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Archon Firearms Type B Airsoft Parallel Training Weapon by EMG (Model: Black / Carry Package)

19 Customer Reviews

by JACOB P. on 10/27/2021
"Its not bad. Like the other reviews say, this is incredibly comfortable to hold and shoot. Issues for me are 1. Don't believe the hop is adjustable, BBs like to wander with this. 2. This is just my personal thoughts but the trigger is ENTIRELY too hard to pull, like I've seen hard triggers but this is just wild. 3. Lack of good holsters for this (which isn't the guns fault). Overall good pistol but I'm not sure about 250$ good.
by Aaron K. on 01/15/2021
"Great gun, just the magazine leaks and $35 for a single magazine is crazy, especially when they aren't the most reliable.
by Brian T. on 09/05/2020
"All i can say is..."Eh"....feel of the pistol is great. Performance on the other hand is sub par. BBs are inconsistant. Mags leak. Need to work on this one a lil more i think. Maybe i just recieved a "bunk" one.
by Jason M. on 07/16/2020
"Sweet looking gun and fired pure, but slide keeps sticking. Have to push it forward each time to fire which makes it unusable. A bit disappointed.