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The Box of Awesomeness (Edition: "THE LABOR DAY MONSTER BOX!")

238 Customer Reviews

by Shlomo P. on 07/05/2017
"mine is almost 25 pounds with 5000 bbs .20s in the same order i cant even imagine what im gonna get
by Marcos P. on 07/05/2017
"This is my first ever high end mystery box. I really hope I get an Emg sai gry m4. But if not I would be happy with anything.
Cannot wait to unbox it.
by Zach B. on 07/05/2017
"Finally got one, not a single item in this one I'd be disappointed with! Can't wait to see what it'll be
by Jacob d. on 07/05/2017
"So happy I got this it went out so quick, it took a long time to load but I got it, good box too expensive but good, love you evike
by cameron s. on 07/05/2017
"i cant believe i got one! can't wait to unbox this bad boy and see what i got :)
by Scott O. on 07/05/2017
"I'm glad got one too, WHEW !!!
by Shlomo P. on 07/04/2017
"happy i got to order one, hoping for the best
by jacob e. on 07/04/2017
"that went so quick. glad i got one
by Justin E. on 07/04/2017
"Happy i got one they sell out so fast
by ismael s. on 07/04/2017
by Airen M. on 07/04/2017
"These boxes are always a bargaining FUN!
From the race online to get one to the wait in shipping, these Boxes of awesomeness are really exciting to purchase!
I received the more popular/less rare set of the Ameoba Sniper rifle with a Desert Eagle and it was a blast.
The Deagle is fun and is a cool conversation pice since it's the "Robocop" gun and the striker has become a favorite for the easy pull bolt action and it's sleek looks with the add on 9 inch silencer.
by Washington T. on 06/30/2017
"My 1st Box of Awesomeness..

AW Custom HX2301 Exclusive Magnum Research

Love it! Nice work Evike!!!
by Staci D. on 06/29/2017
"Got the Masada!! I'm excited to use in the field
by Shlomo P. on 06/26/2017
"just got the halo assault rifle thank you evike i love you guys
by Jeremy M. on 06/26/2017
"Score!!! 1st go around and I get one of the Kryracs... thats a win in my book.