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6mmProShop Gas Powered Full Metal DSR-1 Advanced Bullpup Sniper Rifle (Color: Dark Earth)

34 Customer Reviews

by Ryan Y. on 10/14/2008
"Got one at Evike walk in store last week. This has a bolt action like the KJW M700. Shoots 510 fps on mine. Very quiet (VERY VERY QUIET). Very light trigger pull. The beast has more detail on it than anything I have seen in Airsoft. Very heavy and it simply just looks nice. The weight gives very steady shot. The bipod is a bit annoying, you can unscrew it and put something on the bottom rail. The scope is a very nice one with illumination.
by Patrick B. on 10/10/2008
"i was wondering is there any kick back or joules coming from it or is it one of the, silent shooters
by Patrick B. on 10/10/2008
"im buying it soon but have a few questions one how usable is it as a sniper rifle or is it more of a show off rifle
by donovan h. on 10/09/2008
"Im definitly buying this but i have a good question to the guy who has one. Is it bolt action or semi
by mike r. on 10/09/2008
"all i have to say is this gun is a beast and worth the money for the detail and for all you lazy people im not rich i worked hard to but this gun and it was worth it try getting a part time job and saving this gun was actually something i choose to buy instead of a barret 50 cal but this i way better i all i have to say is awsome
by Patrick B. on 10/09/2008
"well looks like ill be having a nice christman i have saved up 300 bucks and im getting 500 for christmas so im gonna buy this gun which i think should be named the bfg
by Patrick B. on 10/09/2008
"ok take back everything i said if i get the money ill buy it i looked it up and saw the specs and a youtybe movie of it this isnt no collecters item this is a tiger in a cage waiting to be let out
by Rod C. on 10/08/2008
"OK the piont of this gun is that its FKING sexy and LOOKS Kwl so dont right no hate posts like "oh u should get this other gun and just upgrade it" -.-* who give a dam its just sopost too look kwl and scary _._
by D. L. on 10/08/2008
"What your getting for $ 800. . . .1) A compete CNC FULL METAL BODY!. . .sure it will be heavy if u have skinny lil arms, but hey this is a " SNIPER- Rifle " in which you just post up & get a sun tan while U " WAIT " for your target. 2) FPS is @ 450-500. No extra internals needed your @ the ideal field accepted chrono. Anything higher is good for " plinkering " or a pvt. game. 3) Bull-pup design. . you have the same range of a M700 in a more compact length. 4) This rifle is straight out pimp!!!. . .Go ahead and line up your sniper rifles. . .okay. . there's a M24,. . .L96.. .nice. . M700 not bad. . . but check out the dude w/ the DSR-1!!!. . . .Yes the down side is the $800 price tag. . .not for everyone w/ a budget wallet!!. . I get that. . . .wait, how much was that Barret??. . .+ $1000 & that much more heavy & long!!!. . . .the only airsoft rifle that can out perform the DSR-1 is from Right Hook Fabrications & their price tag is for the serious snipers too!!! . . . .Bottom line, it's eye-candy if u can't afford it!!!!
by Brad H. on 10/08/2008
"Wow this looks pimp. That price is killer though...askin for it for Christmas cuz a 15 year old doesn't have that kinda money! I hope this excepts all major gases such as green gas, red gas, propane...the list goes on. I think it does. Green gas for sure. Red gas would give it that nice 50 fps boost. I'll tell u guys how it is if I end up getting it
by sean m. on 10/08/2008
"This gun is hot!!!!The price is not!!!!I only work on the weekends and the summer because of school but if i had the money, i would by this in a heart beat!!
by Andy H. on 10/08/2008
"This price is actually a very good deal.
This rifle is released in Asia and retailed for $780 on a lot of Japan / Hong Kong websites. However, shipping this best will probably cost you another $150 to get to the USA (and most likely it is too crazy to pass custom).

And it includes a $100 scope with a nice mount and bipod. I am gonna go try it out at Evike super store this weekend and maybe get one for the coming op.
by Matthew D. on 01/01/2018
"This is about the S&T DSR-1 that was bought from
So i bought the OD Green version for a cheaper price and the gun did not disappoint it looked sexy and it felt heavy, pro of sorts, and it feels nice in the hand but ill do a list of pros and cons. I have had this gun for about 2 months and i wanted to put some time into it to get a better grasp of what i had to tweak and what i wanted to tweak.
Pro -
Weight - it's heavy i know it's better quality, even the mags are heavy
look - You will show up and everyone will look at the gun and ask not to get hit with it
accommodation - the cheek rest can be raised, buttpad on the stock can be moved up and down, the monopod in the stock has six inches full length adjustment from uncliking the spring part and turning the gear to further extended the monopod to full length. You can adjust the bipod at the front, it has extensions on the bipod so that they can double the length of the bipod at 6 one inch intervals for precision planting. all this you can use to change up so you can make it yours.
Gameplay - this is more of a disclaimer. You will feel the weight of this gun. this is not a running type of gun. this is a plant and pop type gun. that is the reason it has the mono and bipod for shooting. i personally like the workout but some won't.
Hopup - I heard multiple reviews across the net saying that the only way to get to the hop up was to take the DSR-1 apart and adjust it from there. I read the manual and it said that the hop up was changed by way of allen key, this was wrong. i noticed the when i pressed the allen key in the hole where the hop up was supposed to be adjusted i felt a spring in there and i took a look inside and there was my solution, there was threading where a screw went. I hoped that i would get a note that the hop up was supposed to be adjusted this way but hey i got it adjusted and it shoots straight 9 times out of 10. i like the odds but this should have been addressed in the beginning.


I love this gun and will continue to use it.
by Trevor P. on 06/16/2017
"This gun is awesome. I've noticed something..... every other site says there's a matching scope mount and scope, just like pictured. My SAI GRY? Came with a red dot for everyone who unbowed and reviewed theirs. None with mine

Evike, love u guys, but.... are you literally taking optics off guns and selling them? My box? Has a huge hole where a scope was, and a huge hole where the scope mount was. Not cool.
by Jack Y. on 10/09/2008
"im in love..... damn you rich people for being able to afford this!