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Matrix Match Grade 6mm Airsoft BB 20kg Rice Bag Bulk Buy (Model: .23g / White)

32 Customer Reviews

by mona o. on 02/15/2009
"yeP...them's alota bee bee's i tell ya.. . I recommend to people that are gonna buy this to figure out what weight your guns shoot best with, before you by this many. Are your bb's better?

A: Being the biggest retailer and one of the rare that warranties all of our airsoft guns. Yes, you can expect the highest quality bbs from That's a statement no other retailer can claim, since we are one of the rare few that actually deal with the source of all the best bb brands.
by Tuan T. on 02/08/2009
"This Rice Bag is worth the money. I can pretty much SWIM in this stuff. It's lasted me so far about 6 months and I'm still almost full! This is highly recommended. By the way don't tell your friends. They'd probably steal it.
by Austin S. on 01/05/2009
"I would Recomend buying the rice bag if you play airsoft alot me and my freinds bought one and we war alot and you dont have too worry about test firing and saying stop shooting youre wasting ammo so this is a good buy
by Ryan B. on 10/11/2008
"I HAVE ordered and USED these BB's there are tons of bb's in the 60lb bag (about 110,000) I've ran about 20k through all my AEG/GBB's and no jamb yet Id have to say a great deal and great BB's
by Tariq N. on 09/06/2008
"If you are an airsoft player for life, I guess you can throw $250 on this bag...I mean, one fifths of a cent per BB is a pretty good deal (approx. 125,000 BBs in this bag) in comparison to the usual one fourth of a cent per BB in a 5000 bag. Now, it is not really that is just the amount which brings big savings. For example, buying 25 bags of 5000 BBs would be about $325. If you buy at 20,000 per bag it would be 6.25 (just get 6 20ks and 1 5k) it would be about $253...I mean, 3 dollars could get you three pistols, a pen, and a barrel condom on this site! Anyways...just get this bag for the amount, not for wholesaling...
by Lanzer M. on 08/09/2008
"Dude, this bag of BB'z is EPIC all my friends are gonna be pissed cus im NEVER going to run out of BB'z now :D
by Rob A. on 07/26/2008
"I just bought one of these and they seem to be as promised! Lots and lots of high quality .25g BBs. It came out to .0028 cents per bb for me which is a good price, add in the free shipping, and its a hard to beat deal. If youve got a large team, or are just heavy on the trigger, I would recommend these bbs.
by Garrett C. on 07/18/2008
"Oops wrong math. There is 136363 bb's per bag. 2272 bb's a pound.
by Garrett C. on 07/18/2008
"Actually there is 147727 bb's in a bag. That means it is a "super" good deal.
by Mike K. on 07/01/2008
"Holy crap this is 125000 bbs, thats a really good deal, just $.002 per bb
by Patrick S. on 06/15/2008
"dude, .25s are awsome but 25 kilos is nuts! as soon as i can im getting this 25 kilo bag and see how long this lasts me, probably a hour knowing me and my trigger finger but still this si crazy. i'd buy it
by Jacob T. on 03/03/2010
"Guess who spilt the whole bag out accidently in his room 5 minutes after getting it?
by Erik M. on 03/01/2009
"Veryyy great deal but next time I'm gonna buy a few bags of the 20,000 for $40 because then you're able to sort of customize the amount to your budget or to how many bb's you need. After all, the guy said before me that it's either $250 for this or $253 for a bunch of bags of 20,000.
by Tuan T. on 07/22/2008
"Ups put it as 57.7 lbs so if its about 2k bb's per pound i lost about 7000 bb's. But, the deal was still good and its high quality.
by Isaac B. on 04/29/2014
"Our third bag of these has experienced 5 or 6 jams in 1 month across 3 of our players. Someone we run with that uses .28s did not have this problem. Must have gotten a bag stored in weird conditions or aged or something. Still a decent deal.