Matrix High Performance 11.1V Stick Type Airsoft LiPo Battery (Model: 1450mAh - 20C / Small Tamiya)
46 Customer Reviews
by David C. on 08/05/2020
"Very nice, its actually 25 not 20, but thats fine, and also it fits in my arp9 stock very well so thats a big win in my book.
by Sean M. on 06/09/2020
"This battery will fit most PDW Rear Stocks! It definitely fits the Classic Army Skirmish PDW perfectly.
by Yiu C. on 04/13/2020
"This one can fit in APS CRS retractable stock . Just forget to use the big washer. Then you know how many front stock for storage batteries can also fit in.
by Mark M. on 02/19/2020
"Excellent battery, fits good in the Kriss Vector and small pdw style stocks when changed to the small black deans plugs also sold here.
by Cody S. on 10/26/2019
"Got the 1450/20c/Deans. Came about 80% charged. Topped it off and it's working great. So far so good!
by kevin/ kristen a. on 05/09/2019
"Very good!! It’s a very high quality Lipo battery. Get it!!
by Warner J. on 05/04/2019
"I use this battery in my kriss vector and it fits but it's definitely tight. the battery worked for a while until i did not charge it correctly.
by Alexander A. on 01/27/2019
"I bought this battery for my Elite Force limited edition MP5K and it fits in perfectly. There's even a bit of room to spare! The fire rate increase is also nice. It lasted me a whole day on semi auto.
Fits in MP5k
Long lasting
Increases rate of fire and trigger response
Expensive; C'mon, $35 for a battery?
Fits in MP5k
Long lasting
Increases rate of fire and trigger response
Expensive; C'mon, $35 for a battery?
by Alan E. on 12/24/2018
"I have really enjoyed using these! Bought two for my first time using Lipo batteries and have had nothing but positive operation out of them
by Ryan A. on 08/17/2018
"I bought this battery last year at the Airsoftcon 2017 and it has just now started giving out on me by draining a bit faster, keep in mind that this battery was used a LOT and I got my moneys worth out of it, I definitely recommend this battery to anyone that is thinking about getting it.
by Reed H. on 04/10/2018
"Works! Not much else to say. Put a few thousand rounds though it and still fine. It fits in most hand guards btw.
by Tre M. on 11/21/2017
"I purchased this battery back in May, it's now almost December and it's still going strong. Performance out of this thing is fantastic and as long as the battery is taken care of it should last for a very long time. So far I'm very pleased with purchasing this and will probably buy another for a spare.
by Matthew B. on 11/12/2017
"I got this battery for my ics cxp ape r, the size is very compact fit in the gun with extra room to spare. The battery works very well last for a long time all the leads and wires on the battery are very secure. Purchased a second one for my cxp uk1 fits in the buffer tube no issues. So I definitely recommend this product
by Matthew B. on 11/12/2017
by Ahmet Kerem K. on 10/03/2017
"Perfectly fitting for the kriss vector! cheers