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FN Herstal Licensed SCAR-L Airsoft AEG Rifle by Cybergun (Color: Desert)

157 Customer Reviews

by Donny T. on 10/16/2012
"Iv'e had this gun for 4 years now and i barely added any upgrades to it. This gun has no problems what so ever! Good maintenance and this gun will love you for the rest of it's worth. With the extended barrel it comes with plus an added mock silencer the gun shoots well over 420fps! That is more bang for your buck. I love this gun by far and is my most favorite since it lived longer then all the other guns iv'e had.

-Universal with M4 Mags
-Full Metal(does not damage easily)
-Water Resistant/Rain proof
-Fully Open Customization
-Actual Replica of the real MK16
-Eye Candy for other airsofters

-Weighs 10lb(it's heavy)
-Takes only small batteries (8.4v)
-Manually open stock to put larger batteries in
-Butt Pad easily falls off
by Justin M. on 08/03/2012
"I have had this gun for over a year and I am still very impressed with it. The internals aren't the best, and it is a cheap gun overall, however it has worked wonderfully for me. Since I got it I upgraded to a longer, tight-bore barrel and upgraded the hop up bucking. That's all I've done to the internals, and it is shooting at 430+ fps and the accuracy is still spot on.

-good fps and accuracy, easily converted into a DMR
-solid construction
-good weight
-no problems with internals (even though they are mostly plastic, just don't rough it up too much)

-magazines wobble a bit
-butt stock wobbles a bit so has to be tightened after use
-motor screw will get loose sometimes and gears will grind, so simply tightening the screw on the bottom of the handle will fix it, and this can be done easily even in mid game.
by Matthew D. on 06/20/2012
"this is the best aeg i have. i have had it now for four years, and i havent upgraded it at all. everything still works perfectly. it has lasted longer than all of my m4s and sniper rifles, and pistols combined. i will never get rid of this gun. GET THIS GUN. it shoots accurately, and pretty far.
by Corbyn D. on 01/11/2012
"This was my first airsoft rifle and with how satisfied I am with its performance, I thought I'd write a review.

- Great FPS
- Great range for Field and CQB/CQC
- The Metal Feel is Wonderful
- Very Very Accuarte Especially for a First Gun

- The Stock Clip Will Break Off Overtime. IT WILL.
- And if you dont fix/replace the clip the whole stock will break off soon. All you have to is simply replace it for around $45.00.

Honestly A Very Well Rounded Rifle! A great place to start as well!
by jonathan b. on 12/26/2011
"I love this gun. Even though this is my first real gun and i have nothing to compare it to, it's a real good gun and i recomend it for beginners or a experienced airsofter. the r.o.f is good and it leaves a pretty good sized welt.
by Tammi B. on 12/23/2011
"Great gun i have had it 4 about 6 months and havent had a problem yet it has good fps and pretty good acuracy GET THIS GUN
by Matthew D. on 11/28/2011
"This is the absolute best gun i have ever bought. It was my first assault rifle and i enjoy it so much words cant even describe. It is super reliable, and feels awesome. I originally got it because it had a folding stock and i was playing a mix of outdorr and CQB. with the folding stock i could go from longrange to room clearing in a few seconds. the rails are in the perfect place for me and i can hold my EO Tech and flashlight well. the lower reciever is plastic but is so hard and makes the gun really light weight. the stock folds and adjusts to different lengths and is just perfect. The internals are so well made that i have had thi now for 3 years and have still not had to replace anything. even with the short barrel it is still wicked accurate at a pretty good distance

Light weight
plenty of rail space
easilly manueverable

Battery is in the stoc with exposed wiring( not a problem for me)
When the stock is folded you cant press the mag release
Stock breaks really easilly if dropped( be careful)

other than that this is honestly the best gun i have.
by Eddie G. on 11/05/2011
"this gun is great i got it about a year ago and haven't had problem yet

good fps

accuracy is okay

good battery life

mag capacity(would reccomend getting at least 1 hi-cap mag)

kinda heavy

adjustable stock wobbles a little

mag is kinda hard to get to stay in at first
by Wayne B. on 10/25/2011
"I got this gun about a year ago and it still works great the front sight broke after getting dropped but it still works awesome this was my first gun and I still love it
by lawrence k. on 08/03/2011
"This is my brother's gun, but I have used it and it is great! It is very sturdy and performs well with very good accuracy, especially for the relatively short barrel.

high fps, about 400
lightweight, easy to handle and run with
very accurate , can hit a 2"x2" target easily at 50 ft

When the stock is extended, the adjustable cheek rest tends to get annoying and uncomfortable when shouldering the weapon quickly. The end of it kind of jabs into your cheek because it isn't long enough.

Overall, this gun is great and definately worth the money!
by george b. on 08/03/2011
"Great working and good looking gun! most mags work with it i have yet to use one that does not! good fps a rot! lots of options with all the railing! i recomend .25 gram bbs and a tight bore barrel. the grouping at a distance as so so. the battery chamber in the stock is kind of weird but u get used to it. aslo the stock gets loose and you will have to tighten it up every now and then. its a good rifle and Cqb smg. great if you are starting out or experianced airsoft player. Get this gun if you really want a scar! although i do reccomend a tight bore!!! i am not dissapointed in it. great gun!
by joe s. on 08/01/2011
"i have two of these guns i have a stock black and a suped up tan one they are the best guns ever i could not be happeir

high fps
heavy (im a big guy lots of guns look small and feel dumb but this is just right)
pretty solid rate of fire
battery lasts a while
takes m4 mags
can customize very easly

needs new hop up soon
needs a tight bore

all in all for 180 this is the best gun ever !!!
by Chase R. on 07/17/2011
"Hi Everyone,

I got this gun a few months ago and it is the best gun on most fields. My friend has a full metal ak-47 that cost 400.00 and this gun blows it away. I have had no problems with it yet.

realistic weight
looks cool
great fps
great range

by Morgan S. on 07/08/2011
"This is a great gun! I got mine today, and it was amazing, better than all of my friends' guns for sure!
-Good ROF
-Good FPS
-Has the foldable stock to make it easier to carry.
-Decent weight
-Decent iron sights
-Tough to get the battery in
-When the stock is folded the stock covers the trigger somewhat

Overall this is a great gun!
by Max M. on 07/02/2011
"This is the best gun out there for a reasonal price.
I got this gun not to long ago and the hop up got stuck once.
I airsofted once and made everyone bleed asleast once and they didnt want to airsoft with me.

Awesome FPS
All metal
very accurate
