CheyTac Licensed M200 Intervention Bolt Action Custom Sniper Rifle (Model: Black / CO2 Custom / Add 3-12x50 Scope)
69 Customer Reviews
by Edward M. on 01/02/2010
"I must say Jason W. you know your facts. This is a superb gun, and has a beautiful design. It takes .408 Tactical rounds and has out shot a L96 AW .338 rifle, not to mention its extreme power with its long range shot. This weapon has a loud crack, and sure can make a 35 year old man yell. It is fully upgradeable, and has a full metal body. I just hope that maybe a $500 to $600 type was made. $1400 is a lot for this type of weapon. But you know how some people like me are. I have two kids and am in debt so I dont think I could ever buy this.
by Dave J. on 09/25/2009
"So here goes my order of guns, L96, M14, L85 (the 380$ version), ARES CheyTec Intervention M200 Gas Sniper. *starts to call mom on cellphone...*
by Harrison F. on 03/08/2009
"your both right but when Mark W. is out of the marines he has the m-200 sniper rifle and its not broken you can take fireing pins out of any gun
by Pablo P. on 03/03/2009
"Ryan M. Actually this is the rifle used by Mark Wahlberg in the Movie Shooter.
This rifle is a nice piece of art!
This rifle is a nice piece of art!
by Chris C. on 02/28/2009
"Ryan M.,
This is the rifle used in Shooter. When he shot the stew can at his house remember?
And if i had the money, this rifle would be mine...
This is the rifle used in Shooter. When he shot the stew can at his house remember?
And if i had the money, this rifle would be mine...
by gianpiero c. on 02/05/2009
"to alex p.
yes this sniper was the one mark had in the movie. i do agree with you that this is a pretty cool buy.
yes this sniper was the one mark had in the movie. i do agree with you that this is a pretty cool buy.
by shawn s. on 02/04/2009
"the gun wasnt borken he just swapet the firing pin but thats my favorit movie hands down.
by Ryan M. on 01/27/2009
"Alex p, you are wrong........ This is not the same rifle in shooter, mark W. uses a berret .50 (not shure on the spesific make, think it M8A1). Also, in the hearing at the end of the movie he proves that he removed the firing pin, not that it is broken. but yes i agrea e that this gun is beast. i also think they should be more clear with the Gas or Spring thing. ???
Webmaster: We are all sold out at this time. But I recall the gun can be gas powered or spring powered. More review will come when we get more in stock. (All of them were sold during last pre-order time)
Webmaster: We are all sold out at this time. But I recall the gun can be gas powered or spring powered. More review will come when we get more in stock. (All of them were sold during last pre-order time)
by Paolo M. on 12/28/2008
"If green gas works on this then I'll buy it.
Webmaster: This gun can be powered by green gas, or bolt powered.
Webmaster: This gun can be powered by green gas, or bolt powered.
by Alex P. on 12/22/2008
"Do u guys no that this was the same sniper rifle used in the movie Shooter with Mark Wallberg when he shoots the tin can from a mile away and again at the end when he is at his hearing after they cached him he is showing them how his gun is broken. So ya it is a pretty cool buy.
by matt s. on 11/26/2008
"to Parker W.
it is a low fps gun so you can us it indoor and out. the gun is also both spring and gas to mix them together you dont get a high fps gun but is good when you run out of gas. but i think they made to be able to bring it indoors for those types of player that prefer indoor than out so this gun works all ways.
now about the gun my friend bought this of a "secret source" and yes this is amasing he let me use it in a game (he put the metal punching mad bull aplifier) and this thing scared the sh1! out of the other team and have the team gave the white towel when they saw the gun during the break for the next match so it was amasing and i hope this gun is sold out emediatly
it is a low fps gun so you can us it indoor and out. the gun is also both spring and gas to mix them together you dont get a high fps gun but is good when you run out of gas. but i think they made to be able to bring it indoors for those types of player that prefer indoor than out so this gun works all ways.
now about the gun my friend bought this of a "secret source" and yes this is amasing he let me use it in a game (he put the metal punching mad bull aplifier) and this thing scared the sh1! out of the other team and have the team gave the white towel when they saw the gun during the break for the next match so it was amasing and i hope this gun is sold out emediatly
by sean m. on 11/25/2008
"I like the tan one better then the black one, you could hide in a bush and not be seen. One Shot, One Kill
by Nicholas P. on 11/22/2008
"it is the rifle from the movie shooter i own a real one im in the USMC
by Joshua D. on 11/21/2008
"This rifle looks like one of the snipers used in the movie "Shooter"
by Jeremy S. on 11/20/2008
"Hey Travis. I was unaware that the m200 intervention could be chambered for a .50 bmg. That's pretty damn cool. Could you maybe provide me with a link?