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Echo1 AK74 CPM Full Metal Airsoft AEG w/ Side Folding Skeleton Stock

37 Customer Reviews

by Sam R. on 12/01/2008
"What direction is the thread on this gun because i want to get a silencer for it. Is it 14mm negative or positive?
by Randy A. on 11/16/2008
"I can't say enough good things about this gun. I have had it for a while and it works like a dream! If I only could have one AEG for the rest of my life this would be the one!!
by Tom K. on 11/15/2008
"How would you compare this to the dboy and TM 74 models
by Eddy F. on 10/27/2008
"this gun is amazing and i actually bought it off this site.

1.full metal body, and very solid construction.
2.very little plastic content.
3.small barrel, ASTOUNDING accuracy.
4.very hard hitting.
5.loud firing(chances are they'll be out by the time they hear it)
6.selector switch very sturdy and won't change firing modes.
7.full auto with a stock battery isn't bad
8.battery compartment is very roomy, maybe it can have its girlfreind over
9.easy to remove upper foregrip without screwing anything up.
10.easy to get battery in and out quickly
11.semi-auto is pretty good
1.theres a small lever in the lower foregrip that you turn in order to take it off. it can snap easily so dont bother taking it off I'm very lucky that its in a steady locked position.
2.rear sling mount is very much like a cowbell
3.stock isn't very sturdy.
4.loud firing (don't miss the sniper)
5.foregrips and and rear handgrip under the trigger are plastic, but a very good quality.
6.could rust over time.
7.rear sights aren't adjustable.

overall this thing is a good deal and for like 187.00 you can get the gun and 10,000 rounds with it. definetly a good buy. like the real AK-series, this thing has been dropped and abused by me and most likely on transit with UPS, but still shoots strong and accurate for a gun this size. totally worth 165.00
by Jake F. on 10/26/2008
"hey is the barrel threaded so you can take off the flash hider and put a silencer on it?
by zack b. on 10/18/2008
"this gun is amazing right out of the box. ive had it since february and still works good. this gun can take a beating, its been dropped, thrown(not on purpose),and shot an has nothing more than a few scratches. DONT use the charger that comes with it because it sucks and will drain your battery, so just buy a universal charger fo $30 cause it stops charging when it needs to. the folding stock is perfect for CQB. if you have the money you should defintley buy this gun.
by Sam R. on 10/13/2008
"Hey in my last review i really hadnt used it enough, and now that i have upgraded the battery and added a red dot scope on it it is a great gun. Really powerful and pretty accurate although a longer barrel would be better for woodland games, it isnt really that heavy although a sling would be good, overall its a great gun. It also looks really good. Dont be discouraged by my previous review, i like it much better now.
by David J. on 10/10/2008
"I have not owned one of these but i currently have the D-boyi counterpart in my possesion and if this sucker is anything like it you wan't it.

Every AKS74U i have ever tried fires out of the box,
110 m/s to 130 m/s, exept the TM Beta thingy.

* Small and light but realistic weight.
* Real predetory look.
* Large Magzines, good for speed reloads.
* Threded outerbarrel for silencers.

And btw 300 mm barrels fit just fine. However the flashhider conseals the fakt that the innerbarrel extends beond the outerbarrel, this can give you about half and inch extra barrel.

The end.
AK rule
by Greg A. on 10/04/2008
"What would be a good length for a tightbore inner barrel for this gun? But would still be able to be covered by a silencer.
by Cody B. on 09/20/2008
"The last guy is a douchebag, just about all of the cons that he stated are not present in my friend's gun. He likes the fact that it is heavy, more realistic, so if you have a problem, stop bitching and grow some balls. This gun is also more accurate than the m4's that we play against which are 300 dollar guns (TM sucks!!!!!!). To fix the selector switch, either use a screw driver and slightly loosen the screw holding it or grow some balls. Also, who cares if it isn't ambidextrous, it is kickass, and if you don't like it, grow some balls and learn to deal with it, it's an ak. This gun shoots really fast out of the box and has an excellent rate of fire with an intellect 9.6v 1600 battery, and it has greater range and better accuracy than my echo 1 g36c (great gun, but i'm pissed with it because of the Bullshit systema parts that I put in it are making it shoot like crap), so it's a kickass gun if your'e thinking about buying it, I would recommend it.
by Alex C. on 08/19/2008
"This gun is one of the best ive ever gotten, its perfect in every way not dimension accurate as hell and gives down good suppressive fire especially with a 600 rnd clip it comes with. Its also full metal.
by jorge l. on 07/09/2008
"good day. i have one cpm and it is the best replic of the marked, in my country not many players use this machine. but for mi is really good...

buen dia yo tengo un cpm y es la mejor replica del mercado en mi pais no muchos jugadores la usan pero para mi realmente buena...
by donovan e. on 07/02/2008
"This is by far one of ECHO's best guns and its mostly metal. The only down side is that the batery it comes with isn't that great so i'd recommend getting a 9.6 or getting it modified to hold a large ty[e battery. Also, i'd get a new clip because the stock one isn't that relible. But its still a great gun.
by Donna F. on 06/10/2008
"ok me again i just want to say that with this gun u get a 8.4v 1100 mah battery. i advise u to get a 9.6 1500 no memory technology battery. otherwise the battery with the gun wiill die aftera few months. when u shoot the bb's they will do up down spiral crooked ...everywhere. so get the battery from above and u will dominate in the field (also get universal smart charger)
by Donna F. on 06/07/2008
"I agree with the other guys. this gun rocks its full metal and a great close combat guns accuracy is not great but rate of fire and overall performance are great get this if you have the money