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KWA Full Metal VM4A1 2.5 / M4 Carbine Airsoft AEG Rifle (Package: Rifle Only)

107 Customer Reviews

by Tyler S. on 08/08/2016
"Best Gun For Any Conditions or Ranges It is A Sniper With The Right Battery And Right BB's
by Thomas M. on 05/25/2016
"I've had this gun for about 7 years now, and it has definitely proven itself a beast. Out of the box, this gun is very sturdy, has a great ROF, and just looks cool. Right now, I use a 7.4v li-po which gives a nice ROF. Internally, there is really nothing to do in my opinion, except for maybe the inner barrel, which is actually very high quality for a stock barrel. About a year ago, I had to replace the gearbox because it was starting to crack (Mine had the old generation gearbox, which was new at the time). So then I got the new 2GX gearbox which has strengthening ribs where Version 2 gearboxes usually crack, making this nearly indestructible.
-Sturdy (Mine is almost 8 years old)
-Basically already upgraded
-Good Rate of Fire
-Accurate (The 2GX bucking is great)
-Mags are picky----Solution: buy KWA mags!
Overall, very good gun, absolutely love it. Probably the best AEG I've tried. KWA's slogan sure does fit- "Engineered to Outperform"
5/5 all day, every day!
by Pauline C. on 01/08/2014
"I have this gun for about a year and man does it run like a champ!

I put a 9.6v battery on it and it shoots really fast! All metal body, great gearbox, fuse, sturdy stock and buffer tube, easy to upgrade.
I recommend this gun to all airsofters.

Full Metal
Long Outer Barrel

by Christian B. on 11/04/2013
"This gun is the best gun I have ever owned. This thing kills my sr-12 and my ak-47. This gun is ready for field and cqb right out of the box. It is also lipo ready. It has a 14 negative thread for any silencers you want to put on, but the flash hider is very hard to get off. It has a full metal top and bottom receiver.

Made by KWA
Lipo ready
Full metal body
Perfect weight at 6 pounds
Very solid gun
14 negative thread
Ready out of the box
Crazy rof at 24 rps
400 fps
Just a great gun

Nothing at all this is the best gun no joke buy it right now. TRUST ME YOU WILL LOVE IT. TRUST ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Richard Y. on 08/10/2013
"Amazing Gun Easily a 5 star for me.

balanced weight
flawless feeding magazines
usage with an 11.1 lipo is fine with this gun
high rof
Fps around 400 with .2
accurate with .25s
Takes a beating

Although the weight is balanced around the gun it still is on the heavy side
Extremely picky with mags
by Chris M. on 03/04/2013
"Great gun and i suggest you buy it. verry sturdy metal parts, good range, good accuracy
shoots around 360 fps with a .25
very accurate
17 rps with a 9.6 volt battery
good sturdy parts
first 5 rounds you shoot after not shooting for a while dive at the ground after 50 feet. but you just have to break in the hop up and i was shooting it in the cold, so that affects it
it is very hard to fit a 9.6 battery in it, but it is possible

in conclusion it a great reliable gun, that shoots amazing in every aspect and feels very study

i highly recomend that you do not try to upgraade a kwa. they are designed to be good right out of the box. you are not better at making guns more that kwa and kwa's parts do not fit withother parts. deffinetly buy this gum
by Tevon T. on 01/10/2013
"I just bought this gun. And its beautiful! Feels great, not heavy. If you are wanting a great gun for a good price, with fps around 400. buy this one! I use a 9.6 battery for it. It can be tricky to fit it in the hand guard but it works.

Pros: great feel, full metal, fps, lipo ready, amazing gun!

Cons: fitting in a 9.6 battery, nothing.
by Dale R. on 11/10/2012
"This gun is an absolutely ASTONISHING, AMAZING, DURABLE, RELIABLE gun! I wanted a gun that wasnt going to fail on me mid game and thats what i got! If you are a beginner or experienced player its definetly worth the money. I use it with a 11.1 25C battery, it shoots right around 25 bps and i chrono'd it with .25 at 365 and 400 with .20. i suggest tightening the handle/rear sight, mine came off mid-game but i found it. this gun is basically full metal.

full metal
2GX gearbox
KWA 45 day warrenty
6.05 tight bore already installed

mags are a bit pickyy, thats not that bad though
Other than that nothing its flawless!
by Matt R. on 11/07/2012
"I just received my KM4A1 and it great. It has an extremely high rate of fire and the FPS is perfect for playing at outdoor fields. I definitely recommend buying a li-po for this gun as it makes the ROF insane. I have a 509mm tightbore and a mock supressor covering it and it is dead accurate.

Li-po ready out of the box
Matte finish
KWA Warrenty
High Rof
Fps around 400
Easy to customize

Flash Hider is hard to remove
A little pricey
Only takes specific mags so if you have m4 mags they probably wont fit

Overall this gun is one of the best guns you can buy and certainly the best m4 on the market. I definitely recommend buying this gun.
by Julian M. on 10/20/2012
"I have had this gun for about two months and all I have to say is WOW!!!!! This gun is AMAZING. Insane ROF and very nice FPS. By far the best gun I own! Puts all other M4's to shame. Recommend using .25's for better groupings.

Very Solid Build
Nice Weight (Might be a little heavy for smaller people)
FPS (Mine shot around 404 out of the box)
Flash Hider Is Super Easy To Remove

Picky With Mags
Battery Space Is A Little Tight

Overall this gun is g. If you are thinking of getting it you definitely should not b. You will no be dissapointed!!
by Josh K. on 10/12/2012
"I have had my KWA m4 for 9 months and only last week did i have to do any internal work.

Very much 11.1 LiPo ready. Have only had to swap pistons once.
Putting rails and other accessories is a breeze.
RoF with 11.1 is around 25rps
Internals are solid as a rock
Dead accurate.
KWAs warranty

Flashhider is reallllllly hard to get off.
Battery space with hand guard is not super huge. I put rails and a peq box on mine.
KWA has proprietary parts in their gearbox. (9mm bushings, there are no replacements, but you shouldnt need new bushings)
kinda picky with mags.

Overall this gun is amazing. i have barely had to touch it internally, and with some daniel defense rails it looks amazing. 5/5
by Colton B. on 09/18/2012
"This gun is an incredible piece of machinery. It's affordable, durable, reliable, and an overall great performing weapon. It is also easily customizable and upgradable (The only thing really possible to upgrade internally is the spring). I have a 30mm tri-color ACOG scope and the bb's fire right where i'm pointing my dot for 100+ feet. The ROF is incredible with an 11.1 lipo.

Reliable/Solid construction
Good accuracy
Good FPS for outdoor users
Insane ROF
Easily customizable
Internals are extremely hard to improve upon

None at all! But the battery compartment is a bit snug. Get a butterfly or small type battery.
by alex e. on 06/18/2012
"GREAT GUN! I just got mine in the mail this morning and I was blow away by how solid it is. I orderedd an 11.1 LiPo battery with it and god does it handle it well. this gun is really nice weight and is just all around amazing

Great rof
good range
good weight
accepts most of my mags

The handguards are a little tight and rough to take off
other than that non

Seriously consider this gun as you're next, it tops my G&G, ICS, ECHO 1, AND Airsoft GI custom gun by miles!
by Kevin S. on 06/05/2012
"Wow, just wow. If you feel like your ready for this gun then, by all means, get it now. I have rhino flip up sights and Magpul hand guard and AFG on mine. I also run a 9.6v battery in it as well. It's a tight fit but well worth it. Soon I'll invest in a lipo, KWA even gives you a card inside of the box telling you to get one. Everything is amazing in this and I prefer using .25's over .20's. I get better range and better groupings. At first the groupings weren't good, but then again tightbore's take some time to kick in. I can't wait to take this out into the field.

Great buy
High ROF
High FPS (just enough for field's, probably not CQB though.)

Though very minor I still wanna state them,
Tight fitting battery for a 9.6, use a LiPo for better fit.
Very picky with mags. Only the one it came with works out of my other 10 mags.
by Monique M. on 06/04/2012
"THIS GUN IS FANTASTIC!!! it shoots so fast at such a high performs flawlessly every time. my only complaint isnt much of a valid one but i can barely fit a 9.6 butterfly battery in there. but thats because it was built for a lipo to be put into it.

Amazing ROF
good FPS
externals have a good hard feeling
no wiggling of the mag in the mag well
mag feeds perfectly

can fit 9.6