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King Arms Command Arms Licensed Full Metal M4-S1 Airsoft AEG Rifle (Model: Dark Earth / Carbine)

39 Customer Reviews

by Ramez F. on 01/14/2014
"This gun is awesome. has an insane rod over 20 bps, very accurate and has good range. and a good fps. 10/10
pros: rof
looks awesome
cons stiff mag and small battery compartment
by Ryan B. on 12/26/2013
"I just got this gun, and it is quite impressive. But lets get to the pros and cons.
Looks awesome
No wobble
Stock compartment can hold almost any small tool you need
consistent fps
high rof with a 9.6 volt
very comfortable to hold compared to other m4s i own
Battery compartment is way to small. You'll need a peq box if your hoping to fit a 9.6 volt butterfly
Hop-up is very sensitive to adjust
The functioning bolt catch broke on mine withing the first week, but thats ok, because i kept forgeting to close it and i was worried that dirt would get in my hop up

Overall a great gun, but be careful with the batteries
by Tyler G. on 11/24/2013
"after using this AEG once in the field, so far, it has been great. its the best M4 i've used both in terms of its looks and performance. The only 2 complaints that ive come across are the battery compartment and its stock FPS. when i first chronoed it, it was shooting around 430-440 FPS with .20s. i compressed the spring for a few hours though and i shoots around 380 now. To deal with the small battery compartment, i attached a mock PEQ box and that fixed that problem right away.
Basically, the pros outweigh the cons by a lot.

looks great
performs even better
full metal receiver
King Arms quality
Great weight as well(could be a con for smaller players but after getting used to carrying around my A&K M60vn all day, this gun seems light lol)
great range and decent accuracy(tight bore barrel wouldnt hurt)

high FPS(at least for me)
battery compartment is small and difficult to access especially if you plan on using the bottom rail.

all in all, if this gun catches your eye, by all means, get it! you wont be disappointed.
by Adam G. on 09/29/2013
"Hello airsoft community. I have written a review on this gun before, but that was when it was brand new out of the box. Here's an update to my opinion on this m4:


*90% metal; the rest is very durable polymer
*Has a functioning bolt-catch system, which must be used to access the hop-up.
*Super-realistic feel and look
*Descent fps of around 390
*Has a comfortable range and a nice spread---
^accuracy note^ - It isn't straight-line one-hole-on-the-target accurate, but shoots
well enough to get around a half-meter spread at 200ft.

*Has a very comfortable, ergonomic hand grip
*The stock is adjustable, rather comfy, has an adjustable cheek rest (which is removable), and also features a compartment for batteries (that you could also use for anything you want, like cigarettes if you smoke or something) The stock also has a rail on the side for whatever it may be that you'd like to put there.
*Includes removable flip-up sights (front is not removable)
*Features a customizable rail system that allows you to take off certain rails and put them somewhere else.
*The selector switch is easy to move (a con if you want something a little more tough to feel sturdy).
*It has licensed trademarks on it, making it look even more "official" and threatening. (On the 'threatening' note, don't brandish this thing in public.)
*The magazine is extremely sturdy and holds a fair amount of bbs (about 350 rounds), while looking really cool.
*Flash guard is removable (It's a 14mm negative thread. For those of you who don't know, it means "righty-loosey, lefty-tighty"). *REMOVE AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION*
*Eligible for discounts (I got mine for $220 instead of $260).
*It has a shorter barrel, making it more compatible for CQB.
*This is the sickest-looking gun I own.

Now for the bad stuff...


*Doesn't some with a battery (requires a 9.6v small type, butterfly type. The correct recommended battery is in the description).
*The battery compartment is the most difficult thing on this gun - you gotta have some wicked finger- muscle to get it off, and put it on.
*The magazine misfeeds sometimes, but it won't strip your gears if you're using the appropriate bbs. However, your gears WILL strip if you dry-fire it excessively. That's a no-brainer for all AEG's.
*The magazine also has an annoyingly tight fit in the chamber. You kinda have to have a little muscle to switch mags.
*If you don't like a heavy gun, then that will be a con for you.
*The stock fell off after some time, but that was just a loose screw. To fix it, I took the stock off by pulling the lever DOWN ALL THE WAY instead of up, and I just pulled it right off, leaving a pole for a stock. After that, I took a standard screw-driver, and screwed in that loose screw, put the stock on, and it was good to go. And if you want, you can take the rubber butt-pad off to get to a screw that holds in the strap-hook.

Over all, this is a pretty decent gun. I would cry if anything happened to it, just as I said in my previous review. The only bad thing is that the compartment is hard to handle and the mag has a tight fit in the chamber. But those are just little things that can easily be adapted to. It's worth the money I spent. Highly recommended.
by Adam G. on 08/09/2013
"I just got this gun about a week ago, and I already love it. It has a really awesome look and feel when you hold it.


*Very realistic feel and look
*Removable back sight
*Full Metal Gearbox
*Functioning bolt-catch system W/ hop up (I really love that)
*Great quality high-cap high strength mag
*Adjustable stock and cheek rest (cheek rest is also removable)
*Removable flash guard (It's a 14mm negative)
*Eligible for discounts


*Doesn't come with the battery (It needs a 9.6v)
*The magazine has a very tight fit in the chamber (It's not that bad, though)

I would cry if anything happened to it. It's downright amazing, pros heavily outweigh the cons. Highly recommended.
by Eric W. on 06/22/2013
"I got this gun about 3 months ago and it is by far my favorite aeg that I have ever shot. It shoots 380+ out of the box with .20 gram bbs. It has a good solid build and almost no wobble whatsoever. The one thing that happened with my gun is that the cut off lever did not function properly and so I had to get a new one. The gun is pretty light which is good for CQB so you can move around faster. It is extremely acurate out of the box with a CQB length barrel. I was shooting a foot tall and 6 inch wide target at 75 yards every time. Overall a greatgun
by Tevon T. on 05/10/2013
"Great gun! It is fantastic. Just got it today, and i love it!


1. FPS, around 380
2. ROF is way better than i thought it would be.
3. The appearance of this gun is really good, gotta have a good lookin gun.
4. Runs great with a 9.6, dont really need anything else.


1. Really tight battery compartment. Won't fit my 9.6 nunchuk. So i purchased the one they recommend with it and we will see how it fits. But i'm sure it will fit.
2. Very picky with mags.

thats about it. Overall, i love it. i recommend this gun!!
by tyler r. on 05/08/2013
"OK so i received this gun last week shot it, did some magpul tactical training with it. it did good LOL it has a high ROF Great FPS 380-390, sadly their is always a con too it i will explain. you need too tighten everything down on the gun when i received mine their were alot of loose screws on the gearbox and the stock came loose but other than that you will be good!. you should get it now while its a daily deal though !

High FPS
High ROF
Internals good

Loose gearbox
Loose stock
by Brennan F. on 04/29/2013
"I have taken it out to two games so far, and have had no trouble at all. All the complaints about getting the rail off to get to get to the battery are only partly true, it gives you just enough le-way to get to the battery to be able to plug it into the charger and into the gun, so once you putt the battery in you really don't need to take it completely apart again unless you change batteries. The magazine gets easier to put in/take out the more you use it. A really solid gun, I have taken out loads of people with it, its a barrel o fun. But if you play a lot of CQB get the smaller version.
by Alfonso S. on 01/09/2022
"From using spring powered, 2-in-1 deal, clear plastic BB guns, to this AEG is basically the best you can get on a budget. I’ve bought a week ago give or take, and I’ve been pretty happy with the unit so far. The battery was kind of a pain to install but I think that’s just because I’ve never had a AEG to myself. The barrel is somewhat flimsy and rotates a couple degrees here and there, not sure if that’s in my part but In all honesty I’m glad I snagged it for 209. Kinda sucks that there wasn’t a battery and charger included but I ordered some bbs, a battery, and a charger off from a 3rd party and they came way before the rifle did. Delivery took about 2 weeks to Texas with the free shipping. Bolt catch and forward assist are mechanical but not functional so it adds to the experience a bit. The plastic plate connecting the grip to the mag well is pretty sharp and uncomfortable if you hold the gun for too long, just get a knife or sandpaper and take off the edge and it should be good. Above all else, my unit DID NOT come with a manual, so I just had to look up the model on YouTube and see what features I had and which I didn’t and how to use it correctly. I took off my hand guard rails cause they’re pretty abrasive and sharp. This is a great rifle for the price and a great starter to get you invested
by Jamie D. on 03/01/2021
"Not bad, but I would definitely like to have instructions to the gun


Cons- no space for recommended battery.
the mag included has no room!
other wise great
by Sandro D. on 10/04/2017
"This gun is great. The build quality is amazing, the weight is realistic, and the performance is awesome. The only thing that annoys me about it is the stock has the slightest bit of rattling.
by Peter B. on 03/04/2014
"I love this gun. I got it around february 2014 on sale for 260, and it is a beaut.

Its a little hot at first. (around 400+ fps) once you break it in a little it gets better.
The magazine has so many problems... It doesn't fit in without a lot of force, and in the first game I played with it, it jammed up and refused to feed..
It's heavier than it looks, but I like that. It might be a con for you

It looks awesome
It has a great ROF out of the box
King arms gearbox is high quality
Very accurate (I added a angel custom 370mm tbb) (It could take up to a 380mm tbb)
The "plastic" furniture is very high quality and looks and feels awesome

Over all, I suggest these upgrades:
Tight bore (without a suppressor or different muzzle brake you can get to 380mm)
NEW HOP UP! The hop up is not very high quality, I'm going to get a different one.
Different magazines... The mags aren't that good
by darion w. on 11/27/2013
"I have to say, I love this gun...

I got this monster about 7-8 months ago and I'll say I'm impressed.

-Metal body and gear box (not hand guard, grip, or stock)
-sturdy overall, stock wobble was fixed with a screw driver and a little electrical tape around the buffer tube
-awesome precision; little spread, especially compared to JG and CYMA builds
-Bolt catch: makes hop up adjustment so easy
-stock, period; it makes the gun -=feel=- heavy but the battery compartment and cheek riser are pretty handy
-the RIS is nice, has the option to have long rails, short rails, or no rails

although I love (_3) this gun, there are some cons (and this isn't necessarily a pro or con but the gearbox has king arms branded into it...)

-stock came off, but only needed to be screwed back in by removing the buffer tube cap
-chamber was a pretty tight fit for the stock high cap, although this is not the same for after market mags (with my experience)
-piston broke after 12000 rounds, tooth broke off and I guess disintegrated
-after some time the trigger response was off/delayed

That's what I can think of for now, hope my review was helpful. Most of the cons listed are fixable, you don't really have to hesitate on buying it.

(P.S: your gonna need some finger muscles to put the battery in)
by Peter O. on 05/02/2013
"Overall, this gun is OKAY. It does shoot about 360 fps with 0.20g out of the box. It has a good rate of fire and the overall feel of the gun is solid.

Nice look and solid metal
Good fps
Good rate of fire

Selector switch is plastic and NOT metal. It feels weak compared to my Classic Army and KWA guns
Battery is in the forward area and hard to get to when you attach the bottom rail
Magizine fits tight into the chamber

Overall, for the price I paid ($220), it is a good gun. Durability will be the next test.