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APS Spare Replacement Shells for Thunder B Sound Grenade Cores (Package: Sound Flash / Single)

26 Customer Reviews

by Justin B. on 05/28/2012
"Incredible shells.
These shells (only the distraction type) massively increase the reliability of the Thunder-B.
Due to their shape, the pressure tends to focus on the vertexes and points of the grenade shell, which the other shell types don't have. This makes these shells FAR more reliable for working than any other shell type.
While the flashbang type shells only work about 50% of the time, and the pineapple shells work about 60% of the time, I have yet to have a single dud or failure using these shells.

These shells really do allow the Thunder-B to work each and every time!!

5/5 will buy again!
by Marianne C. on 03/20/2009
"THIS IS THE SINGLE COOLEST GRENADE EVER!!!! no hassle virtualy no maintinence and its soooo loud!!!
by charles b. on 06/11/2024
"Love the Thunder B Sound Grenade!

I mostly use them in tripwire configurations during hypothetical training scenarios for the military. I normally set them up using the older "v" type tent stakes that I have modified by riveting a thin ring/collar to the top of the stake. The grenade shell can then slide up into the collar then, I screw the core onto the shell from the top, securing the shell and core to the stake. I can then drive the stake into the ground for lower tripwires or, I have holes drilled along the stake so that I can screw the stake to a tree, door, or wall for other/higher tripwire applications.

The ONLY issue I have is that the threads on the core are VERY fine and often get stripped after detonation making the core no longer usable. I have scored the shells, put FX powder in the shell to increase volume and have the shell separate/blow apart easier and, I have even drilled small pilot holes to allow the CO2 to fill the shell faster in an attempt to have the shell blow apart easier...all to no avail. Still, I will continue to use the Thunder B because it is the best of its kind on the market that I have found.

Hope this was helpful.
by Nicholas J. on 02/22/2023
"Theyre cheap and infinately reusable for $3 each. Thats far cheaper than any pyro grenade. Its your only option for a reusable grenadesound grenade with ai bing out of buisness and with it not being impact its guarenteed to go off.

I did have a couple of problems. First is pineapples which are the most reliable didn't fit my condor pouches. I've switched to devils and m intereted to see how well it throws bb's but those also work as sound grenades. I still have the free bb's from my cyma ak.

A of the issue is i still.used those pouches for my grenades because the strap did go over. What e ded up happening with both of them was a negelgent discharge in the pouch because i bumped the pins and they exploded in the pouches shredding them. I had to buy new pins and i bent them.for that reason
by Jerad P. on 11/01/2021
"I mean these things are fun im not sure how usefull they are but i mean they are fun to scare people with
by Kerri F. on 08/05/2013
"These are the better shells to buy, they are much louder and the explosion timing is good.

Scare opponent and go off quick.

Caps can fly off (mostly bottom peice) But wont go to far.
by Hongxu W. on 11/19/2016
"so I bought these set a while ago, it looks fantastic and when it go off, it's really loud. But the problem being this always have a lower chance to blow up, or take a really long time to blow, which means any opponent u r trying to grenade will run off before it goes. And the plastic ring broke after 10 shells, not a big deal but kind disappointing.
by ben b. on 05/11/2016
"didnt work half of the time either wouldnt go off at all or they would just blow the top off and someone said they are supposed to come with o rings for the bottom so that they expand on the sides mine never came with them first set i got was the pineapple shells they worked every time
by Dylan B. on 06/16/2024
"every single flashbang shell is making a pin hole on the seam and dumping pressure before it can explode, awful shells , would recommend the " distractions " shells or the Thunder Devil as a much better alternative
by Damian D. on 02/02/2020
"Bought a pack of 12, wanted to test out other shell models for my thunder b and have been very disappointed in my endeavors. First day out with these shells I used 5, and out of the five I tossed/used, zero successfully detonated/popped. All five shells swelled up like balloons and made hazardous situations for players and the refs who had to dispose of these armed grenades. Not a good experience. Do not recommend these shells. Stick with the original thunder b shells, at least those will go off 75% of the time opposed to the 0% these shells work.
by Elias P. on 02/28/2016
"I have used these shells with the end caps multiple times with my thunder-b and the have never worked. I have successfully used other shells with the same grenade that work so I know its the shells that are bad. Don't get these they don't work.