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The " SWAGG Pack" (Edition: 2021 Final Edition)

541 Customer Reviews

by Justin H. on 01/19/2016
"Ordered 2 of these swagg packs on different days and i got the bag of bb's and the multicam hat. Overall very pleased with what i got.
by Hunter C. on 01/19/2016
"Ordered two of these on two different orders for free shipping, first one was a bag with 5000 .20s, second one was an Emerson Black JPC, a $70 dollar plate carrier, AND another bag with 5000 more bbs. 16 dollars for 10000 .20s, a plate carrier (with dummy plates that I just put in my LBT 6094), and two drawstrings that I can put my thunderb shells and bbs in.

Not a chronoblaster for sure, but well worth the money and fun to open the box for surprises.

10/10 would add on to order again.
by John Z. on 01/11/2016
"This wave of swag pack was OK, i got better stuff this round like 5000 20g but they need to release another box of awesomeness because the swag packs guarantee us items over the value of 8 dollars but they need to give away less cheap prizes and more grand prizes. But thats just me i was satisfied, gooooooooooooooood luck everyone you will need it.
by Reed U. on 01/08/2016
"I have ordered a number of Swagg Packs so far, and each seems to be evenly randomized. In this pack I received the bb's with the safety bag. I think this order was definitely worth it, as I purchased this for the equivalent prices, at least. The Swagg Packs are worth purchasing, especially as a addition to an order. Don't underestimate them!
by nick n. on 01/03/2016
"I just love these swag packs I have purchased the last two and I can't complain about the price and the chance to win something awesome is really the best when it comes it's like Christmas all over again lol this is a must buy
by Jordan R. on 12/18/2015
"Very nice, a little sad I didn't win any of the "big" prizes. But hey a G&P mid cap for 8 buck... Awesome, and my little brother got a speed loader. Don't forget they also come with patches, so that's just a extra bonus!

Over all, very pleased, and would buy again. (If it hadn't soled out)
by Dan D. on 12/11/2015
"Pretty happy
I went into this actually to get a speedloader because mine broke and this was cheaper than just buying a speedloader by itself. I ended up with two mid caps- both colors with the "Ain't Us" patches- both colors. Happy with my luck, but was personally disappointed because I can't even use the mid caps yet. Was a great value though: $16 w/o shipping for $30 (discounted price) w/o shipping worth of stuff. Great Swagg pack this time around, buuuuuut if the Evike sales team is reading, we're all waiting for that holiday BOA :)

In conclusion,
If you missed this pack, you missed out.
by john m. on 12/07/2015
"Very satisfied with my purchase got the evike riot shield and a cool black patch very fast and pleasant order and shipping
by Joshua R. on 12/07/2015
"This pack is totally worth it. It's a great economical opportunity. For all the people wondering why the UPS label wont track the order, it's because if you buy this product alone the USPS will ship it.
by Nathan E. on 12/06/2015
"This time around, the box of swag was great. I won a brown speed loader and the hate cause they ain't us patch in red
by Noah D. on 12/06/2015
"Got the tan mag, and the "Aint Us" Patch. Good deal for 8$. Next time hopefully I get a gun.
by Nick V. on 12/05/2015
"I bought 2 this wave and went into it not caring what i got. I could use every single item on this list. My first swagg pack from this wave was a blue speedloader with a red, white, and blue ain't us patch. I have been wanting this patch in this color since the day i first saw it here on evike so i was extremely happy that i got that. In the second pack i got a green speedloader with an airsoft nation patch. Honestly I have no complaints with getting speedloaders unlike some other people. I have only had 90 round ones until now so these are an amazing addition. I got things that i needed and wanted for less than it normally would cost me. Thanks evike!
by Mike K. on 12/04/2015
"Awesome! So far I got 3 tan mags, 2 speed loaders and a A&K SR-25! Thanks evike. I'm happy with everything. I have lots more on the way and I can't wait to get them! What a epic swag pack!
by Cody R. on 12/04/2015
"For $8 (around $13 once all said and done) this swag pack was probably the best. I received the g@p black m4 mag and colored hait us cause they ain't us. Shipping was fast and I'm overall very happy with my purchase! Thanks evike!
by Michael K. on 12/04/2015
"$8 for a good speed loader and free patch is a deal, if you need one. I got the brown, thanks Evike.