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Elite Force Premium 6mm Airsoft BBs (Weight: .20g / 2700 Rounds)

68 Customer Reviews

by Michal F. on 04/20/2018
"Best 0.25g BBs, at rock bottom prices. These are the best BBs for Anything shooting under 350 FPS. Stock Tokyo marui, Green gas pistols, etc. Anything shooting over 350, I would go 0.30g
by Nezar C. on 03/03/2018
"Like every other review, these things are great! They are perfectly white so they might stick out a little bit, but the ones I got never got damaged after shooting. Still, never re-use shot bbs. They can damage your airsoft gun.
by Pasquale D. on 03/02/2018
"there bbs that are made by elite force what else do you need to know
by Anthony M. on 01/08/2018
"The taste is a little plan and the B.Bs are really hard to chew on but makes for a good snack on day 2 of milsim
by Phillip B. on 12/23/2017
"Easily some of the best bbs available.
by Nate B. on 12/10/2017
"Best BB's on The Market!!!!! I absolutely love these bb's because they are really high quality and work great in all my guns. I use the .20s in my classic army cqbris m4 and my delta 10 classic army m4 also in my salient arms international ds (1911 pistol).Then I use their .25s or .30s in my vsr 10 sniper rifle.These .20 can still go in snipers and the work like a beast.I highly recommend these bbs.

High Quality You don't have these bb's
by Nick C. on 08/29/2017
"These are the best Bb's for any gun but these are the best on ggbs (gas blowbacks)
by Manuel F. on 08/22/2017
"Good BB's. Shoot straight in my G&P GBBR M4.
by Carter E. on 08/16/2017
"The good ol' bottle of .20 BB's! These should be your go to BB's no matter what. These are always high quality and I have never had an issue with them. Great price too!
by Cylix The C. on 08/15/2017
"Used these last weekend and wow what a difference over the regular .20g BBs, I had heard from several people that the denser ammo would make a marginal improvement in flight stability and consistency. I had no idea how much of an improvement these would really be. After going through 5,000 rounds this weekend I am now sold, I will never use .20g ever again. My next BB to try will be .28s. I had no jams, no wild shots that floated away, I was peppering people through some light brush and people were calling their hits.
by Jaden N. on 06/08/2017
"Good bb's. Wont jam your gun.
by Jason S. on 03/08/2017
"Greatest bbs around, great price, buy them buy them buy them!!
by Mason R. on 03/02/2017
"Some of the best bb's out there. They're one of the most popular for a reason. Elite Force is really making a name for themselves out there!
by chrys w. on 03/01/2017
"I haven't bought these bbs yet but my friend has then and I asked him of I could try them he said yes and I have a problem with my piston creating so much backspin that no matter the hop up they were still going up but when I tried the elite force bbs they worked perfectly I have no problems with the bbs they are great you should get these
by Christopher V. on 12/27/2016
"These are the best bbs I have ever used, supper accurate and consistent with a awesome price tag.
well priced
very consistent( never had a bad bb )
very accurate
