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UHC 686 Heavy Weight Spring Powered Airsoft Revolvers (Length: 6" / Black with Imitation Wood Grips)

29 Customer Reviews

by Alisa S. on 05/02/2017
"The UHC 4" Revolver is surprisingly a good gun! For $24 you can't go wrong.

Accurate at close and medium range,
nice somewhat heavy weight,
strong plastic exterior,
shells are easy to load,
flinging the cylinder shut after loading makes you look rad,
nice FPS,
very easy to pull back the hammer/spring (and I have weak arms and hands so this is saying something!),
and I like the dot at the end of the sights!

The black grip WILL fall off if you drop it on something hard! (But it can be snapped right back on),
if you fiddle with the cylinder (like trying to spin it) after it's been loaded the BB will jam.
I used it in target practice for around 40+ minutes and it jammed once, however that could be a pro because I don't know how long the average time it takes for a Airsoft gun to jam.

Overall a good springer but I wouldn't recommend it for skirmishing if you don't have a speedloader (but if you don't have one you could always pretend to be Revolver Ocelot. "This reload time is exhilarating!"
by Markus G. on 05/11/2016
"A very high quality pistol, considering the manufacturer cost. I've heard lots of feedback questioning whether barrel length is good, bad, or indifferent, and I have no answer. Ordered a UA938 6" black, so I'll drop a review there too once I've compared ballistics, but my point for this review is that it is an excellent pistol.

Let's break it down a bit.

-It's 25 bucks and gets almost 200 FPS I'd say. That's hard to find, especially for the durability and reliability.
-Adjustable rear sights. Not super easy to tweak, needing an external tool, but the sights themselves are nice and simple, and the front sight is orange, so it's near impossible to miss in lower visibility conditions.
-Compact. I mean, it's a 2" barrel, so no kidding.
-Lovely fashion. No fancy finishes, but for the plastic molded I find its base look magnificent. Bias because I love snubs.
-Can be decocked, cylinder and all parts can take a hit (swinging cylinder won't murder the dang thing), and it comes with its own nicely fitted rubber barrel plug.
-Spread seems reliable enough, despite low price and short barrel.
*Fairly easy to cock, and hence, it's about the fastest refire springer you can get. It's also dual wield capable, unlike basically all springers. If you fan it, you can drop 6 shots in 3 seconds or less, depending. And I'm not even a strong guy. If you have small hands, one handed cocking (dual wield important note) might require a shift in posture instead cocking as is. I have small hands, so I can vouch.
-Comes with 2 spare shells. I love that somebody thought of this but I haven't lost one yet.
-Dirt simple in operation. Many springers (especially cheap ones with less FPS and/or fire rate than this model) have BB's get jammed in slides, double feed, have rounds drop from the chamber, and other annoying catastrophes. Here, you put a BB in a shell, press it in, throw it into the chamber one position CCW from chamber, run that angled spring hammer, and squeeze the trigger. BB's don't drop, it's virtually impossible to jam, and if it DID somehow jam, I can't imagine it'd be any level of challenge to unjam. You'd think a spring action revolver would be complex, but nope, they nailed the basics to a T.
-Operates extraordinarily well. This isn't like some weapons where you can only handle it so well and from there it's about marksmanship and SLIGHT returns from skill, but rather you can learn to load it, shoot it, draw it, cock, etc faster and better. To me, this is just awesome. If you're looking into revolvers, you're probably liking the vanity of being a cowboy type. Well, time to become the fastest gun in the west, son.

-Relatively low FPS, but for the price and mechanism, it's to be expected.
-As mentioned above, if you have small hands, it's hard to cock.
*A pain to fit CA regulation tape on. If you live in a non-taping state, congrats and ignore this bulletin.
-Rounds seem to be heavily affected by the wind, and hop up is quite odd and limited. I fired 0.12's out of this so far, so I'm holding off for some 0.2's with my black UA938 for more testing. That being said, you learn a lot about wind and compensation using this gun. In its own way, it's a plus, but mostly a downside.
-Loading process takes a fair amount of time. Once the 6 shots have been emptied, you need to open it, prepare your pistol style loader, and inject those 6 BB's, then press them in. I've put in _12 hours practice for this process alone, and have basically quintupled my loading speed in preparation for this downside for live combat. My load speed is probably about 3-5 seconds range for the whole process, depending how I do. If you're dual wielding, you might have to use some quite ornate loading technique to load both weapons and press in the rounds, and you can expect a drop in speed as well. I'm determined to test dual wielding validity on my UA938, so I'll prob review the plausibility there.
-Related to reload/unload, if you tilt the cylinder wrong, your casings can pour out, causing a bit of a ruckus. Personally I just limp wrist it and let it hang where gravity tells it to, and that works every time.
-Comes with ejector rod for no reason, but it works I guess. Cases don't need to be dropped, and moreover, the cases don't expand and get stuck due to heat and expansion like an actual firearm. Strangely useless.

Overall if you're looking for a fun range toy, a reserve CQC gun, a well balanced starting pistol for a conservative price, or maybe just a spring pistol with more style or ROF, this gun is exceptional. I've met the 3rd role already, and I'm ordering it a counterpart. I had high expectations of a revolver already, but man, this one exceeded my expectations. It's just an amazing piece of hardware all around.

I'd give it a 5 to me, but objectively I'd call it more like a 4, as not everyone will love every inch of it like I do.
by Paige D. on 12/16/2015
"When I got this gun, it was in good condition. Fires pretty ok, reloading action is smooth and the design looks great! But when I point down, it doesn't shoot all of the bbs however. But overall, it is a lot efficient for airsoft and I think it's worth it!
by Paige D. on 12/14/2015
"So to sum this up, here is my graph of the pros and cons about this gun when I used it:

Good pricing for the gun
Includes 8 shells instead of 6 of what Evike said on here and a bag of blue bbs
The range is pretty ok for a spring revolver
the reloading action is smooth
Adjustable sights
Very detailed gun
Doesn't have to use Co2 or Green Gas
WAY BETTER than a spring pistol
Would be a good secondary weapon for Airsoft Shooting

Definitely not a primary weapon for an Airsoft War
FPS is decent, but doesn't penetrate the targets as much
Hammer is a bit tight when I do single-action, but will loosen up when I use it more
Pointing down will not shoot the bbs out entirely (Don't know if I have to really)
May have some misfires every now and then but not a BIG problem.

Overall Rating: 4/5

Would be a good beginners spring revolver or any UHC spring revolver in general!
by Anthony C. on 06/29/2013
Very nice weight
comes with 2 extra shells
Comes with barrel plug
Adjustable Sights
Nice grips
Comes with a few trademarks
Red dot on front sight
Some parts are metal

If you drop the revolver once, grip will come off and you will have to snap everything back
Hard to cock the hammer
Easy scratching paint
Very easy to loose shells
by Josh S. on 12/01/2010
"I got this gun a couple of days ago and it is nice for what i use it for. Me and my friends play russian roulette with it. Its low fps is good for that. Pros/Cons
1 looks nice
2 reliable
3 easy to use

1 hard to cock
2 hard to spin cylinder
3 shells don't stay in
4 no safety
5 low fps & ammo capacity

all together it is a good prop gun but not to practical for airsoft battles. and really nice for the cost.
by Nathaniel J. on 09/16/2010
"this gun is alright... it is fun to play around with but as for skirmish capability not very use full.. its range is only about 50 ft with .12 the build of this gun iis very cheap. the barrel wobbles a little, it is 100% plastic except for the shell eject rod thats metal. whats cool about this gun is if you have the thumb strength you can duel wield this sucker. i hate it when people complain that it only holds 6 shots....... ITS A REVOLVER its what makes it unique..

its a revolver
good collecters item
very fun to just play with

build quality
by David T. on 09/02/2010
"This gun is ok. It's hard to pull back the hammer at first but you get used to it pretty quick, also i couldn't find a safety or a hop up anywhere which is to bad cuz after about 60 ft. the bb starts to curve. but it hits hard and is really reliable and cool lookin.
by Andy G. on 06/02/2010
"I bought this gun for $30 about 3 months ago. It worked well. Low fps and was all plastic and also was not very accurate. I did like the design overall though. Worth $24 on evike. This is just a fun gun not for wars.
by Daniel L. on 05/18/2010
"This gun is sturdy and quite reliable. As far as airsoft pistols go, this is a good in between of a normal springer and an electric since the hammer can be pulled back pretty quick. It is also pretty accurate too, able to hit close to a 1 inch bullseye from about 4 meters away. The only problem I find is it's plastic build, in which the barrel seems to be a tad fragile if you attempt to bend it, so don't go around throwing this or dropping it. Another nit pick are the shells that come with it, mostly that they give you two extra shells, and it is difficult to reload quickly without the assistance of a speed loader. All in all, this gun is a very affordable option for those who want a reliable sidearm with a decent fire rate.
by Joe M. on 10/06/2008
"Out of all of my airsoft experience(4+ years) this has got to be one of the coolest springers I have ever played with, I don't suggest you use this for anything other than playing around but its still just a neat thing to have.

Really Nice design I compared it to my real Smith & Wesson and the resemblance is amazing!
Shells are a neat way to reload.

All plastic
Chance of losing the shells if reloading at an angle.
by Eric M. on 11/18/2011
"This is a neat looking gun. But had many problems, when i opened the box it was broken and misiing shells, but i sent it back and it was replaced. It is cheap made. its all plastic, i would not use it in an airsoft war personaly, but i do like to mess around with it.
by Matt S. on 10/24/2008
"good gun while it lasts... too bad it only lasted about a week until the firing mechanism broke. and the dude below me is right, the hammer is herd to pull down and you cant just pull it with your thumb like in the movies. soo that makes it extremely hard to use two at once unless you have amazing thumb muscles. its also a little disapointing when you're screwed after only six rounds
by Seth H. on 04/25/2020
"Range is pitiful, even with the supplied .12 bbs and has very finnicky cylinder alignment, I would say its really only for small children but then you have the hammer which is fairly heavy and would be difficult for a little kid to operate. I was hoping for a simple and reliable back-up pistol albeit one with short range, but I can't really recommend this for anyone.

The gas version is much more reliable though they both suffer from being dollar store tier construction.