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Matrix / S&T Sportsline M4 RIS Airsoft AEG Rifle w/ G3 Micro-Switch Gearbox (Model: Dark Earth / Block 3 13.5")

461 Customer Reviews

by Nicholas E. on 01/02/2014
"Absolutely Wonderful

Got this from a different site 6 months ago and I haven't had a single problem since. It's quite accurate up to 100-150 feet depending on wether you are indoors or outdoors. I have taken it to several events since I purchased it and it has always done exceptionally well in both outdoor/long range and indoor CQB settings.

Pros- accurate, fast, relatively easy to take down, compact, quiet, and above all it is consistent.

Cons- no front sling mount.
by Phill L. on 09/04/2013
"This rifle has been one of the best I have owned.

The stock motor is reliable but ultimately you will want to upgrade it. The gearbox is solid and the stock spring is not bad out of the box. Hop up is alright for being a 2 piece hopup unit, BUT i will say that you will want to replace the bucking. I put a G&P in it and made it 10x better.

My biggest peeve about the rifle is that the handguard is floating, which after a while may start to slouch at the front. I would recommend putting a mock gas block and give the hand guard some extra support on the front and make it look more milsim.
by Richard L. on 03/14/2013
"I recently got this and it is one of the best gun for it's price!
by Steve P. on 02/03/2013
"Amazing gun, one of my first official AEG's!

light (I have a real AR15 that is polymer lightweight and they weigh the same)
FPS is good for CQB & Outdoors

Mag and stock is barely wobbly

Overall, my favorite gun and I chose it over MP5's, G36's, AK47's, but it doesn't beat my friends G&P, but very upgradable. Totally worth it, buy it!!!
by Zachary A. on 12/02/2012
"I have this weapon and might I say it is OUTSTANDING!!! I have not had a problem with it yet and I've owned it for about 8 months, I came from a Marui M4 to this DBOY and I would Prefer this M4 over the Marui.

Realistic weight and metal construciton!! ( Feels like my M4 that i used in the Army)
Very mobile and great for CQB
Absolutley NO feding issues and once you get the hopup set right shoots like a DREAM!!

by Alex T. on 11/16/2012
"This gun is a must buy for starters!!. I have been playing airsoft for years honestly, mainly using spring snipers. My friends jumped to aeg's and i was being outgunned since i had a lower fps and also a bolt to pull back. My friend got his second aeg which is the jg m4 s system, which is the same exact as this one, so i knew i was going to get a good one. Most people complain about jg, and frankly i have not experience or heard of a friend experiencing any problems with them at all.

very small, but can be modified to look like an m16 or larger m4 length wise by adjusting the stock.
can be modified alot since jg is compatible with quite a few other things.
mock bolt pulling action which allows you access to the hop up
shoots hard
shoots fast
the weaver rear sight seems built to last
the delta ring is removable. if removed it gives you access to a twist screw thing to mount twist on rails like the AIM sports m16 length rail

like listed above, the rails could be just a tad better.
the flash hider is a mother to get off. (not really a con for most)
the batteries take some fiddling with to fit into the crane stock and to remove :/

Note: the butt pad for the battery access is easy to get off. once you push the pin things a few times you can just pop it off without even pressing them.

I highly recommend getting a 12.5in free float rail system that screws on, and a 6 in supressor if you want the internally silenced spec ops look!

Way to go JG! this gun is fantabulous!
by Jake G. on 07/14/2012
"oh my god! i love this gun. its amazing i have only good things to say for it.

pros: accuracy,rpm,compact,adjustable,easy to work on,great for any combat situation,anybody who hears it will run in fear!
by erick a. on 04/27/2012
by Matt M. on 04/08/2012
"this gun is awesome feels extremely sturdy great rof great fps nice weight my mag well is a bit tricky to use because it is sometimes hard to tell if your clip is locked into place and i have to fight with it sometimes to lock but other than that this gun has been quickly becoming one of my favorites
by Daniel G. on 02/02/2012
"I have had this gun for about 8 months now and I cannot be happier. Used this thing in the hot summer and cold winters and have had no problem. Did get a stronger battery like recommended 1600mah and it works fantastic. Great gun for the price! You can do so much with it!

Pros: Sleak design - weight no problem
Consistant with FPS - 380FPS
Great range
Motor makes unique sound that people always ask about. (STOCK)
Hop up is very easy to work with

Cons: Some of my mid cap magazines wobble a little
by Brandon P. on 12/14/2011
"Well, first off, let me say - I was a bit skeptical buying this gun. The Stealth kit is extremely slick, but I had a slight problem with it. The delta ring (the part that screws on) was slightly rotated to the right, so the handguard's rails were a little crooked. I fixed this, and ended up buying a new screw on AiM Sports 12 RiS.

- Dboys is a great, and reliable, company.
- Dboys weapons are extremely compatible with a lot of parts. If you are looking for a unique gun that you can upgrade the heck out of.
- The stock has barely any wobble, and the fat part acts as a great cheek rest. I eventually bought a new stock with a textured cheek pad and compartment, but the stock stock (no pun intended) is great.
- The thread on the barrel is CCW, so you can mount a ton of barrel extensions or suppressors on it.

- The RIS was a bit crooked. No problem, really, just a bit annoying
- Pretty much it.

Things you should know -
- It only comes with a rear sight
- The suppressor is extremely easy to take off. Just unscrew the whole rail system, and then twist the suppressor hard clockwise. I have a barrel extension and a Surefire Quick Detach suppressor inside a 12" free float rail - might I say, it is sexy.
- This gun is a GREAT gun to build off of, and modify.

Hope this helped,
by Carson W. on 11/29/2011
"I got this gun 9 months ago and today is first time it broke. Every thing on the gun is great exept for the hand grip. It cant suport the battery very well but its easy to bye a metal one. This gin gets a 5 stars for me.
by Angie A. on 11/07/2011
"this gun is a over all awsome. i had this gun for at least 3 months now and i love it. i would highly recommened you to get this gun. get a optic with it because it doesnt come with a front site. this gun is a good looking gun. on a rate from one to ten i would give this gun a nine out of ten. so i recommened this gun to a new or intermedite player. works good for feild and cqb. thats my review i hope you like it.
by Nick T. on 01/25/2011
"I bought this gun about 2-3 years ago. It has done me extremly well and I do not regret purchasing it for the price. There are many upradable components about this gun. Enjoy it for a great price.
by Phoenix O. on 10/27/2010
"I've had this gun for nearly a year and it still runs amazingly. I have only needed to replace the battery. Its very comfortable and can be modified extremely easily.