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VISM / NcStar Tactical Plate Carrier (Color: Tan)

19 Customer Reviews

by Anthony P. on 02/09/2017
"This is a great vest. I have only had two problems with it and i believe those are because of my build. i would not recommend this to anyone who has a thin waist because the cummerbund straps don't tighten all the way down on my body. Again this is because of my small frame even for a 6 foot 0 tall man. The other problem was the reversible cummerbund is not reversible because the Velcro id different on each side. Besides those two things the vest id great and will hold almost any pouches.
by Juliet B. on 06/15/2016
"Pretty solid plate carrier for only $46. Color is on-point and the carrier in general is near-identical to a Condor MOPC and other similar carriers. I'm 5'1"/97lbs and it covers my entire torso (lol) without any wobble or discomfort. I imagine this would fit just about anybody though, have seen some really burly dudes lugging these things around.

Ships with no plates or pouches although there is a kangaroo-style compartment in the front for storing 2-3 rifle magazines/other. Has mesh panels on the inside to circulate some air. relatively coarse nylon, doesn't get holes from being struck by BBs. However the PALS webbing is a bit on the soft side and it would not hold up too well to abrasion or stress.
by Bobby A. on 10/13/2014
"This is a good plate carrier if you have a larger frame its very reliable and good, but because i'm only 12 it didn't fit me very well. If your a smaller air soft player i would not recommend this plate carrier i would recommend a JPC.
by Alex L. on 03/06/2021
"Great product if you are using it for just airsoft and won't run actual gear. Once I added real plates, magazines, pouches, and a decent amount of weight for a duty vest the buckles started creaking and even would sometimes unbuckle and cause the carrier to fall off entirely, I'm giving it a 3 because you get what you pay for in all honesty.