Pre-Order ETA March 2025 Annex MI-5 Airsoft Paintball Full Face Mask by Valken - Black (ANSI Rated)
16 Customer Reviews
by Clifford C. on 11/25/2020
"Some things to start with...
All masks will fog eventually. Please keep that in mind as I continue.
Mask offers excellent facial protection. It covers important areas and in 3h of play I did not experience bb ingress anywhere including some places I was concerned about. Combined with a shemagh or other cloth thing this really completes the basic "whole head protection" goal.
My face is slightly long and so my ears were just barely covered by the ear protection area but it was enough and I did not experience any hits to that zone or ingress through the back (cloth covering ftw).
The one major complaint I have is that the visor section over the ear area is sharp and digs straight into your skull. Wear this with something there to cushion or be prepared to sand and form a bit to get the pain to go away. It did not make this unusable, but it is something to remember.
I experienced fogging a few times and it was never a complete visual block. Fogging occurs only during the absolute most strenuous times and the interior of the entire mask was covered in sweat when I took it off. Humidity levels inside the mask were ridiculous but the lenses did their job and were extremely resistant to fogging. Moisture was so high that I managed to actually soak the foam pads and was able to squeeze quite a puddle of sweat from it after a round.
Vaguely related: this gear is hot. All of it. The only way NOT to be hot is to accept having a large number of welts that hurt (yeah whatever man up blah blah go whip yourself for fun and leave me alone) so... keep that in mind if you are new. Intend to install a small fan usually used to cool RaspberryPi computers and other small electronics.
All masks will fog eventually. Please keep that in mind as I continue.
Mask offers excellent facial protection. It covers important areas and in 3h of play I did not experience bb ingress anywhere including some places I was concerned about. Combined with a shemagh or other cloth thing this really completes the basic "whole head protection" goal.
My face is slightly long and so my ears were just barely covered by the ear protection area but it was enough and I did not experience any hits to that zone or ingress through the back (cloth covering ftw).
The one major complaint I have is that the visor section over the ear area is sharp and digs straight into your skull. Wear this with something there to cushion or be prepared to sand and form a bit to get the pain to go away. It did not make this unusable, but it is something to remember.
I experienced fogging a few times and it was never a complete visual block. Fogging occurs only during the absolute most strenuous times and the interior of the entire mask was covered in sweat when I took it off. Humidity levels inside the mask were ridiculous but the lenses did their job and were extremely resistant to fogging. Moisture was so high that I managed to actually soak the foam pads and was able to squeeze quite a puddle of sweat from it after a round.
Vaguely related: this gear is hot. All of it. The only way NOT to be hot is to accept having a large number of welts that hurt (yeah whatever man up blah blah go whip yourself for fun and leave me alone) so... keep that in mind if you are new. Intend to install a small fan usually used to cool RaspberryPi computers and other small electronics.