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SRC SR8-2 XM8 Airsoft AEG Rifle with V.3 Reinforced Gearbox and Integrated Scope (Color: Desert Tan)

43 Customer Reviews

by Benjamin B. on 10/19/2008
"This gun it great and shoots hard. solid fill and is easy to handle, love it. But I do reconmend getting a strong battery, "LI-Poly"
by Jarek H. on 10/09/2008
"don't listen to the guy underneath me. I have had none of these issues and it is worth the $200
by Dana R. on 08/30/2008
"Here's the story: I originally bought this gun for my Dad, but ,i decided to take it myself. After reviewing the pros and cons about this gun, i can tell anyone it's worth the money. I had to change a few things like a diffrent stock because SRC makes the crappest stocks, and a new Hop-up cause some of my friends do not know how to depress the trigger all the way(they paid for it),Evike was really supportive and sent me a gun case which was not in the order i made because there was a delay in the shipping(Really cool case a $40 value) . Overall, i am happy with the puchase and i plan on buying the KWA M4 next. My SRC Xm8 scares the hell out my other airsoft grunts when i play.
by Jeff C. on 07/07/2008
"This is a very impressive rifle. The scope on the rifle is real. If you got one from other retailers with a fake scope, return it and get it from Evike. The build in scope on this rifle is priceless! Its so nice, one of the best XM8 to get if you are looking for an XM8
by John C. on 05/24/2008
by Brocklund M. on 09/05/2024
"guns great but stocks unsteady and left fire selector just fell of but no performance problems.
by Johnny E. on 05/10/2024
"Read the reviews, but I still bought it because I like the xm8, and SRC is the only option. Mine came with no magazines, scope is wobbly (seems that's normal), scope is completely out of focus, and the battery compartment not the best. Honestly the price is a bit high. But overall I like it and pretty glad I bought it. Could be better or at least lower the price.
by Charles C. on 11/10/2022
"-Being one of if not the only mass-produced XM8 airsoft replicas out there I really had no other choice but to buy this one. I'm mostly satisfied but feel that the price is not justified. The few complaints revolve around the body, particularly the buttstock & fire selector. Both feel fragile and the quality seems shady at best. Next, I found the scope undesirable at least in my opinion that is. That said I still had to get it with the gun which probably increased the price, it'd be nice to see a version sold without the scope. Circling back to the buttstock... Its quality is trash, it is nearly impossible to adjust it without manhandling it. I would HIGHLY recommend you do not extend the buttstock at all. The buttstock is extremely flimsy and will probably break if you use it while it's extended halfway or more. But enough about the buttstock, let's talk about the fire selector, its clunky and malfunctions. I've had it on full auto and the gun will still be on safety or only fire semi-auto. You have to get the fire selector in the "sweet spot" for it to work as it should.

-Next, I'll mention the plastic creaking noise. I've heard bad things about gen 1 and 2 when it comes to plastic being noisy. I noticed with the GEN 3 that most pieces don't creek, again, except for the buttstock (oh god please do something with the buttstock). So if what they say about GEN 1&2 is true then GEN 3 is definitely an improvement.

-The gun also comes with iron sights that can be lowered/raised from the body of the gun. they're effective but sometimes don't want to come out or go back down (mainly the front one).

-Expect the same performance as a typical M4 rental gun

-Finally, I'd like to point out that this gun does not come with 2 mags as advertised or at least they have bad quality control. Not sure if this is an EVIKE issue or an SRC issue. I am not alone in this complaint and I've seen others who got this gun only getting one mag.

This gun has some cons but I honestly enjoy it and some of its issues can be solved by doing DIY. If this gun was cheaper then I would have been more understanding when it comes to quality.
by Coty M. on 01/18/2020
"For an overall review on a rifle, it's actually pretty great, but it's not without its flaws.

Cons first: Stock broke on me during unboxing. As soon as I put my weight into it, it broke. Stock is cheap hollowed plastic, held together with small plastic notches and glue. Hard to pull back and forth, even when it was working. Luckily, it's easy to fix since it's cheap plastic. Gorilla tape and Gorilla Glue, fixed it all up. Magnifiying scope isn't all that great, since it's only 1.5x, but for close quarters it's alright. Doesn't come with battery or charger either, so you'll have to spend extra on that and wait for shipping, unless you buy in store. Battery compartment is also extremely limited. Standard 9.6v 1600 mAH butterfly battery fits, but you have to fight the wiring and spacing to get it to fit. Not many (if any at all) replacement parts available either. No spot for pitcanny rail.

Finally, the Pros: Iron sights on rifle are great, metal gearbox (compared to some M4's that broke on me 1st day), very comfortable in the hands, scope is removable, internals can be customized with G36 series, fires decently, big eye candy for anyone on the field, makes a great DMR

If you can work around the Cons and put in the effort, it makes a decent gun or project gun. Currently upgrading mine with M170 spring for High Torque build. From all the internals I've messed with so far, this gun hits HARD!
by Jeffrey S. on 08/03/2017
"I've owned this M8 for about 3 years now and I'd have to say I have absolutely annihilated people using this gun with completely bone stock internals. It's a fairly solid design, some people have problems with the stock but mine has worked with no issues. I took off the scope bought a 1' rail riser for clearance and put a hollow sight on that bad boy, it looks amazing. I haven't seen another person sporting this gem making it rare to see in the wild, which is nice.

Accurate AF
solid hop up
very ergonomic
scope can be changed
inner and outer barrel can be extended
Kicks serous trash indoors
stock scope is pretty good
has holes to put a rail under the hand guard for grips

can become rickety over time
you have to get kinda close for outdoor use
by Alex T. on 06/13/2017
"an okay gun for CQB the one i got was shooting fine the only problems i have are it has a wobbly right the scope goes on and my front iron sight came bent other than that its an pretty okay rifle
by Fernando M. on 04/03/2016
"Great gun, overall. The internals haven't failed on me, and I've been fielding it every weekend for the last two or three months. Great response on the trigger, and solid accuracy. The plastic is good, but you'll need some Krazy Kola to glue some poorly-done union points. The scope is the only bad deal in this package, no eye relief, mine couldn't be adjusted, and frankly unsuitable if you like to do Rifleman. Maybe would work in a Designated Marksman role. Got some mid caps for it, and it fed a little weird on Semi auto, lot's of double-feeds, but is operating normally now. 100% recommended, just get another sight and a riser rail.
by Luke M. on 08/14/2015
"My first AEG
Exceptional gun
-Accuracy - fairly accurate, hop-up is easy to adjust.
-Standard G36 internals - no proprietary nonsense.
-Weight - has some weight to it but is still good for CQB/Field.
-Comfortable - compared to an M4/G36/AK this gun takes the cake in ergonomics.
-ROF - with a good battery (9.6v 1600 mAh), this gun absolutely shreds on full and semi-auto.
-Looks - this guns absolutely beautiful especially with the included scope, nobody has this gun so it's a real eye-catcher, and your loadout looks better because you have the Ghost Recon 2 cover gun.
-Maneuverability - carbine length barrel makes it good for both field and CQB, stock and scope is easily removed to make a PDW style gun for CQB, easy to put it back on for field use, not a burden to leave on in CQB setting.
-Build- It's sturdy, it can take a tumble or two.
-Included high caps - broke immediately, wobbly, crappy feeding.
-Scope - it's hard to adjust and screws to take it off the rail space strip easily, great scope otherwise.
-Rail space - there isn't any! You can add it on but there are no rails included, it looks better without rails and attachments anyway.
-Sling mounts - they're awful, get used to using the carry handle and leaving it behind when you use a secondary
The pros far outweigh the cons here. All cons here in my opinion are minor and this gun is certainly a great buy!
by James R. on 07/08/2015
"The gun is pretty well rounded has a heavy weight in the front of it and gets really heavy after a while its also pretty long so hard to keep on the side with sling shoots great tho however when it jammed and the gearbox broke i replaced it and now it doesn't seem like it used to be other than trying to replace the gearbox its hard to modify internally the battery also sits in there fairly tight fit and is hard to fit when closing the battery spot.
by Dion C. on 02/21/2013
"My first AEG, and it looks nice. After a few matches at an airsoft field, i'll say its pretty decent. The scope is actually removable revealing a rail, so there are other options to put on that rail (I put a reflex sight). My only problems with the gun is the rail itself is wobbly, and the front sights are garbage, only because the barrel is free floating. The barrel is out of line with the gun itself.

Lots of people said that the stock was wobbly. This problem was present on the real version, and I never had a problem with the wobble.

Great gun.