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6mmProShop Custom Sword-Fish Airsoft AEG Sub-Machine Gun (Model: Swordfish-A4 / 350 FPS)

176 Customer Reviews

by Matthew S. on 08/17/2017
"Very good gun. Beautiful performance out of the box
by Ryan R. on 05/29/2017
"I bought two of these a while back, I had wanted to dual wield them, but one of them broke, like broke in half... So I had been stuck with one... but even with half the half the stopping capacity of a single one of these, I proved a formidable challenge on the airsoft field... The one that broke was probably a lemon or something.... The other one is still kicking, even after being knocked around and thrown about. (I don't recommend you treat your gear like I do.) On the airsoft field I play very hard, and I push myself and my gear to our limits, and well this little AEG kept up to my opponents Rifle length AEGS that were double the price... If you're looking for something affordable, dependable, durable, and or an MP5k, gives this a try!
by V12 parts/fe v2gen3/2/1/f1/jack/ f. on 05/28/2017
"Good gun it is a v2 not a v3
by david b. on 05/01/2017
"love this gun i named it Diablo. i got a tight bore inner barrel for it and R-hopped it just because why not then i took the extra step and HPA'd it. so technicality my review is on the externals. the gun is solid the upper receiver and meat mashing tip are all metal and solid. lower receiver is polymer plastic and has taken many beatings over the year i have used it. im hard on my equipment and most guns dont last my abuse as well as this one has. charging handle is a easy fix if the spring comes loose. and the fire selector gets loose from time to time might be because ive taken it apart a few times idk. still though i love my lil Diablo and have always surprised many a foe with its tight grouping and range
by juan c. on 04/29/2017
"pliz stock
por favor traigan mas
by eric d. on 03/16/2017
"Let's start by saying that I actually bought one of these 8 years ago then recently bought another. The one I bought 8 years ago was fantastic, I kept it stock because I was inexperienced and didn't have much money to put into it. In all the 8 years I had it I only had to put about 20$ of repairs into it and that was only after about 6 years of use. I retired it after the 8 years because of 2 reasons, first: the back where the cap goes on the body broke apart and the cap would no longer go on, second: the hop up started failing on me, after about 50 shots the BBS would start launching straight into the sky. I probably could've fixed these but I found out that I could get a brand new one from a local Airsoft store called the g.5 its the exact same gun, only differences is that it comes with a rail mod and stock that is normally sold separately. It only cost 145 with a rail mod that is by itself 65$and a stock that is 20$. I would highly recommend getting the rail mod and stock because you can put a red dot scope or other optics, and a mock peq to make battery switching easier, and flashlights, and foregrips (or do like what I did and get a grip that is also a flashlight). I am doing some internal upgrades to it as well, I am getting: a MOSFET (because it already shoots fast so why not shoot faster) a tight bore barrel with a 3.5 inch extension in a suppressor, possibly new hop up (still looking into this one) new prommy bucking, and a few other minor things. I'm keeping the spring low fps so I can still go to fields with fps limit of 350. I highly recommend getting this gun, both I have gotten have served me well
by Wayne L. on 01/30/2017
Great build and finish, very manuervable, I've owned an used one since 2015 and there's never been an issue.
Stock hop-up is great and I can use as an outdoor field gun without problems
by Andres A. on 10/28/2016
"Bought this a couple of months ago, looking for a "heavy secundary".
I basically have no need for my old pistol now.
Extremely happy with it, really solid feel, amazing rate of fire (with suggested LiPo stick), nice weight, not light not heavy. Adjusting the hop up is a breeze. I have to admit, I never expected to get that much range with such a short inner barrel!!!
I would definitely recommend getting an extra hi cap mag and you can go with this as a primary althogether. CQB crowds will love it, and if you are into open range, this thing will pack one hell of a surprise for you and your opponents.
It will probably be sick to swing 2 of these at a time!
-small and compact
-not too heavy
-great range
-great ROF
-easy hop up adjustment
-aiming, only if you are used to doing that with a stock
- stock mag capacity, good for a back up only

Will eventually go for the upgraded internal parts package, and update this review, for the mean time, buy it, you will also love it....
by JESSE I. on 08/31/2016
"This is great love it so much light shoots well and durable.
by Bryan P. on 05/21/2016
"I love this gun, i use it for small areas and primarily for cqb or as secondary , I bought two of them to dual wield and they are just sooo bad****. The cocking mechanism is just for looks it has no purpose for the gun what so ever it is basically just for looks. As far as the battery I just bought a dummy peq box and and use that for my battery. For a site I just bought a reflex with a riser and envy thing looks and works perfectly I have had no problems with this gun what so ever I absolutely love this thing. I use this and my AA12 and nobody can touch me or has a load out that can even compare
by Bryan P. on 05/19/2016
"Love this gun, this is such a sick CQB gun it's insane, I love this gun sooo much I got two. So I dual wield this and use my TM AA12 and nobody can touch the quality that these guns bring to field. Instead of putting the battery in the gun I just got two PDumy PEQ boxes to hold the batteries. I then got two site with small riseres and these things are jus a beast
Buy this gun NOW highly recommended!!!!!!!
by Calvin H. on 05/11/2016
"i only received it today but so far its great (this is my first gun son don't know a lot ) NOT CQB fps feels very solid, and is accurate, its ambidextrous mag release and selector switch. you have to remove 12 alen screws to remove the swordfish mod to attach the included grip but its not hard and worth it. i think the side panels can be removed to have quad rails and it is pretty heavy. the selector switch is not precise clicks but is not a problem, i can fit a 9.6 butterfly battery in the stock also.

very well built
high fps
large battery compartment
lower stock for larger masks
full length top rail and can be quad rail
comtherble to hold
swordfish mod looks awesome

heavy (if you want a light gun)
selector switch dose not click (but not a problem so far )
can't just throw attachments on the bottom rail (but it dosent take long)
by Russell E. on 04/06/2016
"This gun is truly built like brick. I personally love the weight because it simulates the feel of the real steel mp5.

There truly is no cons to this amazing gun except the fact the stock is extremely wobbly. The stock is only held together by one stock pin and although that pin does a good job of supporting the bottom half of the stock, the upper half of the stock is almost off of the main body .

overall the gun is truly incredible I would buy it
by Michael R. on 04/06/2016
"Amazing. First High-End AEG i ever owned. I must admit, at first it was a little heavy for my taste, but after a while, you build muscle, and that replaces going to the gym. The gun's weight is balanced. although the gun is short, you can definately use it as a field weapon. ROF is very good even with an 8.4v. ROF with 8.4 crono'd about 13rps. 9.6 about 18+. This gun is very robust and reliable, as well as accurate and mobile. this gun comes with 2 hi caps and a battery and charger, and you'll thank the weight later when you drop your gun, and it's still all in one piece.
by Onisiforos P. on 03/20/2016
"This gun works really well. It has that feel and size to it that make me wanna give it a 5 star review.