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EMG Custom Built Colt Licensed M4 SOPMOD Block 2 Airsoft AEG Rifle with Daniel Defense Rail System (Model: 9.5" MK18 - 350 FPS / Dark Earth / Go Airsoft Package)

27 Customer Reviews

by Gabriel L. on 12/05/2019
"Got the gun a week ago and will update accordingly.
Externally she is a beauty. The DD hand guard is flawless and the lower receiver is made from a solid piece of aluminum. The markings are engraved into the receiver so there is no way they will fade away, although I would have liked if they had some color in them. The crane is nothing to write home about. It works as it should and has decent space for the battery, I believe an 11.1 nun chuck Titan Battery should have no problem fitting there.
IT IS WIRED TO DEANS which, at least for me, is wonderful.
Trigger response with a Titan 7.4 is phenomenal and the sound it makes when firing is very pleasing. There's none of that "springy" sound, and the whole gearbox assembly makes a nice "thump" when firing.
For being made mostly out of metal it's surprisingly light.

The one thing I dislike is the old-style pistol grip; it's bigger than average and it's very uncomfortable to hold but it is also fairly easy to change. Oh, and the stock iron sights. They are not bad it´s just that the aperture hole is tiny.

Overall a nice looking piece. Will update after field testing. A must buy if you want a MK18 just for the looks
by Andrew P. on 10/25/2019
"First, to answer a couple of questions.
1.) Yes, the bolt catch is fully functional
2.) The gearbox is not G&P, it is OEM'd by King Arms. However, this isn't such a bad thing as I'll discuss later
3.) The gun is rear wired to deans out of the box, not Tamiya
4.) Yes, the DD rail is fully licensed, and the lower receiver does have engraved Colt trademarks.
5.) The upper receiver, lower receiver, DD handguard, outer barrel, and buffer tube are all made of metal.

(Using a 7.4v 15c LiPo)
Out of the box, this is gun is an absolute beast for CQB. The in-line MOSFET and the reinforced internals meant that I could basically feather the trigger non-stop without any issues. I'd recommend upgrading to a lighter trigger spring to better feather the trigger if you are semi-locked. Full auto is also stupid fast, even with a 7.4 lipo. If you don't plan on completely upgrading the gearbox, I would not recommend using an 11.1v LiPo if you're planning on using this gun at arenas that only allow semi only. Using an 11.1v 20 C battery would make my gun over-cycle, meaning that "semi" turned into a 2 round burst. Not really a necessary upgrade, but having a stock (such as a PTS EPS stock) with bigger battery space than the regular SOPMOD stock would make things more convenient as there was a lot of wiring that needed to be crammed into the buffer tube and stock.

Overall, this gun is well worth the money for both beginners and veterans alike. If you're in the market for a CQB length M4, this is the one to get.
by Adrian F. on 10/18/2024
"I have mixed opinions about this gun, in my time in airsoft I have seen quite a few generations of M4 AEGs but this one is interesting. It has some of the best build quality I have every seen in a gun from the factory both internal and especially external. It is one of the heaviest M4s that I have ever held, take that as you will. Most M4 AEGs today are like Ford Diesels, (I'm sorry if you don't understand) because they perform well but are cheaply made and at times poorly engineered/short lasting. Most AEG manufacturers will throw in a gimmicky aesthetic piece of furniture or maybe even a new piece to the hardware/internals to "Improve it" like a trigger unit with no mosfet and a mk18 rail (S&T guns) or maybe even an easily programmable mosfet to bring less attention to the poor internal quality and fragile polymer reciever (Lancer Tactical). But this gun has no gimmick, it is quality inside and out. it isn't the best performer out there but it lacks no build quality. I had an issue with the semi auto randomly turning to 2 round burst while firing. I haven't figured out the problem yet but im fairly sure that it is motor overtravel caused by a bad cutoff lever. in order to fix this im just going to buy a mosfet with a trigger unit. It may solve it or it may not, if you are a beginner and don't know how to do your own tech work I wouldn't buy this gun. However if you are a decent tech, this is a hidden gem for DSG projects or HPA builds.
by Tristen W. on 02/19/2024
"TLDR jump to the bottom for ratings.

For reference I purchased the dark earth 12” FSP model. I received this gun last week and have maybe 2k rounds through it on the field so far. OEM is king arms, and overall the build quality is good in and out. I’m mostly going to focus on externals because that’s really why you’re buying the gun, it’s sexy af.

Aesthetically it is a head turner, very nice finish on the body, barrel and rail. Now, I did find that the barrel nut was loose on mine, and the grooves are slightly out of spec to my AR15 armorers wrench, so it was hard to tighten. The rail screws were also slightly loose. The outer barrel was able to twist very slightly in the receiver, canting the hopup. After tightening everything this seemed to go away, but I am nervous for the longevity and might buy a new outer barrel/upper receiver. The front sight post was also loose. Kind of disappointing for the price tag, I expected the fit to be much better. BUT, a wrench and some hex keys fixed most of these issues. The stock wiggles a bit, but so do some of my real guns, put some tape on the buffer tube. All the parts and materials are high quality though, and it’s nicely weighted. I own several ARs and no it doesn’t feel like a real gun, but it’s great for a replica. Btw, the rails are all Milspec and fit my normal AR accessories snugly.

The gearbox is very solid, I don’t plan to ever touch it. The mosfet unit works great, with 7.4v deans it has great trigger response and ROF. It has a gear hopup, you’re going to replace it. Hops .28s okay, but needs new hop, bucking, barrel. Pretty standard. I’d say it has a 40 yard range, and is accurate for being stock. Battery space is good, but the stock plate is miserable to get off. Motor seems good, I don’t see a need to change it. Power was right under 1.4 joules.

Ratings out of 10:
Materials 9
Build quality 6
Overall feel 8.5
Stock performance 8
Price 7

Average 7.7

For the price, I expect tight bolts and no wobble. But, it’s airsoft, and an easy fix. Don’t let that scare you away from this gun. It’s a solid stock performer, very sexy and a really fun gun to field. With a new hop system, this gun will slap at long range. USE HEAVIER BBS PLEASE.
by Dallas H. on 10/12/2021
"Received the emg colt mk18 pros
1 shoots hard
2 looks cool
3 has inline mosfet

1 stock buttplate is a pain to remove
2 stock itself is also a pain to remove
3 squishy trigger
4 needs a better motor
by James P. on 09/07/2021
"Thought this gun was very solid, sturdy, and good-looking. It was a very heavy weapon to hold but shot really well and consistently. I would give it a 5 but I guess maybe I got unlucky with a faulty weapon. The one I got - the charging handle was very flimsy and ended up falling off after a few pulls - the mag catcher was also very flimsy, mags would not hold unless I really wiggled them in and even after that sometimes the mag would still fall out. This was only after like 3 days of usage - so for now I would give it 4 stars. Would give it a 3 if these things happened if I used it for longer (meaning it wears really quickly) but I'm giving it a 4 since I think I just got a faulty model.
by Ramil B. on 01/19/2021
"If you want a more detailed review of the internals and such, the other reviews will be more helpful for that. This is just from my own experience. This is my first review as well, so take that as you will.

The rifle itself is fairly solid out of the box. Some have mentioned the gas block and/or the buffer tube lock ring being loose. For mine, the gas block is solid, but the buffer tube lock ring was loose which really wasn't that much of an issue. If you don't have a proper armorers wrench, you can still tighten it a bit by hand and it'll be fine.

The stock it came with can be a bit difficult, yet sturdy, if you're looking to try and take off the butt plate, or even take out the entire stock itself off the buffer tube. Its so sturdy that I decided to just switch it out with my magpul stock just to make it easier and quicker to access the battery compartment.

The pistol grip is rather aggressive, mostly in angle. Another issue I had personally was that it didn't sit flush to the trigger guard like I'm used to so the corners are a bit hellish for my middle finger. I did look into it with my brother's real steel m4 and reference images for other real steel and replica M4's, and it seems that some models just sit flush and comfortably while others, also, jut out a bit. Nothing a bit of sanding can't fix, or just getting another pistol grip can't handle.

As far as magazines are concerned, I didn't have many variations to test with. The Specna and PTS polymer mags I had were a tight fit. Not smooth going in, but they're solid once clicked in. The bamf mag I had laying around definitely would not click in, but then again I've always had trouble with that for my 416. The mag it had come with out of the box was a King Arms TWS polymer mag which slotted in like a dream, but.. definitely do your research on that mag.

I haven't been able to test the gun fully as the last battery I had meant for Deans... exploded, but if I'm able to edit this review, I'll add that in. 4/5 since the gun itself is great minus the small personal nitpicks I had. Minus 1 just because the mag was delivered broken but, after reading the reviews of it, not really surprised. Hope this helps!
by Chalida O. on 12/04/2020
"This Mk18 is very good
I would say it is a very good starter gun but by the budget it might be a little high on the price. You get what you pay for though.
The externals are very good and is a great replica of the actual fire arm. The weight is very nice not to light and not to heavy and its built perfectly.
The internals are also well made from King Arms. Didn't expect them to add their own internals but its very nice. The only concern for the gun is the battery space. Wired to the stock with a very small battery compartment might be bad for those who are playing milsim for straight hours and not taking any breaks.

very nice externals
no shaking or wobbling parts
Internals are very good hasn't broke after a month worth of use

Unless the mosfet is changed you must only you 7.4v otherwise semi would be shooting burst instead of semi with 11.1v
Separating the receivers must be done by pulling the charging handle while separating
Battery is very small( Titan 7.4v 6000mah has a very tight fit and sticks out a little) would recommend changing the stock

These are what I think of it. I have 2 other friends that run the same gun and they have the same problem so it's not just me who is suffering from this problem. Thankful that Evike has many solutions to fix it.
by Zach V. on 06/08/2020
"Purchased the Black 9.5 MK18 thinking that it would come with the Slim stock in the pictures, It does not. It comes with a plastic SOPMOD stock that is a little rattly. Overall the gun shot well with a Titan 7.4v 3000mAh Battery, very accurate with .20's. I have not chronoed because I don't currently own one, but I can tell it is shooting somewhere between 370fps-420fps. Package came with Gun and Mag only, no manual but a small card with a qr code to "register" the gun. Only plastic parts on the gun are as follows: Stock, grip, and flash hider ( No black flash hider included; only orange ). The metal is very sturdy, nearly the same durability as my AR-15. The plastic magazine is a pretty cheap Hi-Cap, I will be purchasing some Mid-Caps. I would suggest this gun to any Airsoft newbie or veteran.
by Pavlos P. on 12/06/2019
"Just got this yesterday and this is more of an overview than a review.

Wired to deans
Amazing CNC machined high torque motor
Nice externals
Good trigger response

Rotary hop up(cmon its 2019 why are these even a thing any more)
Included sights seem really cheap
Stock orange flash hider is a pain to get off because its pinned not set screwed
Safety works very inconsistently. If the gun is straight up and down the selector works really well, but if you tilt the gun sideways or have it pointing down the gun will still shoot in same and sometimes you go to semi and you have to wait before pulling the trigger.

Overall pretty good, I think that last issues is just because I got a Lemon.
by Sean B. on 05/16/2022
"The gun itself is fine, holds up somewhat well albeit it requires some fine-tuning of the hop up and others, as out of the box it fell very short, it performs averagely, the spread of bbs is much wider compared to other manufacturer's ARs and is good to get starting off, albeit I would invest in another airsoft rifle in hindsight as the performance of this rifle is middling at best, and is inconsistent in its performance in the spread grouping at anything past 10-15m. In matches and in fields and milsim events it fails to keep a tight spread and therefore can't hit targets past I would say 30m out. This is after I've tuned the hop-up, and looked to see if the gearbox is misaligned (it probably is just my rifle, but my bb's consistently tended to shoot down left.), but it works I suppose.

Additionally, when I purchased it, I may have gotten "old" stock as the Alpha crane stock it came with it was defective upon arrival, and failed to correctly open, in the sense that the locking slits were too rigid to open the battery compartment. It essentially had to be broken into, and I had to file a service request to get a replacement buttstock, which was not the same one that was broken, and the new one doesn't lock correctly in place to the buffer tube.

I've additionally bought the go package, batteries and charger work fine. Red dot works fine. The biggest issue is the two BAMF magazines, which will not seat correctly in the rifle, will not lock into place, and therefore will not feed. You will absolutely need to test this upon arrival. Dont' do what I did where I tried my best to work with the magazines to see if it was an issue with the rifle, or the feeding tube, well past the 45 day service period for RMA requests, and now end up with two magazines which don't work (even though they came with the gun).

My recommendation? Just buy the rifle, don't bother with the go package, and even then there are better options out there for the money.
by Matthew M. on 05/09/2021
"Bought this gun based on reviews and reputation that it would be really good and it was a bit of a let down internally. The exterior is awesome and I really like the rail system, that is primarily what I bought it for because I upgrade all the guns I buy, but was hoping I wouldn’t have to so soon with this gun.

Internal Findings:
1. There was no grease on the gears just a tiny bit of oil that was not on the teeth of the gears so they would have worn out prematurely.
2. The piston teeth had absolutely no grease or oil on them, and the hole for the piston was off center and I had to replace it because it caused the gearbox to jam.
3. The motor post that holds the brush spring was bent.

1. Maxx Model Double seal aluminum piston and cylinder.
2. Aluminum sealed air nozzle.
3. M130 spring.
4. Gears shimmed and lubed.

Stock Shooting specs M130 Spring 7.4v Lipo:
1. .20g FPS 430
2. ROF 11 RPS

Upgraded Shooting specs M130 Spring 7.4v Lipo:
1. .20g FPS 460
2. ROF 11 RPS

Great Exterior!

Cons: Lack luster internals.