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CYMA Standard M870 3-Round Burst Multi-Shot Shell Loading Airsoft Shotgun (Model: AOW-A Standard / Tan)

71 Customer Reviews

by Diego P. on 11/07/2020
"This is for the full stock cqb model

Oh my god. Oh my god. It hops .30s! .20s and .23s go straight to the moon, .25s curl up at distance a bit too much, did not test .28s, but .30s sailed straight for no joke maybe 125ft plus with a 1-2 ft group. I will be using .30s as they have the flattest trajectory and stay together well at range, and they seem to be the correct weight for the fixed hop up. I am so happy with what I paid for. My sad asg trishot shoots about half as far and can't even hop .20s properly. I am very impressed with the internal quality and ease of pumping so far(is noticeably easier than the asg tri shot). I would give the performance a 6/5, though external quality is lacking if you were to compare this to just about anything else on the field. I would give the external quality a 3/5(pretty cheap plastic, though the barrel is metal) but I don't even care at this point I am just so stunned at how well this shoots. Awesome buy for 50ish dollars, just don't bash it against a wall. There is a serious chance this will be used in place of my vfc this weekend. Yeah, I'm not kidding.
by Ashton W. on 08/10/2020
"Throw away the BBs that come with it, or use them for practice racking and rapid fire. I almost returned the gun thinking it was wildly inaccurate. I would fire it and the BBs would arch up (yes UP!) about 20 ft. I weighed the BBs and realized they were .12g, I then loaded it with .20g and there was a noticeable improvement, but still arch up about 4 ft. I then loaded it with .25g and it was almost perfect, nice 8-10 inch pattern about 50ft out.
by Sam W. on 07/21/2020
"Pros about the shotgun:
it's light weight making it esy to run around with
the gun shoots in a rather straight line
it comes with a spring loader that works really well.

Cons about the shotgun:
the shell ejecting system is very slow, as you have to take the shell out manually and the button you press is sort of stiff
you have to buy extra shells unless you want too keep loading one
it comes with no instruction manual, so you have to figure out everything yourself
the cocking system is stiff the first few shots, so you should shoot it a bit in your backyard

this gun is really pretty good with 0.20 gram bb's and i would suggest buying the CYMA 30 Round Shotgun Shell Magazines for 3-round burst Airsoft Shotguns - Pack of 6 Shells for this
by maarqel S. on 06/28/2020
"this thing is a great shotgun especially for the low price !!!!
by Zach S. on 04/06/2020
"One of the best purchases I’ve ever made. It’s the most fun in airsoft you can have for $50. It’s light shoots grouping together for about 25’ before it starts to spread though all 3 should hit at 50’ (after that you need to compensate for curve and not expect all three will hit, but it’s a shotgun and that’s not what it’s meant for. Idk what it is about shotguns in CQB that terrify people so much. I can cause more havoc and scare more people with this than with a $300-$600 rifle. Honestly you will not regret this purchase it’s cheap so you don’t lose a lot and it’s great for high speed light weight type of play. I’m sure it would work well as a breacher or a side arm for more MilSim type of events. Only thing about this is it pretty much impossible to get the orange tip off (worries about snapping the stock), and you have to hold down the door latch to get the shells out and have to get a finger on the shell to get it out which can be difficult with gloves. I wish they would pop out. To save yourself some frustration be sure you are depressing the door latch button while removing the shell otherwise you won’t get it out. Happy hunting!!
by John A. on 07/04/2019
"It's a good shotgun for cqb or for rushing on fields it's got decent medium range and it's easy to rack the pump if your at least a little strong it's got a tight group but this might vary from gun to gun over all it's well worth the price also the build although plastic is really solid feeling
by Isaac D. on 06/15/2019
"This gun is great. I’m very happy with it. It shoots very well, and overall it is a great gun. I especially like the shell loading of the gun.
by Zachary C. on 04/09/2019
"shoots like a laser beam and the pump is not too hard
by Jos� C. on 02/28/2019
"So it took about a month due to the fact that it was out of the USA no problem with that.

It has great range for a spring-powered replica.

The pump is not as smooth as the real steel going backward (which is due to the spring) and if you have sweaty hands your going to need gloves

Definitively lightweight


Don't forget to get a key-chain ring for the rear sling attachment or else you'll have to Mcgiver your sling

Had a little issue with the replica in general when a friend half cocked it but got fixed by taking out the shell and attempting a slam fire
by Chase S. on 12/05/2018
"Gun is amazing! Bought it bout a mouth or two ago and it still works perfectly! It shoots bout 80 yards and shoots 3 bbs at a time. Sometimes the top 2 hit ur target and the other goes down sometimes side or straight! It is totally worth the price!
by Joshua Y. on 11/22/2018
"Great shotgun to get introduced to the gun type or just airsoft in general. The only thing is the spread is slightly inconsistent.
by Logan P. on 11/02/2018
by Cameron L. on 09/28/2018
"I don't have the cash to shell out for an AEG but I still wanted a gun so I could play w/o renting. For $50 this is great! Metal where necessary but even the polymer doesn't feel too bad. Good accuracy and the barrel fits a snap-on fluorescent bead sight from TruGlo.
by Jason S. on 07/19/2018
"Great gun. I haven't had any feed issues. Best for CQB. The spread is about 6ft at 100ft and about 2ft at 50ft.
by Jeromy K. on 06/12/2018
"I just received the cab full stock I ordered today. Tried it out in the back yard. Has great range and grouping using .25 bb's. Would definitely suggest this to a new player.
The construction is solid for a non metal gun. Decent weight and good action. Very happy with my purchase.