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6mmProShop PPSH-41 WWII Electric Blowback Airsoft AEG Submachine Gun w/ Drum Mag and Real Wood

55 Customer Reviews

by Grayson P. on 07/11/2014
"For the sake of neatness I'm just going to make a pros and cons list but I would buy this gun
Fire rate
Drum mag
Pretty accurate
It is kind of heavy
Not really a beginner gun
Slightly challenging to put in battery
Orange tip
Otherwise a great buy
by adam a. on 10/21/2013
"this gun is a great buy if you love ww11 guns and especially if you love the ppsh

. amazing blowback systems
.real wood and built amazing
.has a awesome sound
.look awesome with it
.great accuracy
. can take 8.4 or 9.6
by Carolyn O. on 09/29/2013
"great gun if you have the money I suggest buying it. it tears up as a cqb gun im in the process of making/finding rails to mount on it
by Ian B. on 09/19/2013
"I purchased this gun, and I love it. The real wood and metal is just outstanding. It fires very fast and is the size of a sub-machine gun, but has enough bb storage to be classified as a light machine gun. Instead of paying 500 or more for a m249 just buy this honestly.

The only con is the weight. Due to the real wood and steel, this gun is extremely heavy for me. If you are an adult or young adult the weight is most likely not a concern, but if you are a teen or child that is not the strongest, I wouldn't reccomend the gun for cqc, but maybe use it as a stationary gun in outdoors.

Overall Great gun
by Wendy H. on 08/16/2013
"first off... the thing is a beast. It is an amazing aeg with high rate of fire, and accurate. I can hit targets well beyond 120ft and the drum magazine us pretty awesome. the gun is pretty heavy. and the metal with real wood... love it. its just a great all around weapon and is very reliable. I do recommend a 8.4 1600mah battery. I thought about buying a 9.6v but I didnt and ended up buying a 8.4v. it still gives it that holy poop fire rate and is VERY loud. yes the orange tip is huge but can be removed. long story short... its amazing. dont hesitate in buying it. yeah its price tag is big but if you got the money, I recommend this.

fire rate
drum mag
wood with metal
blowback (can be a loss)

big orange ugly tip (yes I know its the law but I mean come on, make it a little smaller please)
heavy (maybe for other people, doesnt effect me)
VERY small battery compartment
blowback wears on the gears
fire selector switch is wobbly
by Kevin Z. on 06/26/2013
"To start this off. #1 advice I can give you to keep this gun in great shape:

***USE 8.4V MAX*** This is coming from and expert. Why? The gearbox can't handle a 9.6v for a long time and it burns it out and not ony that, but the gun fires too fast for the mag to keep up. I own two 8.4v Small Type 1600 batteries and they work perfectly.

The gun itself is definetly nicely built. The wood is not orangish like in the pictures. It's a nice brown that can easily be restained to your liking. The orange tip was sort of a pain to take off.The blowback is a cool feature, but I suggest after some use, disable the blowback as it will increase the performance of the gun. It has a good weight to it. Sure its a little heavy, but if it bothers you, you really need to start working out ;)


USE 8.4v 1600 small batteries!!!


Pretty Accurate
Hop up is easy to adjust
Well built
Heft: It really isn't bad at all as its compressed into a small sized package. Hit the gym if its too heavy.
Great mag quality, space, and peformance


Orange tip is a pain to take off but can come off
Distance is okay not amazing.
Blowback can break the gun overtime, but its easily disabled so this isnt a big deal.

Now people say well this is a crappy version of Ares and Hexagon is better. Well I havent gotten my hands on a Hexagon PPSH as they went out of business and you can only buy one from Hong Kong at a ridiculous price. But it looks as if the gun itself is better than the S&T. But, the S&T being $215 and your able to get 2 batteries, a smart charger, and a PPSH for $250 including the use of coupons? Its a great deal. This gun has performed up to its price and if you have an interest in WWII or just want something besides the everyday M4 and M16, then go with the S&T PPSH.
by Bruce Z. on 06/17/2013
"This gun is amazing. The steel is of really good construction, making this gun very heavy at around 10 pounds. The wood is nice. I bought the matrix 9.6 volt battery at the bottom of the screen. With that battery, the battery compartment is VERY cramped. I could barely get it in. I would not recommend getting that battery. I've heard that a butterfly 9.6 volt works well so I would recommend this battery. I don't think that the drum mag actually holds 2000 rounds. I think it holds closer to 1500 rounds at the most. This is still really good for a high cap. The blowback is cool but I would recommend turning it off most of the time. This gun has a really nice rate of fire with a 9.6 volt, and this is even better with the blowback turned off. FPS is around 360ish with 0.20 grams. I'm not sure if this is the case on other PPSH's but the fire selector swith is sort of wobbly. It still works but this is something I'm going to pay attention to. Here are the pros and cons.
All metal and steel
real wood
High cap drum mag
Very good rate of fire
Surprisingly Accurate

Cramped battery compartment
Wobbly fire selector switch
If you are still on the fence about getting this gun, you are trully missing out! This gun is just a beast. Good for ww2 reenactors or somebody who wants to stand out from the hordes of M4s and AKs. I Love this gun!
by Jill W. on 04/16/2013
"This thing is awesome! I got it a few weeks ago and it runs amazing. Don't bother trying to put on any attachments. It is a real wood stock with metal parts. The battery life isn't the greatest though, and after about a half hour of firing, the battery gets wicked hot. The door to the stock is flimsy too. The orange tip is more like an orange cover but I managed to take mine off using a screwdriver and a hair drier to prop it off. This thing, when ya get shot, stings like a b****. I made dents in my mailbox from 20 yards away. The rate of fire on full auto is great. Just don't run it too long or the gearbox runs dryfire.

WWII style Russian/German gun
1:1 scale . Basically like an m16 on steroids
Hurts like h e l l. When shot
Real wood and lots of metal.
Hi capacity drum magazine
Electronic blowback

Front heavy
Some batteries may not fit in all the way into the stock
Bad buttstock cover, cheap flimsy metal
Big orange tip if you can't remove it or if it is illegal in your state or country or county or town to remove it
No place for optics
Would have to fabricate pieces for attachments to cling to

Overall it is a great gun with amazing power and its great for WWII reenactors or gun collectors
by Mark S. on 03/26/2013
"The wood is quite lovely along with the blowback. It can handel a 7.4 lipo quite well and it does have quite a kick to it. Nothing major like a gbb but you can feel it. I changed out the barrel for a madbull v2 python 300mm and there was a noticeable increase in FPS and accuracy. The stock bucking is quite good and I would not change it. It has a v- hop bucking which I found impressive infact. You can turn the blowback on/off easily. Oh don't get a barrel larger than 300mm, the stock one is about 265mm or something. The madbull fits in nicely.

For 175 I would get it I like it except for
You have to be careful with the mag. You need to make sure it is in or else it will fall out
You can't go past 300mm inner barrel with out showing (not really a con)
No threads so I can't put my noveske kx3 on it :(

Evike doesn't have mid caps :(.
by Michael G. on 03/26/2013
"I got this gun for a gift to myself last christmas. It has THE BEST externals on a airsoft gun ever, it redefines the term full metal. It has the coolest blow back for a AEG for that matter. Also the stock 2000 rnd mag makes it very skirmishable out of the box. IMO it also has the quickest takedown time, also the quick change spring system is also awesome for transitions to CQC. The biggest CON I have is that it doesnt fit some 9.6 batteries id recommend getting a nunchuck style, another is as being one of the only ppsh's, parts are VERY propietary. overall I'd give it a 8.5/10
by John P. on 10/17/2012
"This is one beautiful gun, as far as WWII airsoft guns go, this has to be at the top. Overall it is a great AEG, it is very accurate, has a realistic feel to it, and it has Electric Blow-Back! Another great feature is the Drum Magazine, it holds 2000rds! That is almost as much as an airsoft light machine gun! I highly recommend this gun to anybody who is interested in WWII style airsoft guns or just wants something a little different.

Full Metal
Real Wood Stock
Electric Blow-back
2000rd Drum Mag
High FPS
Very Accurate
Easy to use / Very clear instruction manual
Quick change spring system

Doesn't come with a Battery. (Would work great with a 9.6v)
by derek g. on 09/07/2012
"i just got this gun today, chronoed it, fired a full mag out of it already and did some shooting with a team member
all i have to say is that this gun is worth every penny, full metal full wood gives it a realistic weight and its pretty loud.

by alp s. on 08/29/2012
"First of all i love this gun, its a masterpieace item as a collector. The only issue i had was the problem at's store. I got this gun 3 days ago from the store. After 1 hour i brought it back cause there was a gap between the wood stock and the metal reciever ( as a collector these kind of stuff really matters) so i took it back and i got another one. And today it turns out that inside the earbox the fuses are burnt? So i bring it back again.. I get another one and i tested it in the shooting range. And it turns out its a supppper accurate gun and has a high fps. Not to mention the realistic blowback action that has a sweet little recoil to it.

-Accurate really accurate
-EBB blowback!
-rpm is great
-steel, real wood..
-heavy (for some people it could be considerd a con, but for me its defenitly great.)
- the look, feel.

-the mag when locked into place, is wobbly.
-the GIANT flash hider... What is that thing...
And thats actually all
by Brince W. on 05/11/2012
"I recieved this gun last wednesday and I gotta say this gun is beast with a hint of suicidal death. The only problem I had was that after Evike upgraded it the fuse went bad and I had to replace it. Other than that the gun is beast and I highly recommend it.

Shoots insanley accurate
shoots far
Easy spring change system

Giant orange tip
Selector switch is very loose

Oh and some people say its heavy and its not. Even if it is heavy to you, you wont notice it on the field.
by Zach S. on 04/02/2012
"I have held one of these monsters at true edge and lets face it IT IS HUGE for an SMG, my brothers Thompson is without a doubt pretty small (despite its size) compared to this. And for its weight, it feels about 5-7lbs (or about the same as a standard M16 with no attachments). All I can say is I want one.