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Matrix / S&T Sportsline M4 RIS Airsoft AEG Rifle w/ G3 Micro-Switch Gearbox (Model: Dark Earth / Block 3 13.5")

461 Customer Reviews

by Chris S. on 02/01/2009
"saw this gun in person, its nice, has upgraded internals with some aftermarket parts, element orange torque piston, madbull blue bucking, and a nice RIS, Only downsie to this gun is the body is ABS not metal :)
by Chris S. on 01/16/2009
"the body is shiny and the trades and markings arnt very convincing...

however is good price for a good performing aeg with good compression. Jg/echo1 has good internals in the newer aegs, only thing need to change is the bucking to systema and get a nice tightbore barrel and add a good 9.6v high output battery and your scrimmage ready.
by servando m. on 01/14/2009
"i don't own this rifle but i own a classic army cqb rifle this is amazing for the price and it comes with a battery thats outrageous. mine came with only a hi-cap i had to buy the battery sling and charger separately for a total of $520!!!!!! and the silencer i bought was another $75 so yea i would get one if i were you
by Zachary S. on 01/04/2009
"I have this gun. It works very well for outdoor play, but im sorry it doesnt leave welts at 100 yards away.
Good ROF
Good FPS (if event or people you play with allow aegs over 400 fps)
Entire front rail mount is metal, along with the gear box and such.
Battery has a good life but it can run out.

Guns a little loud.
The the body from the front forgrip is plastic.
Crane Stock for me is annoying as hell.

Ide give it a 9/10.

WEbmaster: 100 yard is 300 feet....
by Margaret P. on 12/25/2008
"this gun is great there is so much you can do to it I have so many upgrades and external parts for it and it has not burnt out yet
by Marco R. on 12/20/2008
"Great gun and its my first aeg

high FPS mined chroned 400
Metal RIS
heavy (can be a con)

Battery space
battery has large cells but a small connector so its a custom battery
heavy (can be a pro)

These are very minor Cons so live with it
by Silvia Z. on 12/09/2008
"The battery that comes iwth it is great...... it is a 9.6 Volt Numchuck battery


it has sniperlike accuracy
by Nick C. on 12/03/2008
"also, wiil a 9.6v nunchuck battery fit the gun??????????????
by Nick C. on 12/03/2008
"the review of the gun at the bottom of the page sair top rail doesnt fit alot of sights; is that true????
by matt s. on 11/24/2008
"i love this gun. this is the best gun i have ever had. it does shoot about 400 fps an in fact leave welts at 100 yards away.

1. high fps
2. great use-fullness
3. not heavy
4. comes with a huge crane stock battery
5. ris is metal but covers are not
6. low price great for beginning and advanced players

1. feels plasticy
2. to strong for indoor play
3. top rail dosent fit alot of sights, scopes etc.

But over all awesome gun
by Silvia Z. on 11/17/2008
"To the review below me. This gun is amazing. It is very easy to install a tight bore barrel and if you wanted even more accuracy you could buy the Evike CQBR barrel extention set that would allow more room for a longer barrel (which is what i did) by then the gun is shooting around 450 and goes 200 feet which is further than my UTG MK96! After that I bought the Matrix Shooter's Universal Laser, UTG Deluxe Tactical Flashlight, UTG Ergonomic Foregrip, and the 551 style red dot (the square tubeless one).

Ya its awesome.

I am planning on installing a metal reciever next to make my gun even more awesome.


The battery lasts really long
by Kara T. on 11/02/2008
"This was the first gun i ever owned. Great gun ROF and FPS out of control stock. I own the I AM LEGEND G&G gr16 and a tm m14 and a tm p90 i still pull this gum out and get down and dirty. great in CQB and woodland. I would recomend putting metal bushings or bearings in it the plastic ones blew out after six months of use at 3 or 4 a times a week. I put the bearings in and it ours like a kitten super clean.
by Paolo M. on 10/26/2008
"Final thoughts:

1.) This gun is the best for begginers because you cannot do anything wrong in a game
2.) Great for players who rely on speed and agility because it 95% does not snag ( meaning the barrel hitting a side of a door ) and much better use to players under 5"2
3.) Much better accuracy than it's longer version
4.) Great stock muzzle velocity
5.) A competitor against the Subby Killer AEG's by Tokyo Marui, G&P, etc
6.) Semi-sniper like accuracy when given high quality bbs ( for short, it hits the target perfectly )
7.) Fixing the gun is easy, replace everything inside with the same parts or better internals
8.) Makes Tokyo Marui, ICS and Classic Army look passive.


Gun is everything you can ask for, if not, you can easily do something about it
by Phyllis H. on 10/23/2008
"Does anyone know if you could put a front grip, grenade launcher, or whatever else on the gun?
by Silvia Z. on 10/22/2008
"Response to Paolo:

About the battery....

The battery is actually very easy to get out. Heres what you have to do:

1) remove the cover located in the back of the stock
2) Un-plug the battery
3) Move the stock to the smallest point then quickly rack the slide as far back as it goes.
4) Repeat until the battery comes out... usually comes out after one slide.

See.... its very easy to get out, it is very tight but it slides fine and the battery lasts long.