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CYMA LPAEG AK Full Size Low Power Airsoft AEG Rifle (Model: AK47 Tactical)

53 Customer Reviews

by Andy K. on 05/01/2017
"All I half to say is that this gun is awesome :P
by m nadeem S. on 04/09/2017
"You certainly get what you pay for sort of durable(for price) but still for a beginner it is pretty good. I personally recommend buying that tactical version for 30 dollars
by Joseph D. on 02/15/2017
"Great gun if you are looking for an LPAEG (low power airsoft electric gun for those that aren't aware what they are).

LPAEG are fun to play with kids, office target shootings, just something casual if you aren't looking to destroy something and wants to make sure of it.

You could use these for indoor games but I will recommend the CYMA CM028, CM032, CM040 series that are serous gaming weapons for those applications.

Externally, this rifle is full size and looks awesome! For the price, I will give it a 5 star! It is the funniest toy you can buy for $30!
by Drake H. on 06/15/2016
"Best bang for your buck

This gun arrived 3 business days after I ordered it, and was in perfect condition. The plastic is great quality and is very light-weight. Grip feels good on your hand. Very good adjustable sight. Great loading and unloading of mags. Package comes with 2 mags. Very smooth slides. Great size. If you don't have a spare battery and charger, buy one before you buy this. Overall, great product. A $100 product for $40-$50. Would greatly suggest buying this for beginners.
by Ryan B. on 06/02/2016
"I gave this 5 stars not because it is the best gun ever but for the value and quality for that value. It is everything it claims to be low powered and great for beginners. I picked up 2 so my son and I could play around in the yard and stuff like that. They perform very well and the 350 round mag is very nice!
by Will K. on 03/09/2016
"This is actualy a good gun. The whole thing is plastic, your shots at long range will make you spray n' pray, and if you pull too hard on the trigger, it will brake. However, I haven't had to recharge one in months. I can just pick it up and go. I've had at least three of these and another cool thing about them is you can make them work no matter what brakes off. I have one with no stock (the battery is taped to the side) and it's cut off about where the wood foregrip begins. Due to its low power, people won't be afraid to play you. But in a serious airsoft game, its low fps and bad accuracy at ranges past thirty feet condem it to CQB.
by Bryan K. on 10/16/2015
"This is an amazing gun for its price, If you want a good lpaeg but this gun.
My gun shoot a little to the left but its an not that bad. But barrel could be replaced.

Shoot at a good fps
Nice Range when fired
Nice feel

Mostly plastic
Very Light
by jared k. on 03/02/2011
"this is mypray n pray because i play airsoft w my friends & there girlfriends i have 2 automatic pistols and the auto skorpians w the drum & my beatiful magpul. i always end upw this gun it all plasic but can contend w my magpul wen it has a full mag but 50 goes quick but so does a magpul w triggerhappy girl behind it in my case over all its worth the money BUY IT ITS PRETTY GOOD!!!
by alex w. on 01/08/2011
"this gun is great i saw the reveiws and thought it would be just ok but when i got it i was blown away by how good it is. yes it is all plastic but it can be always be upgraded.
by wendy s. on 09/23/2009
"This is Michael reviewing.

Quick review- This was my first AEG (I bought it somewhere else for about the same price before I knew evike(!) and I have to review it. It is all plastic, inside and out, with only a metal inner barrel and some screws. The fake wood looks quite realistic, along with the gun in general. The FPS is pretty low, maybe 250-280, but it does hurt to a certain range. It has a good winding magazine, that is specially designed for this gun, meaning NO OTHER MAGS WILL WORK for this gun. You have to buy the ones specific to this. Basically a great starter aeg and a nice secondary for better players.

Now for the big review.....

The gearbox outside is clear plastic. The gears are plastic. The hop-up is plastic. All of the external is plastic. That pretty much tells you this is a starter gun not made to be tortured! Take care of it and it will last you quite a while!

The externals are plastic but look very nice. The flash hider is really big, it is the whole front sight on the gun. I suggest you spray paint most of it, but leave a nice amount of orange on the tip so you don't get shot :).

For such a cheap gun the plastic wood looks great. I heard it was good, but it is really good. The bolt doesn't move or function in any way, and the hop-up is just a little slide you push forward or backward. The weight was surprising, and still well balanced. It feels nice to hold, and makes you look totally bad running around with it.

Being able to shoot this gun may surprise you. With a fully charged battery the RPM is actually pretty impressive for the price, and the FPS is not bad too. What I also love is the accuracy. My friend got the DE m83 or something, (the LPAEG Double Eagle M4) and he would pop out from behind trees and the bbs would spray everywhere. I would set this to semi and put three bbs in his chest!

The accuracy does have its limits though. The range, as expected, isn't very far. But the hop-up is actually quite good and can send the bbs quite a bit further. I would only use .12 gram bbs, because .20 bbs don't go as far and may be too stressful for the plastic gears. Anyways, .12s are cheaper, lighter to carry, and are more colorful! (Lol)


The front part of the barrel slid off after I shipped from Wisconsin to Florida when I moved, so the glue isn't very good (but the gun looks really sweet when it is off!)
Also, I accidentally stepped on it and the end of the barrel snapped off (easy fix with good super glue.)
Plastic and low power (a good thing for beginners though.)

Overall, the best LPAEG you can buy for the price, definately the best choice for beginners, as long as you treat it right and take care of it!
by Tom D. on 01/11/2009
"I bought one of these one time and they are great to bust and play with.Ive had mine for awile,and the trigger broke.the stock busted in combat,cause i fell on it.but,you never have to charge one of these,and you never have to aim!! great beginner gun,buy 2,save the other for extra parts or an extra gun. great gun.
by matt s. on 01/02/2009
"well i dont know what happened to the guy below me, but mine is fine, i shot a sniper with an l96 when i was pinned down, very good gun, long range for the price, really accurate, enough where i could put a 4X15 scope on it ( drilled in a rail and used lots of crazy glue lol), and i won a free for all against 3 other people who had an uzi, a shot gun, a sniper rifle or springer. but DON'T PULL THE TRIGGER TOO FAR BACK!! i was up all night trying to fix it, so its fine now.
by matt s. on 12/29/2008
"i got this gun and i love it, its my first aeg and its realy accurate, i put a 4X15 scope on it after i attached a rail, and made it a project just to fool around with, and evry shot was within the sight, id doesnt hurt much tho, it only stings a little bit if you are hit on bear skin, i won a battle with this thing vs. an l96, and a shotgun in the woods, i assaulted them both. the range is realy good too, has adjustable hop up, very good for an LPAEG. good buy if your too cheap to get a jg, tm or an echo1
by GARY H. on 10/28/2008
by Tupac S. on 06/26/2008
"I would say buy this gun if you buy this from a another stor it would cost arould 50 to60 buy its strong