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Phantom Gear 2" Fabric Tape Wrap / Gear Silencer (Color: Woodland Camo)

28 Customer Reviews

by taylor a. on 06/13/2008
"its re-usible and cool looking, nice to have around, and on your gun
by Nick S. on 06/04/2008
"wow this stuff is great! i wrapped my UTG APS2 Type96 Shadow Op Sniper Rifle- ACU barrel so the whole gun is digital! it looks soo cool. I also put this on the grip it makes it feel like a tennis racquet very comfortable. buy this stuff!
by Zeid F. on 10/24/2017
"this is pretty good tape but the only problem is that to stick properly you need to keep holding it for a long time
by Nathan P. on 04/19/2010
"This stuff does the job. It does not stick to your gun witch is nice, it also looks cool on my ICS M4 BUT, BUT it smells REALLY bad when you first get it, the odor soon goes away. So yes, if you want some freakin sweet Army Camo gun(or what ever else you need it for i.e scopes, mags ect.) There is just enough wrap to cover my whole M4 will a full stock. You might be able to just get away with buying one roll if you have a M16. So 4/5 because it smells really bad at first.
by Enrique G. on 02/27/2009
"Good stuff. the price is okay. The tape works well and is great for hiding an orange tip. I wish they had more patterns available,
by Matt S. on 01/08/2009
"Adam, this tape isnt supposed to stick to your anything but itself, so you wrap it around your gun until its overlaping and thats pretty much it
by Patrick S. on 01/07/2009
"It's great stuff, and a better alternative to painting your gun.

For the guy below, all you do is wrap it around the gun or whatever gear, an it'll sort of cling to itself. It's basically like camouflaged gauze tape.
by alan h. on 12/31/2008
"Well i picked the acu version of this up at the superstore and all i can say is that it gets the job done. It doesnt come in that big amount. It's enough to camo a whole gun. It sticks to itself so you have to figure out how to put it on. No big deal. Pricewise, i think they could charge a bit less but you get what you pay for.
by Mikhail K. on 12/24/2008
"I just bought this, and it's awesome.

-Doesn't stuck
-Bonds tightly to itself
-Looks great on my AKS-74U

-Smells bad (like fish)
-Somewhat rough
-Stand sometimes fall off
-May be a little hard to get into a pistol-grip shape

-This is a must buy because it looks great on any gun.
-I will recommend this to anybody who loves to blow off cash on airsoft (like me)
-(recomended) Should put perfume/cologne/febreeze or any airfreshener products to mask it's odor!
by Adam K. on 11/19/2008
"i dont get how this stuff works. Can someone tell me?
by Brett V. on 10/24/2008
"Great stuff!
Looks great!
Use it for alot of stuff
No stickyness on my gear and guns.
It only sticks to it self.
good when you have no gloves on
and need to whipe those sweaty
looks cool when it matches your uniform.
Keeps your gun clean. specialy when you
play in sandy places.

kinda pricy just for a thing to wrap around your gun.
some times it doesnt stick to itself.
is smells like fish food. lol
by John S. on 10/24/2015
"The build material of this cling wrap is of very high quality, yet it has one major flaw: The wrap has absolutely terrible adhesion to itself. I tried to put some wrap on my airsoft gun and a rubber knife, and in in both instances the wrap immediately began to completely peel off. I think that the purchase of a higher quality wrap is recommended rather than buying this one.
by brock r. on 08/03/2015
"I must've for a bad roll. This stuff is horrible. The other brand I think kings or kingsman is way better. I haven't even put any in my guns yet and it's already coming off of the top from where it won't stick to itself and there is a light adhesive on it but it's not doing any good. I wrapped a small bit around something as a test and it only took about five minutes for it to come undone. When I night this I thought it was the other kind but I guess Evike doesn't carry that brand. I don't know what those other reviews mean by its awesome because this stuff is garbage. Never buying it again.