Thank you EMG
by Myster O. on 08/13/2023
"The color is awesome and with a snappy trigger and great accuracy, I enjoy using this!

Only mags that didn’t work for me is the PTS 155rd AK mags they didn’t lock in place at all.
by Lisa C. on 08/08/2023
"I bought it a while back and I have a sense it's going to be really nice
by Joshua H. on 12/22/2024
"Gun works well, only con is that it draws battery when not in use and I have killed 2 of my batteries from leaving it in the gun.