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Colt Licensed M203 40mm Grenade Launcher for M4 / M16 Series Airsoft Rifles w/ Metal Barrel (Model: Black / Long)

16 Customer Reviews

by tyler e. on 01/20/2015
"This product is decent. I have used this product maybe twelve times before I ran into my problem. When you pull the trigger it engages a punch which sets off the grenade. about a quarter of an inch broke off of my punch during the last use of this product which made my m203 useless when I needed it most. I will be fixing it with JB Weld and a metal rod that i cut. I paid full price for this and i must say I am not impressed.

Now with all this said everything else on it is good. Fits nice, but not out of the box. you have to tighten it obviously but who doesnt expect that. It is nice ad heavy and feels very comfortable in my hand. Also it looks cool.