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EMG 190rd Lancer Systems Licensed L5AWM Airsoft Mid-Cap Magazines (Color: Translucent Aqua / Single)

30 Customer Reviews

by Oliver H. on 08/29/2021
Good quality and feed phenomenally, sturdy and high capacity.
*very* snug fit in most guns, bb catch is very firm requiring a lot of force to put into place. Most of this can be fixed with minor modifications.
by Broden R. on 07/02/2021
"4 out of 5 magazines I bought wouldn't lock into the magwell as the hop up tube couldn't depress the bb retainer in the magazine due to poor manufacturing, I took a file to the bb retainer to flatten it so it could actually be depressed by the hop up feed tube, but only 2 were successful so I have 3 proper magazines and 2 duds, but when I buy magazines am I wrong for expecting them to work immediately out of the box? the high capacity is great and they feed flawlessly if you dodge the bb retainer issue. bit iffy on the quality control and very firm in the magwell, at least for my rifle
by geno b. on 12/09/2020
"will not fit well when put into a gun be aware i tried with a krytac and had a little bit of trouble not wanting to line up.
by justin w. on 05/30/2018
"I love these Mags

190 rounds
see through you can see all 190 bbs
fake bullets look really cool
feed great

the only bad is the plastic feels cheap. If you squeeze them hard enough I feel you could crack them. I have not cracked one yet in the months I have used them so i guess they are strong enough for the every day use but i still would like a harder shell.
by Matthew L. on 04/16/2017
"I got these from a different website, but I have to say that I love these magazines. They look very cool, and you CAN see the rounds on the front of the magazine. Like the other reviews said, I did have to do some filing in order to get the mag to seat and feed. One caution, though; While it seats and feeds just fine in an M4, in my M4 adapter for G36, the mags can rock forward and thus block the path for BBs to feed. My tip for that is simply to pad the front with electric or duct tape, or simply keep the magazine rocked to the rear. Four stars only for the fact I had to modify.
by Dominic D. on 12/12/2023
"I'm sure they work fine as many of the other reviews say they do, but I wouldn't be able to say for myself since they didn't seat in the rifle I tried to use them with (Krytac LVOA-C). They do seem to be of good quality at least, they look great and they feel solid, I'd just have really liked to be able to use them.
by Jaime D. on 12/03/2023
"They look awesome and very high quality, the follower is concaved and reaches to the top of the magazine. Gave it 3 stars because these magazines did not seem to want to stay inside any of my replicas magwells. Either I can pull it out of the mag well without pressing the mag release or it just wont lock into the gun. Shame I had to return them.
by Joseph B. on 01/12/2023
"These mags look great! Unfortunately, they do not feel nearly as good. Material feels low quality, even worse than my cheap polymer mags that I use as throwaway loaners at events. I bought 11, one broke and is unusable after a single game. However, they do feed very well, and keep up with my higher ROF replicas. The different colors also look amazing, so I use them for displays.
by Gregory R. on 08/22/2022
"I tried this in my matrix sports line m4 and it was wobbly and didn’t fit well but after a few hours of drilling it clicked in and I have yet to see it feed in my rifle. However it seems solid after rigging it but I’d. Check compatibility first just in case . Also worked in my aap-01 m4 adapter after the rig so we will see what happens.(although I’d rather you get something like the Elite Force Avalon VFC QRS mags they are stellar.
by Mable C. on 04/12/2022
"So out of the box I loved the look and feel of these mags. They fit in my gen 1 vfc 416 cqb well and had no play in the magazine well! So if you’re looking for a mag that can fit in that type of rifle I recommend these for fitment. It is also handy that there are multiple view points to see how much ammo you have left in the mag so determining if I was empty was a huge pro.

I took these as my primary magazines last week to American Milsim IH4 and noticed a few shortcomings for this mag. The first and most apparent was on day one of the op after roughly 3-4 hrs of play the base plate screw fell out on one of the mags and caused the whole magazine to fall apart. This I believe can be prevented easily by taking the screws out on arrival and putting BLUE loctite on the screw to prevent it from backing out. The second issue was that on roughly the first 20 rounds did not feed properly when firing so I would have to spam my trigger and clear jams if I loaded the mag fully. I think this issue could be cause by a variety of issues besides the magazine such as hop up interference, nozzle alignment, bucking issues, etc therefore I am giving the magazine the benefit of the doubt but just in case keep this in mind when purchasing as the mag may be picky on hop ups.

Overall these mags are very nice in the hand and well designed for tracking amount of bbs in the mag. The reason for the 3 stars is because of the screw backing out after a few hours of use and some feeding issues when fully loaded (this may very). I would recommend these mags to my friends because the capacity even at 170 is very large and these are fairly affordable. I hope this helps with the decision making process.

Current build is a vfc 416 cqb w maxx te hop up, g&g green bucking, prommi 6.03 bucking and shs m4 nozzle.
by JOSHUA G. on 02/10/2021
"*These do not feed with the EMG rotary hopup*

Very durable, feed good in my other hopup besides the EMG brand,
by Spencer H. on 01/04/2017
"I really wanted to like these magazines. They're probably the best looking ones out there, and they've got the best capacity of any Mid-Caps that I know of. Unfortunately, they suffer from poor construction. I put a magpul on the bottom and used them for a while, but when I took them off, they broke the screw plate that attaches the base to the mag body. As a result, they now rattle and split from the casing. They still operate great, but the shoddy construction makes it so I cannot recommend these to anyone.
by Christopher M. on 11/21/2016
"These mags are ok. I bought them for a vfc hk416 because I heard a few people say they fit. They actually don't and I had to modify them to fit. Pro tip, the issue is usually the plastic ramp at the top of the mag that is part of the feeding function. I had to sand them down so that it would clear into the hop up properly. That being said, they feed great and hold a lot of rounds for mid caps. Also a huge feature that I love is they are transparent and you can see how many bb's are left in the mag if you look at the front of the magazine. This feature is very handy and probably the best part about these mags. I would give them a 5 if they fit my gun without modification. If you know for sure they fit your weapon, buy them they are great.
by Donovan B. on 08/09/2014
"These are great mags. They feed really well, are super easy to clean and lubricate. The only problem is the slide that holds the bbs in the mag was much too long and wasn't angled enough. When I first sipped these mags in, my hop up was unable to push the bb retainer back. It's an easy fix though. All you have to do is take the mag apart, get some sandpaper and sand the bb retainer to a steeper angle. Now my bbs feed flawlessly with no issues. So because of the mishap on the bb retainer I'm only giving these mags three stars. On a plus side these mags look awesome, and the serrated ridges on the mag make them rediculously easy to pull out of a mag pouch.
by Alex W. on 10/26/2023
"I really wanted to love these mags, but they unfortunately didn't work out for me.

Translucent to see how many BB's you have left
High capacity

VERY picky when it comes to fitting in guns. It rarely fit into the VFC HK416 A5, and when it did, it had feeding issued because it wouldn't seat properly.

I watched some video reviews before buying and they all said they had issued seating properly, and required some cuts to be made in the plastic in order to fit most guns. I hoped that wouldn't be the case for me, but it was. I didn't bother modifying and just returned it.

I hope they redesign these mags so that they work properly in the future. I really wanted to love them.