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CYMA Sport SOCOM 16 M14 Full Size Airsoft AEG (Package: Imitation Wood / DMR / Add 9.6v Battery + Charger)

58 Customer Reviews

by Tyler R. on 05/19/2016

+Looks really cool
+Feels nice
+Moderate accuracy
+Seems sturdy
+Not completely sure what to think of the hop-up, but it seems to do its job.

-Heavy, especially with a scope and scope mount.

My gun was fine out of the box, but it began not shooting. So I unplugged the battery, switched it to single fire, squeezed the trigger, set it to auto, squeezed the trigger. Plugged the battery in and it shot like normal.

About 1-2 weeks later it stopped working all together, didn't even feel like the battery's power was going through. Fed up with it not shooting, I took it apart. After completely cleaning and lubing the gearbox, I found out that the gearbox wasn't the problem. It was the red wire connected from the motor to the trigger plate. Either the wire its self was bent enough to prevent a full connection with the battery to the motor to the trigger activating plate. Or the 2 pieces of copper in the trigger plate weren't touching completely, either way I have seemed to have fix the gun by just letting the wire not be constricted to the frame of the motor. So far it seems to shoot flawlessly.
by Colin G. on 08/02/2015
"I've had this for over a year now completely bone stock and used as a loner or back up gun and it is still VERY good.

This gun is very accurate. For me it's been a tac driver up to about 170 ft.

Yes racking the metal is indeed "nice sounding" but it's pointless so that's just a matter of opinion.
This gun is a bit heavy as a starter gun but I moved onto the G&G EBR. No you don't need to be "big and manly" to run it. Im 5'10 at 145 pounds and I was just fine. Just be aware if you're new it is a bit on the heavier side.

The body is polymer but it's taken hard hits far drops. I don't mean "I was running and it hit a tree" I mean it's taken a two story fall, and broke my fall when I tripped on a hill where it went rolling and bashing against rocks and my body weight with dirt half way down the barrel. Black polymer still looks very good and only slightly used.

Hop unit maintained it's position perfectly and with .25 I'm getting the best range and accuracy compromise.

It's a great beginners gun if you don't mind the weight.
by Andrew S. on 11/18/2014
"I ordered this a month ago. Delivery was surprisingly fast, everything was intact, and what I ordered is what I got. It is around 8-9 lbs but that isn't bad. The mags are easy to find here on the site. The FPS is about whats advertised. I really like it. The battery compartment is not very big but some people have dremeled it out for a large type. Either way, small types are pretty cheap so I stuck with them. I have beaten this gun around so much and its perfectly fine. Looking forward to more of the new Cyma guns.
by Christian G. on 06/26/2014
"Pros: full metal top rail
Textured grip and handguard
Working charging handle
Decent battery

Cons: selector switch is a bit loose, stays still though
Rail location is a bit weird

Very good gun overall
Definitely recommend it
by william g. on 08/23/2013
"I purchased the IM wood edition of this rifle about a year ago.
it performs with the best of them and i have seen semi-pro/ex-mil players use a stock cyma m14 socom over tricked out m4s/m16s. when i got this rifle i hit a head sized target at about 200 ft the hit was confirmed by the clank of the bb striking the helmet. after a year of heavy use it shoots 175 feet and avgs about 355 fps. a new spring will fix this. i will also note that the gun stopped working twice. the first time my trigger switch got dirty so i had to clean it and it required semi-extesive disasembly and nimble fingers. the second time was a dirty barrel. dont doubt the ABS plastic for a second. it works great. the IM wood continues to fool people even from up-close that its not real wood.
good range
good accuracy
the list goes on.

requires maintince, but so does every gun.

Enjoy this gun. DMR it if u can.
by Jack P. on 11/30/2012
"I bought this gun last christmas and i have to say this is a great gun! It is a really good gun for people who want a long range rifle but still want the maneuverability of an assault rifle. I have not had any problems with it yet and i am hoping to never have any. This is a great beginner gun and even though it wasn't my first gun i still use it at almost every war i go to.

good handling
good FPS
good range

Battery is a little tough to get out

I would highly recommend this gun to veterans or first timers.
by Jacob M. on 01/10/2012
"I got this gun for christmas in 2011, and have been playing around and testing it for about 2 weeks.

Looks awesome
Solid build
A lot of metal parts
The top and bottom receiver can be separated with little effort
Great sights (optics are nice but not necessary)
Comes with hi-cap mag (feeds great)
Decent sized battery compartment
Very heavy (could be a con for smaller people)
With a 9.6v battery ROF is pretty good, and FPS is around 360 (.20s)
Extremely accurate with .25s (a bit less with .2s but still accurate)
Cheap when compared to other guns that preform the same

You will need a good battery and charger to get the most out of this gun.

So overall i give it a 5/5.
Would recommend to anyone
by Daniel B. on 12/22/2011
"This is a great gun! It is great for outdoors (where I play) because it is very long. It shoots very straight and powerful. Another great thing is that it is only 135$! The one problem i had with this gun is that the bolt always stayed back and the bolt release fell off. This issue does not effect the performance at all.

~Great accuracy/power
~ Excellent for the price
~Bolt sounds cool

~Bolt release button fell off
~Mag wobbles a little
~Pretty heavy and long
~Iron sights are pretty hard to see through at night
by Anders n. on 05/15/2011
"i got this gun a couple months ago and it is absolutely amazing i can easily compete with my friends who have 500 dollar guns definetely get this gun
by Collin U. on 03/15/2011
"I got this gun last summer (2010) from a little shop in town for around 200$ and it was a steal! this gun shoots great right out of the box and fells nice to, mine came with 2 Mags so i did get a little extra, i put a red dot on it and its already dead on, now i dont know if that was cuz the store sighted it or it came like that just know its a good gun

-good FPS
-looks/feels nice
-extra mag

- a tad on the heavy side (you can always take out the weight)
by Chris M. on 02/13/2011
"All I can say is WOW this riffle dose amazing, right out of the box! I was shooting .28's and yes i was hitting something, they were called the enemy players! If you want a decent beginner DMR set up here is you sign. Iat is heavy though so keep that in mind but if your strong enough to lug the thing around then do it. It is semi auto, so dont get the whole super sniper rambo deal in your head bc it wont work. Theres some good old friendly advice. Its biggest drawback is the weight, but i really cant call that a drawback. All in all it stands up to the real steal m14 standard.

The marching song from full metal jacket, " This is my riffle..."
by Robert N. on 01/25/2011
"I bought this gun a year ago and it is a great buy.
Good feel
Solid Construction

by Ryan H. on 10/09/2010
"I purchased this rifle just getting into the game with some friends who all have very nice AEG's. Some of them were a little skeptical about the CYMA brand but previous reviews and the price mad this something I was interested in. After taking it out for the first time, with an upgraded battery, this gun is absolutely amazing. The versatility of it is remarkable, and it's very accurate even with .2g bb's. It gave me the range and the ability to hit the targets that were just out of range of my friend's P90, and when I would be solo, the full auto capability proved to be very very helpful. In general, if you're just starting the game, looking for something that is good on range and accurate but also can get you out of a tight jam, this is a gun that I would highly recommend.
by Ryan D. on 05/11/2010
"I bought this gun around a year ago from a different supplier, for around the same price.
This gun is a great, hard-shooting, accurate gun
Sometimes I use it with a red dot scope and it is extremely accurate.
bbs dont really curve, stay straight
pretty high fps, i approximate around 340-360
not too heavy, although for smaller players it may be too much
barely jams
very nice appearance
low rof
top rail wiggles too much, but tightening the screws helps this

Overall: Great quality gun for a great price.
by Talon S. on 11/29/2009
"After 5 months of owning this and always letting someone else use this, I finally tried this and all i can say is wow. I wont be letting other people use this. This thing is not only dead accurate after adjusting, The mag feeds so good, Better than any gun ive ever tried, there is no need to purchase additional mags for that this thing, but im going to anyways :P I was considering buying a new 300 dollar gun then i thought, why dont i go and shoot this real quick to see if it is as good as my friends claimed it was, sure enough it was.

Nice STURDY construction
NO Jams
Rocking FPS & accuracy

Not really a con but the whole Metal decoration bolt lever thing was confusing and weird
The Selector switch is different from most guns.
Tight battery compartment

:::NOTE::: these cons are not bad cons, i wouldnt even take them into consideration. When your on the field all that matters is getting some rounds down range and it does do that.