Matrix 6.03mm Precision Steel Sniper Tight Bore Inner Barrel for Airsoft AEG (Length: 650mm)
55 Customer Reviews
by micah c. on 08/27/2014
"I bought this barrel for an unusual m4 build. The black ops m4 from walmart! I also got a mock suppressor to increase the overall length of the barrel. It has done nothing but work like it should great accuracy increase in range and 15fps more.
by Caleb W. on 06/19/2014
"I debated between a 6.03mm and a 6.01mm barrel for a while, and after many google searches, 6.03mm seemed to be the better choice. Unfortunately, Angel Customs did not make 6.03 barrels, so I decided on this particular one by Matrix.
I recently installed this in my King Arms Blaser (it has an aeg cut), and I have found no flaws up to date. For the price, this barrel was made with quality. It is very well cut, and my Blaser's grouping is significantly tighter, as I had hoped. I'd recommend this barrel for anyone leaning toward the 6.03mm barrel width.
I recently installed this in my King Arms Blaser (it has an aeg cut), and I have found no flaws up to date. For the price, this barrel was made with quality. It is very well cut, and my Blaser's grouping is significantly tighter, as I had hoped. I'd recommend this barrel for anyone leaning toward the 6.03mm barrel width.
by manny c. on 04/12/2014
"I've put about 50k bbs through this thing, never had any problems with it. as accurate as any other 6.03 I've compared it to, great for the price, heavy, and very resistant.
by Ryan C. on 04/08/2013
"Great barrel! I ordered two; one for myself and one for my brother. My brother's SR15 really needed it, and after a new hopup as well, it's an amazing gun. So is mine, even though it was already reasonably accurate, but these barrels truly made a difference.
by Robert S. on 03/04/2013
"Very good barrel, had no problem fitting it to the hop-up and it will fit really any M4 etc. Vastly increased my groupings and I'm very impressed overall. Clean finish on the outside and again GREAT ACCURACY.
If you haven't bought this thing yet I honestly don't know why you haven't. The single best upgrade a person can put into their AEG
If you haven't bought this thing yet I honestly don't know why you haven't. The single best upgrade a person can put into their AEG
by Matthew G. on 01/06/2013
"This is an excellent tight bore. Many people will tell you that a 6.03 isn't as good as a 6.01, however they are better than 6.01's because although your fps will be slightly lower (as compared to a 6.01) they allow your hopup to impart the proper spin to your bb, therefore effectively increasing range. The quality in this barrel is apparent upon arrival. It has excellent weight to it, and nice makings, in addition to a great finish and some of the best packaging I think I have ever seen, I haven't been able to chrono, but I do notice a slight FPS increase, and of course my accuracy has improved drastically. 100/100
by Nick B. on 01/15/2012
"THIS IS AN UNBIASED REVIEW OF THIS BARREL. This barrel accurately demonstrates very tight groupings of about 6 inches at 75 feet. I am using this barrel in a CYMA AKM that was chronoed at 385 with an M110 spring .The overall build quality is made out of high quality steel which competes with PDI and EDGi barrels. I highly recommend tgis barrel for its accuracy, groupings,build quality, and price which is only $30 dollars. You should not be disappointed with this purchase.
by Hunter M. on 11/22/2011
"this barrel works great, just put it in and it shoot great. I highly recommend this barrel if you want to be a Designated Marksmen. Or if you just want a more accurate AEG or sniper rifle.
Steal instead of brass
heavy weight
Steal instead of brass
heavy weight
by Jordan B. on 11/14/2011
"This barrel is great!! This barrel will fit a G36K (not C) and drastically improved from stock barrel performance. Went from a 4-5 inch group to about a 1.5 inch group at 80-100 feet. I am able to hit a metal fence post (probably 2 inch wide) at the end of my backyard consistently! Definately will hit a man sized target from far away. Haven't had a jam yet after 2,000 rds. Great price too.
Steel barrel
Crowned end
Engraved barrel length and bore
The engraving did leave micro-bur, had a little trouble the first time fitting it into the outer barrel but a little sandpaper or nail file will fix.
Steel barrel
Crowned end
Engraved barrel length and bore
The engraving did leave micro-bur, had a little trouble the first time fitting it into the outer barrel but a little sandpaper or nail file will fix.
by Jonathan N. on 11/11/2011
"Great improvement to the grouping of my BBs. Clearly not as great as the prometheous barrels and anything in that price range, but you get what you pay for and in this case it's worth it!
by Tom K. on 09/15/2011
"Tested in a slightly upgraded G&G GR-16 using Matrix 0.23g BBs and X3200 chrono
KM 363mm x 6.04mm 380 fps
Matrix 407mm x 6.03mm 410 fps
Accuracy was about the same, but range increased with the Matrix, possibly due to the length. Even if that is the case, it puts the Matrix on a par with the KM/Head 1950 barrels, but the Matrix barrels are cheaper. I didn't have other barrels to test against, but it seems clear that the Matrix performs very well -especially for its price.
KM 363mm x 6.04mm 380 fps
Matrix 407mm x 6.03mm 410 fps
Accuracy was about the same, but range increased with the Matrix, possibly due to the length. Even if that is the case, it puts the Matrix on a par with the KM/Head 1950 barrels, but the Matrix barrels are cheaper. I didn't have other barrels to test against, but it seems clear that the Matrix performs very well -especially for its price.
by steven A. on 08/10/2011
"This barrel is amazing! i got it for my vfc mk17 (Scar-H) and now my gun shoots 380fps on a .25g when before it was shooting 360 and the bbs fly straight as an arrow for alot further distance (i would guess 50ft) not to mention its made out of steel so it will not break and installation was very VERY easy (took about 5 minutes) if you need a tightbore then get this one you will not be disappointed
by Andrew P. on 05/26/2011
"A must buy right here, its insane. I have a mp5 which had a 229 mm barrel in it, I put this in my gun and wow what a difference. I went from 80-100 feet with a 2 to 3 foot spread, to 100-110 foot with only a foot to maybe 2 foot spread. Its awesome
by Ryan C. on 05/14/2011
"Amazing item to upgrade your gun. I installed this in my Echo 1 M4, and it increased my accuracy quite a bit. Please note that if you are upgrading your inner-barrel, you should replace at least the bucking on the barrel as well. I did a cylinder tune-up, and an M120 spring at the same time. Accuracy and range went through the roof. I installed the 60 degree bucking (Mad Bull I believe). Everything I purchased you can get on Evike too! Went from hanging with the big boys at the local field, to being the top dawg.
by James R. on 05/04/2011
"Great precision barrel! I decided to try Matrix as it is a new brand and the result is over my expectations. It gave my KWA M4 a 20 FPS increase in velocity and much better grouping and range. I highly recommend this barrel for your m4.