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EMG Salient Arms International 30 Round Magazine for SAI 2011 Gas Airsoft Pistol (Color: Silver / CO2)

18 Customer Reviews

by Roland L. on 05/04/2020
"Bought 2 to go with my EMG / Salient 2011 and after a single drop from the magwell to the ground (really wasn't that far) the metal butt plate's plastick retention piece snapped on one of the magazines and now doesn't lock into place. It still works machanicaly and the rest of the construction is pretty robust, however I am pretty bummed about the buttplate since it adds to the asthetic and guards the CO2 screw. I'd say the mags are worth it but the user should be wary of the plastic piece's rigidity.
by Mark L. on 03/14/2019
"Not a bad magazine. I bought 2 of these, and had a little bit of a problem. The end plate retainer got chipped off of all of my magazines and it became easy to just slide the end plate of the magazine later, which did not really affect the function of the gun, but was annoying. The magazine needs to be a little bit more sturdy
by Robert M. on 06/12/2018
"have 2 that currently run. holds enough gas, tho is realllly slow to fill. 30 rd cap is nice and good weight.
the end cap is Ridiculous, capital R. droppped once on feed lip, extra weight was like a hammer and shattered feed lips. replacements are available on here, i belive about 5 bucks a piece...
idea for SAI, make this end piece of hard rubber would be much better.
one mag has started leaking at the base joint time to replace o rings. over all the green gas version of the mag is useable but with a few minor tweaks that would probably be eaiser and cheaper in production would not be waiting to replace with the CO2