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The " SWAGG Pack" (Edition: 2021 Final Edition)

541 Customer Reviews

by Xavier B. on 06/13/2015
"Finally got the chance to buy this. Got 2, hoping I get something good.
by Nick B. on 06/12/2015
"Friend won the vector on the last one. These are awesome. getting 2
by Kevin E. on 06/12/2015
"Just ordered mine, hopefully something good comes so I can share it on my YouTube page!
by anthony n. on 06/12/2015
"10$ after shipping, made my money back during the last one. this time the prizes are even better!!!!
by Michael C. on 06/11/2015
"I just ordered this baby, hope I get something good. This is a great deal!
by Nate M. on 06/11/2015
"I got 2 in round 2. I will over all be happy with anything. The lowest price u basically get your money back. Can't go wrong here. Good luck everyone.
by Gary H. on 06/10/2015
"Top winner in round 1, so a little bias, but for 8$ total you can find much better then even the lowest ticket item on the list. Def worth the buy!
by Nick Y. on 06/10/2015
"Though I haven't received my package yet, you can't go wrong for 5 dollars! This makes the perfect addition to another order, if you can grab it in time!
by Walter S. on 06/06/2015
"Bought one for fun with my aug HC. According to logic and math, I knew my odds of getting the vector, cannon, or shield were very low. So, I was expecting a gun bag or something random. But I was pleasantly surprised! I won a tactical beard hat ($10) and a stress ball ($1), so for $5 I got a $11 value!
Thanks evike!
by Dennis N. on 06/03/2015
"I received the squishy grenade and a tan evike cap. Worth the $8, I guess, so no complaints. Was hoping my luck would turn around, but I guess the odds just aren't the greatest. Haha.
by John c. on 06/03/2015
"Got the dead cloth and the ear soft headphones. I'm really happy. Headphones are great. Hope to see another SWAGG pack soon.
by Matthew D. on 06/02/2015
"Found a stress grenade, pistol safety bag and US Flag Patch waiting in my mail box. Still not bad for 8 bucks. Waiting on Wave II.
by Alvin Y. on 06/01/2015
"Full Size Rifle Bag ( i kinda needed one)

Freedom Patch

Squishy grenade.

meh, its not a Kriss, but its not bad either.
by Jason W. on 06/01/2015
"Got the rifle sack and squishy grenade, plus a patch. it was defiantly worth the 5 bucks plus 9 shipping. *squish*squish*
by Tyce P. on 06/01/2015
"I got stress grenade, PVc evike flag patch, and pistol airsoft sack. i paid 5 and its all worth 10 so I will buy the wave 2 hopefully i get a little more lucky