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Golden Eagle M4A1 Carbine Airsoft AEG Rifle w/ Enhanced LiPo Ready Upgraded Gearbox (Package: Black - 11.1v LiPo Battery Package)

87 Customer Reviews

by Charlie S. on 03/02/2011
"best gun ever. i bought it to just sort of fool around with but it is made for much more than that.
best fps 360-450 thats great. and especially for $140.00
by Kevin S. on 03/01/2011
"So I have had this gun for close to a year now and boy am I impressed! It is still shooting like wonders, yea it does have a lot of plastic parts but it is metal where it needs to be. The battery was a little hard to fit in by the hand-guard (thats what I think it is called) but you can figure it out after a while. One other problem that i had which bothered me the most was the hop-up.It was very hard to get too and on top of that it did not want to move very easy. I finally got it to move. Then i went to play a game with it and the gun had seemed to be lowered in FPS and i needed to fix it again. Now i am sure that after you adjust it the second time it wont need to be adjusted. Plus it is still shooting 100 ft+ with .20's. Overall great buy. Allow me to add also that I beat someone with a ECHO1 MP5 with it so I know it is good.

Pros: Cheap
Amazing, What else can I say?

Battery placement
Hop-up is tricky
by owen b. on 01/25/2011
"i love this gun it is a very good. it is plastic but it very tough plastic it shoots 460 fps (but with mine shoots 470 fps with the 9.6v nunchuck battery)


shoots hard

hop up is metal


plastic body

other than that it is a very good gun good first gun

by Mohsen C. on 01/24/2011
"great gun! First assult rifle. Kinda heavy, but light weight compared to other higher end, metal AEGs. Some parts are plasticy. I'm not sure if this applies to everyone, but everyone says that they can only house a 8.4 volt in the handgaurd, but I'm able to fit a 9.6v small type in it no problem. People also say the hop up is bad, not to me. I like the gun, but between this and the S-System, I would have picked the S-System, because you get your money's worth in the rails and the flip up sights. So this verses the S-System, I would pick the S-System, so unless you like this gun in particular, buy this gun.
Over all, great gun. All the pros and cons of any other M16/M4, but this is cheap and great for beginners.
by phillip e. on 12/29/2010
"great gun, is a must buy for the price.


hi fps

300 rd full metal hi cap mag

not to heavy and not to light


plastic caring handle (not a big problem)

over all a great gun 5/5
by Paul B. on 12/24/2010
"Love this gun, so far had 5 wars with it.

Nice Finish
Good average FPS
Good accuracy @ about 150 ft w/ average winds
Mag feeds well, though needs a lot a winding sometimes
Metal Parts
Stock Battery actually lasted pretty long w/o a charge

Doesn't come w/ a RIS/RAS rail, but those come cheap here at Evike
Couldn't figure out how to remove Flash Hider
Carrying Handle came twisted, did not affect sight accuracy
Dust cover didn't stay closed for the first week, but can be easily fixed
Jammed about twice on semi, but just fired on full auto and it fixed it.

Overall, a great gun, recommend it to anyone looking for an M4, or on a _$200 budget.
by foster p. on 12/18/2010
"This gun is amazing!!!! Get it!!!! First off jg did amazing job of building this gun it's well constucted and compact. Shooting around 400 fps with matrix .23 gram Bbs and around 415-425 with .20 gram Bbs this is the BEST Aeg you can get with your money!!!!! I use .23 gram Bbs and they are pretty accurate and have a vary far range, but I used .25 gram Bbs and it took away a little fps and range but the accuracy unbelievably went up even more!!!! If you put a scope on it you could snipe but at closer ranges like CQB (close quarter battles) sniping but still that's great!!!! So any way get this gun you won't regret it trust me!!!!

Metal internals
Realistic weight, looks, and feel
Great power and accuracy
And pretty much everything else

by Andrew D. on 12/07/2010
"This gun never let me down!!! I used this gun for 6 months already and it is just impressive... but on this afternoon, I shot the gun 2nd time on Semi, it just broke on me!! :( I think the gearbox broke.. But.... im going to go repair it which is no problem..
by foster p. on 12/04/2010
"First off Im going to start saying wow!!!!! This is the best Aeg out there for the price full metal body, 410 fps with .2 gram Bbs,this gun looks just like the real version!!! The metal carrying handle
and sights are great.I recommend .23 or .25 gram Bbs for alot better accuracy.

Great fps
Great metal body
Great fps
And great everything else
(get this gun)

There are none everyone says the battery is hard to put in. Well its not you just have to get use to it!!

Just get this gun trust me!!!!!!!!!
by Dakota O. on 12/01/2010
"great gun, ordered it a few months ago. Still works great for me, buy extra mags, and a 9.6 battery. i would also buy some type of red dot/sight to replace the plastic carrying handle. And DONT USE CHEAP BB's! they easily split and get jammed in your barrel, get Matrix .23 bb's!
by zach p. on 11/06/2010
"I have used this in a war and it preforms better than i predicted, one thing about it is the carrying handle is plastic and i thought that was dumb. the FPS is great and it hurts really bad when you are shot by it (big welts) overall it is a great gun for the money. and another thing i tried to get the flash hider off and stripped 3 hex screw drivers doing it.the battery is also a little hard to get in at first but you will get used to it. great gun 5/5

FPS (decent)
it has a nice range

plastic carrying handle (not a big deal)
the bolt it a little sticky (lube will fix that)
the flash hider is impossible to get off..
by Gary G. on 10/16/2010
"I got this gun a little while ago, and its a BEAST! its heavy, STRONG, fast and just plain awesome. I've used a few times and from about 30 yards away, i took down two other players and they were screaming, its just THAT awesome. And i have a question: is this gun ready to be upgraded to an m130 spring, w/o the gears and bushings and everything?
by dave g. on 10/09/2010
"My friend has this gun and it is amasing. He has used it in only 2 battles. It is hard shooting and acurate, it herts really bad. Im going to buy it from him. He pot an m120 spring in it and the motor pulls it fine. Over all really good gun.
by joseph r. on 09/30/2010
"great gun high fps and am about to use it in a war and its worth all te money i spent on it i love this gun if u wanna gun that can hit somebady and make them nev er get back in a war with u this is ur kinda gun ps buy bbs with dont use the 200 that come with it they will break inside and will break ur gun other wise BEST GUN EVER
by Christian Z. on 09/29/2010
"Is it full black and what batterie does it use cause i want a gun that is full black