KJW High Power Non-Blowback Airsoft Gas Pistol w/ Metal Hopup (Model: Mark-II)
53 Customer Reviews
by Hank L. on 02/08/2009
"this gun is crazy good. its extremely powerful and accurate. plus its nice and hefty and heavy.
one of the problems is that for the first couple of games the trigger is pretty hard, it takes a little to shoot, but eventually gets easier.
i also have the sniper version of this, and its soooooo much better, its accurate as hell, and its not as big as normal snipers, so its ultra portable.
but when is someone going to make a MK3? i dont like the MK1 because the clip release is on the bottom and gets in the way.
one of the problems is that for the first couple of games the trigger is pretty hard, it takes a little to shoot, but eventually gets easier.
i also have the sniper version of this, and its soooooo much better, its accurate as hell, and its not as big as normal snipers, so its ultra portable.
but when is someone going to make a MK3? i dont like the MK1 because the clip release is on the bottom and gets in the way.
by Ehtesham Q. on 02/02/2009
"Very nice highly recommend
Amazing fps
large clip
classic germen replica (actually those are called rugers)
for 50 bucks its amazing
cant cock it
mostly plastic
Amazing fps
large clip
classic germen replica (actually those are called rugers)
for 50 bucks its amazing
cant cock it
mostly plastic
by Stefan K. on 12/23/2008
"This gun is amazing!
Shoots fast, far, and doesn't cost an arm and a leg! It is very durable, and is the only airsoft gun I've had, that hasn't somehow stopped having good functionality. The best green gas gun in this price range, a definite must buy for anyone getting an airsoft pistol!
Shoots fast, far, and doesn't cost an arm and a leg! It is very durable, and is the only airsoft gun I've had, that hasn't somehow stopped having good functionality. The best green gas gun in this price range, a definite must buy for anyone getting an airsoft pistol!
by cody m. on 12/11/2008
by Bill w. on 11/23/2008
"Amazing! easy to upgrade. I use 4 seconds of green gas or propane. (same just green gas has premixed silicone oil.) I reccomend .2s (not because .12 will ruin the gun that is not true) .2s or even .23 or .25s are great. I was using .2s and shot my friend right in the neck from about 75 - 100 ft. Thats the two best things of an airsoft gun. Velocity and accuracy. If you are a beginner i reccomend getting this or something less powerful. this is more of an experienced players gun though. The worst thing aabout the gun is that u need an allen key for hop - up but concidering that most airsoft pistols have it inside where u have to take it apart to get it, it is fine.
It is the simplest gun ever to take apart. just take the back out.
over all pros and cons
decent mag capacity
velocity (up to 440 fps on a warm day)
Amazing side arm
Expensive mag
not muny more i can think of
It is the simplest gun ever to take apart. just take the back out.
over all pros and cons
decent mag capacity
velocity (up to 440 fps on a warm day)
Amazing side arm
Expensive mag
not muny more i can think of
by Tyler W. on 10/15/2008
"something I forgot to mention, this really doesn't fit holsters well, if you put it in one the barrel slides out the bottom and it is hard to get back out.
by Jason B. on 10/13/2008
"Justin - green gas works fine with mine. I don't have propane or red gas, so I can't help you there. And yes, this is semi-auto. Every time you pull the trigger, one BB comes out. It is NOT full auto. Green gas smells kinda funny...
by Justin S. on 10/12/2008
"Alright, I have couple questions about this gun. 1. What kind of gas does this take? 2. Is it semi-auto? Thanks to anyone who helps; I just can't wait to order this, my buds will shat brix due to this XD
by Tyler W. on 10/10/2008
"I got this gun about 5 years ago at Airsoft Atlanta, it shot hard as hell, probably the hardest shooting gun there was at the time. Its a great gun and will last you a long time, I hadn't broken mine until a month ago when I pulled it out of my friends hand and broke the ABS outer barrel in half.
by Jason B. on 10/08/2008
"I got this at a local airsoft shop on the weekend, and oh boy, is this fun. The first shots on the chronograph were in the 410's and 420's! So, I bought it and brought it home to shoot at some stuff; I broke a glass bottle in 3 shots with .23's BEFORE the upgrade. I just did the spring modification today, and oh boy, the BB's come out fast. Unfortunately, the increased power means decreased accuracy. Pros: Full metal magazine and internals, easily upgraded, POWERFUL, feels perfect in your hands, low gas consumption. Cons: Non-metal body (ABS?), bad accuracy with light BB's, hard trigger pull. Also, the orange tip is uglier than Hannah Montana. :(
by Michael L. on 09/14/2008
"Alright, this thing is a beast. Shot my friend close and it was a lot of pain. With that said this is a solid gun. It shoots like 430 to 450 if you do the hammer spring thing. It has great accurate range, about 80 ft acurate and feels solid. the only thing is you cant "double tap" it because the trigger is a fisbitch to pull. It also is pretty long and doesnt fit a lot of holsters. But its great, sturdy, but after a good year and a half or so,ittl wear down but sweet for the price..
by Andrew N. on 09/14/2008
"ive had this gun for a while and what people need to realize is that fps does not make the gun, i personally downgraded the hammer spring because it is too much, it also has a long hard trigger pull making it harder to dual wield, its very accurate and very powerful, but its way over the competition limits for sidearm FPS
by mason s. on 09/08/2008
"man i have had this gun for about a mounth and boy is thing awesome and it is very accurate. i mean you dont even have to aim up it just shoots straight ahead. I have no problems with it. overall this is a very very good gun i think that everyone should get this. it is only 90 bucks but some people may think that is a lot but it isnt because this gun is incredibel. overall this is the best gun i have ever got in the world.
by schyler w. on 07/13/2008
"this gun is awsome, although it has a long trigger pull.
very easy hop up adjustment, extreme acuracy, larger mag than athe original (13-17). plus if anyone you play with has ever been shot by one of these before. they will be very hesitant to jump out and do it again.
very powerful out of the box, and with a very simple(and free) upgrade invloving a 6mm bb, the power jumps up to about 550-600.
and last of all the range is incredible, it shoots farther and straiter than my kwa m4(mad bull 6.03)
and the best part. this non blowback pistol does not use a cylinder and piston system, it fires bb's right out of the mag. so cleaning is simple and easy, and wil rarly have to be done
very easy hop up adjustment, extreme acuracy, larger mag than athe original (13-17). plus if anyone you play with has ever been shot by one of these before. they will be very hesitant to jump out and do it again.
very powerful out of the box, and with a very simple(and free) upgrade invloving a 6mm bb, the power jumps up to about 550-600.
and last of all the range is incredible, it shoots farther and straiter than my kwa m4(mad bull 6.03)
and the best part. this non blowback pistol does not use a cylinder and piston system, it fires bb's right out of the mag. so cleaning is simple and easy, and wil rarly have to be done
by will s. on 07/10/2008
"i love this gun!!! sniper accurate never messed up just need .25g or higher and hopup adjusted right wich is hard but its worth it