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Matrix / S&T Sportsline M4 RIS Airsoft AEG Rifle w/ G3 Micro-Switch Gearbox (Model: Dark Earth / Block 3 13.5")

461 Customer Reviews

by Paolo M. on 10/21/2008
"mr silvia, maybe u was right about the bbs i use. can you say somethin' about the battery?
by Silvia Z. on 10/20/2008
"For the review under mine

-the only reason yours in innacurate is becasue of your bb's
-this gun should only have high quality .2 grams........ anything else will make it crazy innacurate
-with the .2s it will go 200 feet and stay perfect intil it just falls at 200
by Paolo M. on 10/19/2008
"This gun right here is a great bang for buck. It is not full metal but it is sturdy and hard


+High muzzle velocity ( 390-410 fps )
+Good rate of fire ( 500-1000 rpm )
+Plastic parts ( Crane stock, upper and lower reciever and pistol grip ) are high quality
+Easy to upgrade
+Can be used for indoors and outdoors
+Fits through doors without positioning the gun diagonally ( which is good because most M4 aegs snag )


-Not very accurate
-Really tight fit and very difficult to pull the battery out without rippin the wires off
by Margaret P. on 10/16/2008
"I love this gun it is totally worth the money and the stalk is just amazing, and also does anyone know if you can fit a small size grenade launcher on it.
by Silvia Z. on 10/16/2008
"I recently got this gun and I just love it. It shoots around 390-410 fps and goes 190-210 feet. It is great

by connor e. on 10/14/2008
"dont listen to jeff, the things has good accuracy, It surprised me how quiet it is for a boyi.. great gun
by Chris F. on 09/30/2008
"I got this gun yesterday and it is by far the best gun i have ever bought. It is well worth the money.
~Shoots far and fast
~Looks Awesome
~Awesome back sight
~completely upgradable
~everything is metal on the external except the trigger and lower reciever
~Way more things but too many to list

~Could be heavy for younger people
~I don't know if its a problem with my gun or magazine because it is not always feeding and starts dry firing a lot.
~the battery is hard to take in and out because it is a tight fit. my recommendation is just leave the battery in the gun and just unplug the battery and plug the whole thing into the charger.
by Silvia Z. on 09/27/2008
"THis gun is great for games.

I gave it a longer barrel (the standard m4 barrel) and is it shoots 460 fps and it goes soooooo far.

I attached a foregrip and a flashlight and it rocks!
by matt s. on 09/21/2008
"this is a really great gun. i went to my local hardware store and got camo colors and pained it it comes with a nunchuck batery great for price i cant wait to use it in a battle. this is a realy powerful with perfect accuracy i got a a&k 5000 round box and barley fits in it buy if you have the money beacuse it is perfect(__--_)
by Matt M. on 09/20/2008
"what kind of battery does this gun come with? can you put a mock silencer on this gun?
by Rafael R. on 07/30/2008
"its a very good gun. but the mock suppressor does not remove or atleast i dont know how to. but the way it looks it doesnt simply screw off so no TM tracer kit for this gun. get the tracer mags they work great.
by Matthew E. on 07/23/2008
"If you put in a tightbor that will give this gun the same range as a Jing Gong M4/M16.
by Valarie A. on
"This gun is a great beginner gun. Internals are decents and so are the externals. It did chrono over 400fps out of the box but settles in at 370fps. Overall a good gun to test the waters in airsoft. m203 is awesome
by Kimberly L. on 05/18/2023
"Very Good But The Barrel Wiggles out the box
by Kevin C. on 02/08/2023
"I bought this gun brand new with the package bundle. Once I unboxed it the gun felt amazing the weight was right in the middle, not to light and not to heavy. The flip up sights have to be my favorite thing about the gun. The next day though I took the battery off the charger and plugged it into the gun but nothing happened I couldn’t figure out if the battery charger wasn’t working or if it was the gun itself. Plus the condition of the button on the charger was poorly made.

But over all great deal, just wish for the money spent the charger could’ve been in better shape.